Life Calling Chapter 3 Quiz Flashcards
Who statedโฆ โA man is but the product of his thoughts . . . what he thinks, he becomes.โ
Mohandas Gandhi
Define a la carteโฆ
the option to order each dish offered on a menu
independently with a separate price
Define Characterโฆ
the moral and ethical quality of people demonstrated
in the actions taken in life consistent with the mind-set
they establish for their lives
Define Congruenceโฆ
quality of coinciding exactly when superimposed
Define Ethicalโฆ
being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern conduct
Define Menuโฆ
any list or set of items, activities, options, etc., from which to choose
Define Moralโฆ
of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or
rules of right conduct or the distinction between right
and wrong
What is life congruence?
the moral and ethical quality of people demonstrated in the actions taken in life consistent with the faith they establish for their lives.
When we donโt live in life congruence, we can end up in a condition that psychologists refer to asโฆ?
Cognitive dissonance
What is cognitive dissonance
โdisagreement within our mind.โ
-what our mind believes VS the other world will be made
up of how our mind dictates actions we take in our lives.
What does the incompatibility or disagreement within our minds often lead to?
invent new thoughts or beliefs
What is something we tend to do in our incompatibility?
we allow our actions to determine our beliefs instead of
the other way around.
way people attempt to deal with the disagreements within their
They compartmentalize.
aka โmorals ร la carte.
How would your โmoral mealโ be like if you lived in congruence?
-one moral โmealโ
- consistent set of life guidelines that enables us to live
our lives in harmony with our personal credo
How would your โmoral mealโ be like if you lived in incongruence?
we choose our moral guidelines from the ร la carte menu with a different set of guidelines for each moral situation that arises in our lives.
The net effect of the ร la carte approach to life tends to lead us in what direction?
-away from life congruence and toward a life where we say one thing with our mouths and do something different with our actions.
-source of great confusion when it comes to finding
What is the concept of universal harmony?
-believe that there is a pattern to the overall universe
-believe that we have been created to fill an intentional
place in that pattern
-understand the pattern of the universe, discover our place in that pattern, and then live our lives congruent with that pattern and place.
What is the concept of universal disharmony?
we believe there is a pattern to the overall universe
and that we have been created to fill an intentional place in that pattern, but we then live our lives totally ignoring this while hoping to find a Life Calling.
What is the concept of purpose?
believe that there is a personal role for us in the pattern of the universe, then in trying to understand our Life Calling, we would want to search for that personal role with the
realization that this role provides a sense of reason for our existence. This would encourage us even more to live our lives congruent with that role.
What is the concept of purposelessness?
we believe there is a personal role for us in the pattern of the universe, but we then take actions in our lives that reflect an attitude that there is no personal role for us in the pattern of the universe.
What is the concept of universal significance?
believe that we have an eternal place in the universe, then in trying to live out our Life Calling, we would make decisions based on guidelines with eternity in mind.
What is the concept of universal insignificance?
we believe that we have an eternal place in the universe, but we make all our decisions about life as if there was no eternal place for us in the universe.
What does James 2:14 state?
What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if people claim to have faith but have no deeds? Can such faith save them?
What is does James 2:14 mean?
when we develop a faith but it does not have any
impact on the way we live our lives.
How do the people who find great effectiveness in pursuing their Life Calling live?
- They live their lives in such a way that actions taken coincide exactly with the faith they hold. ( life congruency)
- faith must be accompanied by corresponding actions if the faith is to serve any useful purpose.
What does Galatians 5:25 state?
โSince we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the
What does Galatians 5:25 mean?
A person can have faith in something and not be spiritual in any way. But that is not the kind of faith that will lead us to find our Life Calling.
According to Paul, what does walking in the spirit mean?
It means the spiritual life we claim should be matched by the spiritual walk we take. So then, Galatians 5 introduces the Spiritโs power as the key to success in the call to action found in James 2.
What was Saulโs problem?
He claimed to be a follower of God but really lived his life following his own direction rather than Godโs.
What is the lesson learned in the story of Saul?
- Faith Needs to Be Followed by Action
- that when we find out Godโs direction for our lives, God expects us to live accordingly.
What does MATTHEW 21:28-31 state?
Jesus told this parable: โThere was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, โSon, go and work today in the vineyard.โ โI will not,โ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, โI will, sir,โ but he did not go.โ Jesus then asked: โWhich of the two did what his father wanted?โ
So what can we learn about character and life congruency from the story of the two sons?
- Looking at all the elements in the faith-character equation, words are the least important.
- Saying you will do the right thing and then not doing it is worse than saying you wonโt do the right thing and then changing your mind and doing it.
What does โYour word is your bond.โ mean?
if I say something with my words, it should be binding and provide others with an assurance that they can rely on these words. They should have no doubt that I will follow up my word with corresponding action.
What is the lesson learned in the parable of the two sons?
Actions speak louder than words
What does ROMANS 7:21-25 state?
So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in Godโs law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a
prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!
What is the point being made in Romans 7?
Engaging our faith into a life of action and character is not necessarily an easy thing to do. Paulโs description in Romans 7 clearly describes the struggle related with the attempt for such life congruency.
Who is the character coach?
Jack Easterby
What two things do you use if you want congruence?
- logic 2. feedback
Why does Jack take attendance?
He likes to be ahead of the issue
What is jackโs role?
To simply serve