Christian Practices Flashcards
What is liturgical worship
· This is worship which has a set pattern to it. Found in the Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox Churches. There are service books with set services in.
· It follows the example of Jesus who taught his followers how to pray, gave sermons and initiated the first Holy Communion.
· It is led by a vicar or Priest.
· It usually takes place in an official building e.g. church.
· The set pattern may include readings from the Bible, reading the Nicene Creed (statement of belief) hymns, set prayers, the sermon, Holy communion, offering one another a sign of peace, the Blessing.
What is non liturgical worship
· This is worship with no set pattern.
· It happens in Quaker worship (Society of Friends) and Evangelical worship.
· Worshippers wait for the Holy spirit to come upon them.
· There is no leader.
· worshippers may sit in a circle.
· There will be extemporaneous prayers, talking in tongues, healings, spontaneous singing.
· It is a reminder of the Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and they started speaking in tongues.
Why is liturgical worship important
- It is a reminder of a pattern of worship Jesus set up e.g. he gave the sermon on the Mount, led the last supper and taught his followers the Lord’s prayer.
- It brings the church community together For example, during the service, they offer one another a sign of peace. They partake in Holy communion together.
It helps believers achieve salvation and atonement e.g. they are reminded of Jesus’ teachings, take the sacrament of Holy Communion, pray and repent their sins
Why is non liturgical worship important
It is a reminder of the Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and they started talking in tongues This showed them the importance of Jesus’ message to them to go and preach to all nations.
2. It reminds believers of the personal nature of God and the power of the Holy Spirit e.g. healings may happen during this type of worship, believers may feel so moved that they cry.
It helps believers achieve salvation and feel at one with God through spontaneous prayers and allowing them to build a personal relationship with God.
Describe 3 types of prayer
Set prayers-these may be found in the Common Book of Prayer and are used in liturgical worship (worship with a set pattern). An important set prayer is the Lord’s prayer (Our Father, who art in heaven..). Also, in the Anglican church there is the intercession prayer (praying for others), each week in the service.
Extemporaneous prayers-these are spontaneous prayers and often said in informal worship. Worshippers pray in this way when moved by the Holy Spirit.
Informal prayer-These may be said at home and use informal language e.g. Dad instead of Father.
Why is prayer important
- It was the example of Jesus e.g. he taught the disciples the Lord’s prayer and the tradition of the church e.g. Anglican church has a book of common prayer.
- It is a way to salvation. This is because it involves repentance of sins. E.g. in the Lord’s prayer “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” As well as petition “lead us not into temptation”
It helps remind the believer of the greatness of God and important Christian beliefs because it involves adoration e.g. “Hallowed be your name and it is confessional “thy kingdom come, thine will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
What is a sacrament
It is an outward sign of an inward blessing.
What are the seven sacraments of the Catholic church?
Mass, Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, ordination of priests, the anointing of the sick, confession
Which two sacraments are recognised by most Protestant churches?
Eucharist (Mass/Holy Communion)
What happens at an infant baptism
- Wear a white gown to show purity.
- Is a public event with church community there.
- God parents and parents make promises to renounce evil, turn to Christ.
- Vicar makes the sign of the cross on the baby’s head
- Vicar pours water from the font over the babies head to wash away original sin. Vicar says “I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”
- Given a candle.
- Given a baptismal certificate.
- The vicar announces that the baby has joined the church community.
What happens at an adult baptism
· Happens in Baptist churches.
· Is a public event infront of a church congregation
· Believer makes the baptismal vows.
· Is fully submersed in water in a baptismal pool.
· Minister says “I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”
· Given a candle
Why is baptism important
- It is a reminder of the example of Jesus. Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist and at his baptism, God says “this is my son, with whom I am well pleased.” Holy spirit appears as a dove. Jesus also tells his disciples to baptise people.
- It helps believers achieve salvation. It is a sacrament and bestows God’s blessing. It washes away original sin of Adam and Eve so atonement can happen.
- It brings the church community together. It is a public event and all witness the person entering the church community and will endeavour to support that person.
Jesus told his disciples to baptise people “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
What is the holy communion / eucharist
a reminder of the Last Supper when Jesus blesses the bread and the wine and says to do this in remembrance of him.
· It happens during liturgical worship.
· The priest or vicar represents Jesus and blesses the bread and wine then gives it to the congregation.
· Catholics believe the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus (transubstantiation)
· Protestants believe the bread and wine symbolise Jesus’ body and blood.
Why is the eucharist important
It is a reminder of Jesus. It is what he did at the Last Supper with his disciples and tells them to break bread and drink wine in remembrance of him. He says “this is my blood which I shed for you, this is my body which I give for you, do this in remembrance of me”
2. It helps the believer to achieve salvation. This is because it is a sacrament and atones the believer. It also helps the believer to remember Jesus’ death and reminds them of what he did for them (symbolism in Protestant churches).
3. It brings the church community together. Each week, the community gather in church and take the Eucharist together. Afterwards, they offer one another a sign of peace.
How do Christians celebrate Christmas
- The period of four weeks before Christmas is called advent. An advent candle is lit each Sunday in Church during this time. Some Christians fast during this time.
- During advent, children perform nativity plays, open advent calendars, light advent candles each day.
- Christians exchange Christmas cards with religious images and messages.
- Christmas Eve there is midnight mass.
- Christmas Day-Eucharist and exchanging of gifts.
Why is Christmas important for Christians
- It is a reminder of the belief that Jesus was the Incarnation of God and the suffering he will go through. In Matthew’s gospel, wise men visit Jesus a bring gold-kingship, frankincense- divinity and myrrh-suffering. Mary is told by the Angel Gabriel that she will give birth to the “Son of the Most High” The virgin birth shows Jesus’ divinity.
- It is a reminder of the events of Jesus’ birth e.g. nativity scenes depict the story from Matthew’s gospel showing the wise men, the star and from Luke’s showing the shepherds being told by the angel.
- It brings the church community together e.g. to light the advent candles each week in church, Christingle service (orange with a lit candle and red ribbon around it to show Jesus is coming into the world to suffer for the world. Sweets in the orange show the gifts of salvation he brought with him).
- It is a time to bring Christians closer to God and help on their path to salvation. During advent, they fast and pray…considering their spiritual needs.
What happened in Holy Week
Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday when Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. Now Christians have crosses made of palm leaves.
On Maundy Thursday, Jesus overturns the tables in the temple, he has his last supper,is betrayed by Judas and he washes the feet of his disciples, is arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, put on illegal trial by the Jewish high priests. Now, in the Catholic church, the priest washes the feet of his congregation.
On Good Friday, he is tried by Pontius Pilate who tries to free him by allowing the crowds to choose to release either Jesus or Barabus (a murder). Whipped up by the High Priests, they choose Barabus. Jesus is then mocked by the soldiers, they give him a crown of thorns, whip him and draw lots for his clothes. He then carries his cross and his crucified next to two thieves. Now, some Christians fast on this day and some re enact Jesus’ death with a procession.
On Easter Sunday, the three women go to his tomb and find it empty. They tell the disciples who don’t believe them. Peter has to see for himself! Now, Christians exchange Easter eggs as a sign of new life, read the Bible and take Holy Communion on Easter Sunday.
Why is Easter important for Christians
It is a reminder of what Jesus did to atone for human sin. When he rose from the dead, it showed that the death had been defeated. Jesus had reversed what Adam’s original sin had done. Where Adam brought about death, Jesus brought about eternal life showing Christians they could be with God in heaven and could be saved. This is why St Paul calls Jesus the second Adam
2. It is a reminder of the important belief that all believers can have eternal life. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that all who believe in him will not perish but will have eternal life.” This is remembered on Easter Sunday by the giving of eggs (new life) and readings in church about the resurrection.
3. It remembers the resurrection accounts in the Bible. In Luke’s gospel the 3 women find Jesus’ tomb empty and they are greeted by two angels who ask them-why do you look for the living amongst the dead. They go to tell the disciples but Peter does not believe them. He has to look for himself In another Matthew’s account, two Mary’s go to the tomb (this includes Mary Magdalene). There is an earthquake and an Angel appears. The angel moves the boulder from the tomb and sits on it. He tells the two women that Jesus has risen. In John’s gospel, doubting Thomas asks to see Jesus’ wounds from the crucifixion to prove that it is him.
It brings the church community together e.g. fasting together during Lent, Services through out Holy week, Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. Some Christians go on pilgrimage at this time to Jerusalem together
What is a pilgrimage
It is a journey to a sacred place. An act of religious devotion
Describe Taize
- Started in France at Taize by Roger Schluz in the 1940’s.
- Father Roger helped German prisoners there. He believed in forgiveness and reconciliation.
- He was later joined by monks from across different Christian denominations.
- Pilgrims now are from different Christian denominations.
- Pilgrims go to the church of reconciliation.
- Pilgrims follow the day of the monks when they are there.
- They pray together, study the Bible and chant.
- Many pilgrims are young-aged between 18-30.
Describe Walsingham
· A saxon woman Faverches had a vision of Mary in Walsingham in 1061.
· Mary took her to her house in Nazareth where the angel Gabriel had told her she would have Jesus. She asked Faverches to build a replica of her house in Walsingham.
· Faverches did this and this is why Walsingham is called the Nazareth of England.
· Pilgrims from different denominations go there.
· They go to the church and pray for people.
· They believe the water in the church has healing powers.
Why is pilgrimage important
It shows their devotion e.g. pilgrimage means taking time out of work and there is a cost.
2. It helps on their path to salvation e.g. at Taize and Walsingham, pilgrims pray and seek atonement with God.
3. It brings the Christian community together e.g. at both Taize and Walsingham there are Christians from all denominations.
It is a reminder of Jesus e.g. at Taize-the reminder to forgive and Walsingham, a reminder of his birth
Ways that Christianity still influences Britain today
Traditions-swearing on the bible in court, Sunday trading, many people still marry in church.
2. Laws-based on Christian principles e.g. do not kill. Have to be passed in house of Lords-26 Bishops in there.
3. Education-any primary schools are funded by the C of E. R.E curriculum-50% Christianity to reflect the fact Christianity is the main religion of this country. By law- schools should have a daily act of worship.
4. Festivals-public holidays are around the major Christian festivals e.g. Easter and Christmas.
Why are churches needed
Reminder of Jesus’ teachings e.g. each week, in church, there are readings from the gospels.
2. Reminder of key Christian beliefs e.g. through the stain glass windows, images of Jesus on the cross, candles (resurrection).
3. They bring the church community together e.g. pray together, public events together e.g. marriage, take holy communion together.
Roles of the church today in Britain
- place of worship.
- To provide important services e.g. marriage.
- To help the local community e.g. youth groups, soup kitchens, counselling.
What is and how do Christians evangelise
It is to spread the message of Jesus with the intention of converting others. This is the mission of the church.
By the way they live their lives i.e. being a role model.
2. On the streets, publicly.
3. Going over seas and preaching whilst also providing education and basic needs for the poor.
Why do Christians not agree with evangelising
It is not loving to force beliefs upon people and Jesus said to love your neighbour.
2. Some Christians believe all religions are different paths to the same God, so evangelism is unnecessary.
3. Jesus said “treat others as you would like to be treated yourself”.
Why do some Christians agree with evangelism
- Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can get to the Father except through me.” So Christianity is the only way to God.
- Jesus told his disciples to go and preach to all nations and baptize people.
- They take the Pentecost to show that the disciples needed to speak in different languages to convert other nations.
Facts about church growth in britain today
In Britain, Church of England and Catholic numbers in churches have declined, whilst numbers to evangelical churches have risen.
2. Church of England has tried to attract numbers by meeting more informally e.g. at cafes or at the beach.
3. Evangelical churches are splitting off and forming new churches.
4. In other parts of the world, Christianity is spreading very successfully e.g. South Asia.
What do the charity Open Doors do
- Counselling for trauma of persecution.
- Giving Bibles to those who do not have one.
- Raising awareness of persecution.
Giving practical help
Features of the Christian ecumenical movement
World wide Sunday school movement.
2. Joint services bringing together different denominations.
Features of the world council of churches
- Came together after the first world war to bring unity and stop conflict.
- Hold a week of prayer together.
Why is unity across Christians important
It helps Christianity to spread.
2. It is what Jesus would have wanted-he did not want division-love your neighbour and give to Caesar what is Caesar’s.
3. It makes Christianity stronger-more able to face persecution.
Why do some Christians not want unity
They don’t want to lose their own identity e.g. Lutheran church suspended a pastor for taking part in an interfaith activity.
2. Orthodox church follow a different calendar and want to keep this.
3. Worried about leadership-will all churches have to follow the Pope?
Features of the work of tear fund
- Fund raising-mean bean week (Eat only beans and rice for one week) “Go and sell all that you have and give it to the poor” Jesus.
- Long term Aid-building bridges in marsh lands. Genesis=humans are told to “rule over..” and this means to be good stewards of the environment.
- Emergency Aid-blankets and food to Syria-“I was hungry and you fed me”. Jesus
Education-setting up education after the Haiti earthquake and educating the world by raising awareness of issues e.g. Campaign against sexual violence internationally-Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.