Liberalism Flashcards
What is classical liberalism most commonly associated with
The 18th centuries age of enlightenment
What was the age of enlightenment
a time in the 18th century when the ideas of science and philosophy challenged traditional religious order and divinely ordained monarchical government
What are the key core values of liberalism
Individualism and freedom
Describe individualism
Individuals have self awareness, capabilities, personality and free will to decide their own destiny . Individuals over a social group
What is freedom or liberty
The freedom or right of an individual to make decisions in his or her own interests - but has to follow the law
What are the arguements in favour of freedom
1 Jeremy Bentham argue individuals are able to make decisions based on rational self interest and human actions are mainly driven by a desire for pleasure and avoidance of pain. Government should only intervene if people’s actions undermine other ability to choose. This establishes the greatest happiness for the greatest number but minority interests are disregarded in favour of the majority
2 John Stuart Mills was in favour of negative freedom - individuals should only be subject to external restraints(government) when their actions affect others negatively
3 TH Green argued society was organic and people pursue both common good and their own interests - this lead to the concept of positive freedom - individuals should control their own destiny, develop talents and reach self fulfilment and limited state intervention was required to facilitate this
What are the arguments in favour of individualism
1 all individuals are unique and have equal worth, thy should not be treated as instruments to achieve a goal but be regarded as having their own intrinsic value
2 classical liberals emphasise egoistical individualism the idea people are self seeking and self reliant
3 development individualism is a concept that links individual freedom with the creation of society where every human experiences personal growth and achieves their potential
How do liberals view the state
Essential but problematic - they seek to limit its power
1 necessary because it prevents social disorder and exploitation of the vulnerable
2 suspicious of it because as human nature is self seeking, people may use a position of power to benefit themselves at the expense of others
3 state power is opposed as it encourages people to pursue their own self interests and to use other people for their own ends
4 so limited government has to be established based on constitutionalsim
5 devolution and federalism can be used to prevent concentration of state power
What is rationalsm
1 central to liberalism
2 it maintains humans are guided by reason rather that’s emotion, instinct or prejudice
What is liberal attitude to rationalism
1 humans need to be free to make decisions about their own interests without direction from external agencies
2 individuals benefit from taking responsibility for themselves rather than relying on external guidance
3 rationalism makes a progressive society as the personal development of the individual promotes wider social advancement
4 that reasoned discussions an debates should be used to resolve disputes and conflicts
What is the liberal view on the economy
This is influenced on their arguement for limited role of the state
1 18th and 19th century liberals embraced laissez faire capitalism - economic competition based on individuals striving to generate their own profits benefits everyone - government should keep intervention in the economy to a minimum
2 essonomist Adam Smith argued human self interest was a key driving force behind economic growth
What is liberal attitude to democracy
Generally support as believe individuals are of equal value and should be treated impartially and fairly by society
Democracy should be based on
1 free elections
2 neutral state with limited power
3 recognition of civil liberties and tolerance of different viewpoints
What are liberal attitudes to equality and social justice
1 equality of opportunity - everyone has the same chance to rise or fall in society. There will be different outcomes as people have different abilities and potential
2 foundational equality - all are born equal having human rights that an not be removed by the state or social groups
3 formal equality - in society people have the same legal and politically rights based on equality before the law and equal voting rights
State intervention - is acceptable to enable individuals to fulfill potential and be treated fairly by society.
State arguements for liberal democracy
1 government lacks legitamacy without the consent of the people
2 a social contract should operate between the people and their rulers whereby th people freely give and renew their consent to be governed
3 citizens can hold the government to account
4 democracy enhances popular participation and promotes the personal growth and development of individuals
5 democracy encourages political stability and consensus in society by giving a political view to different groups and interests
Arguements against liberal democracy
1 in the 19th century liberals such as Lowe argued that the poorly educated were incapable of voting in an informed way
2 since democracy was collectivist it would lead to an expanded roe for the government requiring higher taxation and stifle individual initiative
3 democracy may result in the tyranny of the majority undermining the minority rights or individual freedom and imposing a grey conformist culture
4 most modern liberals agre with democracy but insist it should be subject to constitutional constraints and protects individual and group rights
2 key strands of liberal ideology
1 classical
2 modern liberal
How do views of freedom differ between classic and modern liberals
1 advocate negative freedoms this is linked to several features of classical liberal approach
1 endorsement of egoistical individualism
2 belief that freedom can be maximized by limiting state power, that way, individuals tale greater responsibility for their own lives instead of depending on the state
3 reliance on the state takes away a persons self respect and undermines the human entrepreneurial drive essential for economic growth
1 reject negative freedom on its own because individuals who are disadvantaged through no fault of their own requires help to overcome these obstacles. Modern liberals endorse the concepts of positive freedom which
1 supports limited state intervention in society and the economy to release individuals from social deprivation and give them greater opportunities to realize their potential
2 reinforces developmental individualism
What are the features of classical liberalism
1 dates back to 18th century an link to emergence of industrial capitalism
1 there should be negative freedom and a minimal state
2 state has an essential obligation to protect property as property ownership is a founder mental freedom
3 individual behaviour should be as unrestricted as possible as long as social stability is maintained
4 economic activity should be based on free market and laissez faire principles
5 large scale welfare should be rejected because it leads to immoral or self indulgent behaviour an encourages dependency on the state
Name 2 classical liberal thinker
1 John Stuart mill
2 Mary Wollstonecraft
What are the features of modern liberalism
1 emerged in 20th century as a reaction against free market capitalism
2 modern liberals believe free market has not produced freedom for everyone because freedom can not be defined as just being left alone by the state, They argue the market has to be regulated to combat inequality and -every
They say
1 formal inequality does not lead to equality of opportunities because it allows significant inequalities that prevent real equality of opportunity
2 developmental individualism should be promoted by society through interventionist state and a managed economy
3 individualism can be assisted through collective action such as state intervention to alleviate the effects of poverty and social deprivation
4 positive freedom is needed to establish real equality of opportunity
5 economic management of capitalism rather than the free market is needed to ensure the smooth running if the economy
Name a key liberal thinker
John Rawls
What is the liberal view on the the nature if the state
1 both classical and modern believe the state should
1 function according to preset regulations and practices
2 be centralized so that power is dispersed
3 guarantee citizens rights and protects civil liberties
4 exercise authority subject to consent of the governed
5 they believe the state is based on the mechanistic theory - that the state was created by people to serve them and act in their interests
What do classical liberalism say about the role of the state as advocated by mills
1 take a minimal role of the state
2 the state should simply establish a framework for human activity and leave everything else to individuals and businesses
3 the minimal state should focus on maintaining social order , ensuring contract compliance and providing protection against external attack
4 state intervention in social and economic lif should be kept to a minimum in order to protect individual liberty
5 the states role is to maintain an orderly environment for private trade, sustain the value of the currency an establish conditions under which the free market can flourish
What do modern liberals say about the role of the site as advocated by Rawls
1 the state should play a larger role in order to help individuals be free and achieve their potential
2 that state has a social responsibility to reduce or remove social and economic disadvantages if individuals are held back by their social circumstances
3 an enlarged state using taxation to provide welfare health and education enhances equality of opportunity in society
4 enabling set should improve the lot if the poorest in society without introducing equality of outcome so that considerable scope is left for individual liberty and self fulfillment
What was social Darwinism and how. Were some classical liberals linking their arguements
Darwins principles of natural selection emphasized survival of the fittest Herbert Spencer maintained a persons success or failure rested on their ability to adapt to the economic conditions
Give some examples of modern liberal state intervention
1 1906 libera government introduced welfare reforms including a state pension and health and unemployment insurance
2 Labour government 1945 crated the welfare state
What is the shared liberal view on the economy
Believe in a market based capitalist economy because it
1 reflects the liberal conviction that private property is a natural right
2 complements liberal individualism through economic self striving
3 is seen to benefit everyone
What is the classical liberalism view on the economy
1 support negative liberty and minimal state
2 laissez faire capitalism makes individuals and society more prosperous
3 if the state adopts a hands off approach to the economy the wealth of the successful will trickle down to the rest of society improving the lives of the rest of the population
4 all duties and tariffs must be scraped to promote free trade globally and bring about wealth of the nation so business could engage in unrestricted trade
5 laissez faire economic approach rested on egoistical individualism and human virtue which stops selfishness and competition
What is the modern liberalism view on the economy
1 they advocate government intervention in the economy drawing on Keynesianism
2 capitalist economy has to be preserved but the free market is not self regulating as it is prone to slumps which bring mass unemployment and loss of individual freedom
3 government directed capitalism is needed to guide the economy and regulate demand to deliver sustainable economic growth and maintain full employment
4 to prevent slump governments should manage the level of demand in the economy to preserve full employment. When facing a slump governments should introduce public spending programmes to create jobs and stimulate the economy
5 Keynesian economic approach was partially designed to prevent economic depression leading to the creation of illiberal regimes
What are the similarities between classic and modern liberalism
1 both have an optimistic view of human nature based on the idea that each individual is unique, has their own intrinsic value and ability to reason . Humans are self aware, capable possess a personality and have free will to shape their own identity
2 both advocate tolerance - being prepared to accept values customs and beliefs which one usually disagree with
3 both maintain that capitalism is the best economic system because it strengthens right to private property, reinforces liberal individualism and benefits everybody in society
4 both are opposed to state ownership of the economy
5 both believe in a constitutional state to limit government power and protect natural rights
4 both regard individualism as essential feature of politics and society
What are the differences between classical and modern liberalism
1 classical define liberty in terms of negative freedom, with individuals free from eternal interference. Moderns see liberty in terms of positive freedom which means people are free only if they are actively enabled through outside intervention usually by government
2 modern view increased taxation as an important means of achieving positive freedom through intervention. Classical view taxation as state robbery
3 moderns endorse Keynesian style approach to capitalism where state attempts to manage market force and level of demand in the economy. Classical embrace laissez faire capitalism and minimum state intervention in economic affairs
4 moderns support representative forms of democracy. Classical fear tyranny of the majority so are undecided about democracy
5 moderns reject classical emphasise on minimal state restricted areas such as national defence and the protection of private property .
To what extent do liberals agree and disagree on human nature
1 the 2 branches of liberalism broadly agree on human nature
2 classic and modern liberals have an optimistic view . Individuals are regional, morally equal and independent, each wishing to pursue their version of a good life
3 classical and modern liberalism both argue women are as rational as men calling for equality
4 classic and modern agree that individuals needs to be protected and encouraged and that there should be a toleration of different values,
5 both classical and modern share concerns about popular democracy conflicting with individual rights
1 there are disagreements between the 2 branches concerning human nature
2 classic lib view human nature as more individualistic than moderns libs
3 classic libs argue for minimal state free of government interference. Classicals argue for negative freedom allowing individuals freedom allowing individuals freedom from government interference wherever possible. Modern libs prefer positive freedom to assist individual development eg funded education system
4 stated by Mills that classical liberalism is concerned primarily with men
5 liberals disagree on what is common good. Classical liberals argue for formal equality while modern liberals argue human nature has to a clear social dimension
6 liberals differ on how to deal with conflict between popular democracy and individual rights. Classical libs prefer representative democracy and individual rights. Classical libs prefer representitive democracy which allows filters to control tyranny of the majority. Modern liberals insist that modern liberals insist liberal democratic theory means every individual should vote
To what extend do liberals agree and disagree on the role of the state
1 2 branches broadly agree on role of the state
2 classical and modern agree the autonomy of the state should be limited by constitutionalism, such as US constitution
2 classic and modern liberals agree the separation of the powers between the executive, the legislative and the judiciary
3 classic and modern liberals agree that ideally individuals should be citizens in a republic not subjects in a monarchy
4 classic and modern liberals agree that the state should support the rule of law and recognition of human rights and formal equality
1 there are noticeable disagreements
2 classical liberals think the state should play a night watchman role and intervention is restricted to the rule of law preventing actions harmful to others and protecting boarders
3 modern liberals argue the state should be enabling, intervening to crate conditions where individuals can help themselves such as state funded education system.
4 classic liberals prefer a representitive democracy
5 modern liberals favour representitive democracy based on universal sufferage for men and women.
To what extent do liberals agree and disagree on the economy
1 they broadly agree
2 both influenced by idea that state should respect the natural right to private property
2 both support the free market economy
3 both support state intervention to ensure tariffs are removed from trading between nation states
4 both accept capitalism will lead to unequal outcomes within economy
1 classical liberals view state role as limited to protecting property, enforcing legal contracts and the states attitude to economy should be laissez faire
2 modern liberalism support managing capitalism to facilitate social justice