Human Rights Flashcards
Christians would teach the dignity of human life
God created all humans in “his image”
Parable of the sheep and goats “i was thirsty and you fed me”
Examples of Jesus - healed lepers and the blind
10 Commandments
Buddhists would teach the dignity of human life
Mahayana - all humans have a buddha nature and can achieve enlightenment
Dharma - 1st precept, 8 fold path, motivated by metta and karua
Pratitya - set up the conditions to end suffering by treating people with dignity
“Let none by anger or hatred wish harm to another”
Christian practices which promote human rights - agape in action
Charities abroad - Tearfund and Christian Army
Charities in britain - Salvation army, Church
Giving to charity
Individuals - Martin luther king and Oscar Romero to fight for equality
Buddhist practices which promote human rights - agape in action
Buddhist charities abroad - karuna trust etc
Thich Quang Duc - protested against injustice in south Vietnam in the 1960s
Fair Trade
Christians support agape in action
“No greater love has man than when he lays down his life for another” Jesus
“faith, hope and love…. the greatest of these is love” St Paul
“speak up for those who have no voice”
“blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness”
Buddhists support agape in action
Buddha taught the middle way to reach enlightenment
“I teach suffering and the end of suffering”
pratitya- set up conditions to end suffering
1st precept
right action
Christian example of conflict between the law and personal conviction
Martin Luther King
- led bus boycotts
- marches to washington
- i have a dream speech
Followed the example and virtues of Jesus
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness”
Buddhist example of conflict of the law with personal conviction
- leading a march to public water fountains
- writing a monthly article that condemned the caste system - mooknayak
- publicly burnt Hindu scriptures
Metta and karuna
1st precept
right action, right speech etc
Christian teachings on censorship, freedom of speech, religious expression and extremism
“Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation”
Jesus deliberately broke the Jewish Law by healing on the Sabbath
“cry aloud and show my people their transgressions” Isiah
Buddhist teachings on censorship, freedom of speech, religious expression and extremism
Right speech
4th precept - avoid false speech
“those who speak with an impure mind, suffering will follow them”
Christians would disagree with racial prejudice and discrimination
humans are created in the “image of god”
“there is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female… for we are all one in faith in Jesus” St Paul
Jesus healed a Roman Centurions servant and allowed a black african to carry his cross
Buddhists disagree with (racial) discrimination
discrimination is based on prejudice - comes from the three poisons
goes against right speech and action
breaks 4th precept to avoid false speech
all people are capable of enlightenment so should be treated equally
Teachings of Martin Luther King on equality
“we either learn to live together or perish like fools”
“love the sinner, hate the sin”
“one day little black boys and girls will join hands with little white boys and girls”
Causes of world poverty
- war
- natural disasters
- corrupt governments
- lack of education
Christian teachings on the acquisition and use of wealth
“go sell all you have and give it to the poor” - Jesus
Parable of the rich man and Lazarus
Parable of the sheep and goats - “i was thirsty and you gave me water”
“love of money is the root of all evil”
Buddhist teachings on the acquisition and use of wealth
Buddhas experience - middle way for enlightenment
Lay people are encouraged to be charitable towards monks - karma
Must not be attatched to wealth - tanha - use 8 fold path to overcome
6 paramitas generosity
Examples of work of the tear fund with teachings
- emergency aid in war - parable of the sheep and goats
- long term aid - parable of the talents - should use them wisely
- speaking out against corrupt governments and raising awareness of social injustice - “speak up for those who have no voice”
- encouragement of fundraising “go sell all you have and give it to the poor”