Life and Death Flashcards
Features of Genesis 1
God creates from nothing
In 6 days, God separates the light form the dark, heaven from earth, land from sea, sea creatures, then land creatures and finally humans. He rests on the 7th day.
God saw what he had made and said it was very good
God created man last and in his image. God said “Let us make mankind in our image..” and told Adam to rule over the earth….
Features of Genesis 2
God creates Adam first before the animals. .
Adam is formed from the dust of the ground.
Eve is created from Adam’s rib.
Adam is commanded not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
He gives Adam responsibility to till the earth and look after it
Evangelical beliefs about the origins of the universe
- The earth was created by God in 6 days supported by
1)the Genesis 1 account that God created from nothing –so creator.
2) the Hebrew word Yom means 24 hours so God created in 6 days as Genesis 1 states this. - They believe the universe was created 10,ooooyears ago supported by the a) Old Testament genealogies which when dated back add up to 10, oooo years ago and 2 ) by fossil evidence from Noah’s flood.
- Humans were created separately from apes in Genesis 1. They did not evolve from them
Liberal beliefs about the origins of the universe
- The Biblical creation stories were written as myth. Stories which contain important truths. They are not meant to be literal. They show God’s power and love for the world.
- The Bible was written at a some time by certain people who did not know about evolution and the Big Bang and so they would not have mentioned them.
- The word Yom means era and so God created the world in 6 eras and this fits with science.
- God is behind the process of the Big Bang and evolution.
Disagreement with evangelical view on the origin of the universe
- The universe began not 10,ooo years ago but billions of years ago supported by the Big Bang evidence shows it took place 13.8 billion years ago. Evidence of Red shift/background radiation supports this.
- There is no God for atheists. The Big Bang happened as the result of natural processes. Hawking-it happened by chance out of nothing.
- Darwin and Dawkins have fossil evidence to support the process of evolution from apes to humans and so the Genesis 1 is wrong not to link these together.
- Natural selection and survival of the fittest can explain why living organisms are so well adapted to their environments. Natural selection-those with the advantageous genes survive e.g the finches with the beaks which could get to the seeds.
- Complex natural organisms such as the eye can still be explained through evolution because sight has evolved very gradually over millions of years. (Dawkins). It is not irreducibly complex as Behe claims and no need for God.
What is environmental responsibility
being good stewards and ensuring environmental sustainability
What is stewardship
Stewardship means humans have been given a very special responsibility to look after the environment (environmental responsibility) to control it, cultivate it and guard it on behalf of God. Not to exploit it.
What is dominion
Dominion means to have charge over the environment , to have power over the environment. This means that humans can do as they please with it.
What is sustainability
- This means to ensure that environmental resources are still here in the years to come for the use of future generations e.g coal, tropical forests.
What is global citizenship
to take care of the environment on a global scale
Liberal Christians believe in stewardship
- Genesis 2 states that God told Adam to till the earth and take care of it.
- Genesis 1“so God created them in his image” and God said to “rule over the fish of the sea….” Humans were created in the image of God so that they could care for living beings and the world.
- Jesus- Love they Neighbour. Situation ethics. Environmental damage can cause problems for our neighbours such as climate change can lead to flooding and loss of housing so we should take care of environment ad be loving in our response.
- The Anglican (Liberals) church wrote that humans should be able to live in sustainable harmony with the rest of the natural world and flourish.1992
Evangelicals believe in dominion
. Genesis 1 - let them rule over the fish of the sea –this implies to have power and do as we wish with the environment.
2 Psalm 8
you made him rule over the work of your hands; you put everything under his feet”
3The Book of Revelations in the New Testament suggests to some that they can treat the environment as they please. This is because they believe that this earth will be destroyed in the last days and so they would rather spend their time preparing for the End Time.
What do humanists do to show environmental responsibility
- Campaign for ethical climate change and have joined the ethical climate coalition campaign
- Campaign for the stunning of animals pre slaughter
- Encourage shops such as Tesco to label their meat as stunned pre slaughter.
- Supported the campaign for the love of the world-video.
Why do humanists show concern for the environment
- To ensure a good world for future generations “I want my grandchildren to see elephants” (humanist)
- Humans have reason and intelligence. They are at the top of the food chain and have to be responsible in acting to save the environment.
- The environment is unique and beautiful, mysterious (Dawkins/Peter Singer)
- It brings happiness to humans and if it is destroyed, it impacts on human happiness e.g. famine.
It is the only planet we have so we should cherish it (Carl Sagan
How can Christians be global citizens for the environment
1Jesus taught people to be loving e.g Love thy neighbour. Care for our global neighbours by preventing rising temperatures that cause flooding and loss of home and livestock.
2 Jesus taught us to be compassionate to everyone e.g Treat others as you would like to be treated. You would not like to suffer from climate change through droughts and flooding so you should not let this happen to others. We should therefore look after the environment.
3God made all people “in his image” and all animals and they must all be protected globally through environmental work.
How can humanists be global citizens to the environment
1 Feel awe over natural sites and they enrich our lives. These sites can be found all over the world. (Dawkins) e.g Aborigine land
2Future generations all over the world will matter e.g those in Bangladesh, India, Australia, Europe etc all matter
3Humanists love and care for one another-all humans and the world
4We should share with everyone globally e.g The sea is shared by everyone, humans and animals and so we should do what we can to save it globally.
Features of the big bang theory
14 billions years ago.
Started with a singularity.
Singularity came out of the laws of gravity (Hawking)
Subatomic particles formed.
First gases were hydrogen and helium.
Planets and stars formed.
Evidence-red shift and microwave radation
Features of theory of evolution
Natural selection.
Survival of the fittest.
Development towards more complex organisms from simpler ones.
Dawkins-the eye can be explained through evolution-started a light sensitive cells and these developed into the eye over millions of years.
Darwin-study of finches-those with the beaks best suited to getting the food survived and passed on this lucky mutation of genes to the next generation.
Evolution is random-it is a lucky mutation of genes.
Evidence-Fossil evidence shows development over the years. Dawkins-all types of eyes exist in the animal kingdom-very simple to very complex.
Why should Buddhists look after the environment
Turtle story-life is precious and should be cared for.
Good karma-motivated by metta for all living creatures.
8 fold path-right action and mindfulness-look after the environment.
2nd precept-avoid taking what is not freely given e.g. From the earth.
Liberal Christians allow abortion
· Situation ethics-most loving thing to do.
· Update bible-society and the law has accepted it up to 24 weeks for social reasons.
· To withhold compassion is a greater evil than abortion. Jesus never withheld compassion.
· Treat others as you would like to be treated.
· Love your neighbour.
Catholics don’t allow abortion
· Humans created in God’s image.
· I knit you in your mother’s womb
· If we die, we die to the lord.
· Life starts at conception
· You shall not kill.
Humanists support abortion
Mother’s rights are more important-her body.
Quality of life matters.
Life is not a creation of God.
Life begins after conception-the law has decided it begins at 24 weeks-when the baby can survive outside of the womb-backed up by science.
Must show love and compassion-it stops back street abortions.
Utilitarianism-must decide on the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people-this should lead to allowing abortion.
Liberal Christians allow euthanasia
· Some Liberal Christians tolerate it because… (3 reasons)
· Situation ethics-most loving thing to do.
· Treat others as you would like to be treated.
· Love your neighbour.
· To withhold compassion is a greater evil than euthnasia
· Jesus never withheld compassion and always helped the sick
Evangelicals don’t allow euthanasia
· Humans created in God’s image.
· All the days allotted to me are recorded in your book.
· If we die, we die to the lord.
· You shall not kill.
Your body is a temple of the Holy spirit
Humanists support euthanasia
· Humans deserve the right to a dignified death.
· The law is unfair-penalises Dr’s for trying to end suffering.
· Humans have reason and intelligence and should have the right to choose-no God to choose for them.
Utilitarianism-will bring about greatest happiness for greatest number (utilitarian)
Christians believe humans are sacred
· “humans are made in the image of God”
· I knit you in your mother’s womb”
· Your body is a temple of the Holy spirit.” St Paul.
· “If we live, we live to the Lord. If we die, we die to the Lord” Our lives belong to God.
Humanists believe humans are special
· We only live one life.
· We have reason and intelligence and so can live by a moral code.
· We have a shared humanity and so should always help others to live a good life.
· Singer-we have preferences-prefer to feel pleasure than pain
· Singer-we make moral decisions
· Singer-we can self reflect.
Buddhists believe humans are special
· Only realm in which a being has choice and can become enlightened.
· Buddha taught they were important in the first precept-show loving kindness and do not harm living beings.
· Buddha’s 8 fold path shows we must treat humans with respect e.g. right speech (be honest), right action (loving kindness) right mindfulness (know how we feel and others).
story of the sea turtle
Christians believe animals are important
· In Genesis 1, God creates animals before humans (weakness with genesis 2)
· Isaiah says they will be in the kingdom of God.
· Jesus says to look at the birds of the air “they neither sow nor reap, yet your heavenly father feeds them”
· But evangelical Christians stress passages to do with dominion so animals not so important-not made in the image of God.
Humanists believe animals are important
· They have feelings and suffer pain.
· They have preferences e.g. prefer not to feel pain and scream when in pain.
· Singer- animals have the same rights as humans
Buddhists believe animals are important
· On their journey to nirvana.
· Buddha taught it-First precept-non harm and loving kindness to all living beings.
· -8 fold path-right livelihood, right action and mindfulness all would be linked to not harming animals and being mindful of them,
Liberal Christians believe in soul immortality (dualism), continuous judgement, and heaven and hell aren’t literal places
· Evidence of near death experiences.
· “today you will be with me in paradise” Jesus to thief so has been judged now.
· Bible needs updating and science shows physical resurrection after death is impossible for the body. Soul immortality is more likely.
· God is loving-would never send someone to a literal hell for eternity.
· Bible is full of symbolism-heaven and hell should be read this way.
St Paul-we sow a physical body and reap a spiritual body. Spiritual body could be reference to a soul
Evangelicals believe the body and soul are resurrected, judgement is at the end of time, and that heaven and hell are literal places
· Jesus’ tomb was found empty.
· St Paul-we sow a physical body and reap a spiritual body. Spiritual body could be reference to a body.
· Sheep and goats-judged at the end of time.
· Revelations refers to hell as a lake of fire-a place.
· In John’s gospel, Jesus says -No one can get to the Father except through me.”
· Jesus said “The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this? These imply Christians will be judged on their faith.
Humanists believe that there is no life after death
· Science shows that once the brain is dead, it ceases to exist.
· No God to bring about an after life.
· They are materialists i.e we are just a physical being, nothing more-no soul.
Buddhists believe in rebirth
· The Buddha remembered his past lives when he was enlightened.
· The law of karma-the consequences of human action will happen and this will be in the next life if it is not now.
· Mahayana Buddhists-Bodhisattvas vow to be reborn to help others escape samsara.
· Past life memories-the new Dalai Lama can remember possessions of the old Dalai Lama showing he is the rebirth.
· For pure land Buddhists-Faith in Amdha Buddha who will take them to the Pure Land where there are no obstacles to enlightenment
Features of Christian funeral
· Before Death a priest will give the last rites and confession-allows the person to ask for forgiveness and to be atoned.
· Candles are lit-to show the hope in Jesus’ resurrection.
· Readings-“I am the resurrection..” reminder that Jesus died and resurrected so believers can go to heaven.
· The Lord is my shepherd is read-to show God is by the side of the believer always.
· “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” To show that man was made from dust (Adam) and will return to it.
· Burial so that the body can be reformed in the resurrection. Many now have cremation as they believe in soul immortality instead
Features of a humanist funeral
· Eulogy-remember the person’s life as that life was important and had they lived it.
· Non religious readings and poetry-don’t believe in the after life and God.
· A personal favourite song/poem-to show the uniqueness of the person who has died.
· Special coffin to show the interests of the person.
Features of a Buddhist funeral
Theravada-sermon at the house by monks-
Give cloth for robes for karma.
Chanting on anicca and anatta.
Sangha meet at the funeral
Procession behind the casket
Whisper Buddha’s name into ear of person.
Flowers-anicca and candles-enlightenment.
Sky burials
Read from Tibetan book of the dead.
Bardo states.
Pick out bones with chopsticks
Good work to pass on good karma-particularly keep first precept.