Life Arenas Assessment (Brie based) Flashcards
If you're all about tracking your progress and seeing if what you're doing now is really workin' for ya, then you'll love this! Each week, fill out this assessment to see if you're making improvements in the areas that make all the happiness difference in yo' life.
No, not at all = 1
Yes, very much = 10
Brendon: I feel that my overall physical and emotional health (my well-being) is primed and optimized to make me feel energetic, motivated and strong each day. I have the mental and physical stamina to deal with life’s challenges and opportunities. I regularly take care of myself so that I can feel my best.
Brendon: I feel a consistently deep, trusting, appreciative, soulful, loving connection with my significant other. I am patient, respectful and attentive to my partner’s needs.
Family & Friends
Brendon: My immediate circle of family and friends brings connection, fun and positive energy into my life. I see out positive people and I do my very best to bring positive energy and real authenticity into all my relationships?
Brendon: I feel clear, energized and fulfilled by my work and contribution to the world. I believe my work or day’s effort adds real value to the world and is a true reflection of my best efforts and contributions. I enjoy the lifestyle my work is helping me to create.
Brendon: I have a passionate past-time that allows me to express, enjoy or develop myself outside of my job/career. I give enough time to things I love in life.
Brendon: I feel connected to the present moment and vitally alive in my spirt. I am congruent with my beliefs and behaviors and I keep my faith and values at the forefront of my decisions and daily actions.
Brendon: If you did not score a 45 or more, then it’s likely you don’t feel you’re firing up all cylinders, which is okay. What if your score isn’t at least 45? Should you feel bad? Of course not. Spend some time looking at each area that didn’t get at least a score of 8 and ask yourself, “What action or habit could I begin to increase the score (and my happiness!) in this area?” If you did score 8 or above in any category, ask “How can I ensure my momentum in this area, and can I apply any lessons I’ve learned in this category to any of the others to improve them?”
Fill this out every single week so that you can keep a constant eye on areas for improvement in your life. As with any assessment the goal isn’t a complete or perfect snapshot and rating of every nuance of your life, but rather a good opportunity for overall self-reflection. So, don’t stress about the exact wording of these descriptions. Instead, just give your overall impression of how you rate in each category BASED ON THIS LAST WEEK. After you finish the assessment, take time to journal about your ratings and each arena of your life. Set some goals, start some new habits and be patient and persistent in your journey to the next level of potential and performance.