Feminism Flashcards
What is feminism
An ideology that aims for gender equality
Outline the history of feminism
1 first wave 1850’s-1940’s focused on legal and political rights for women, most famously in UK with suffragette movement which ensured equal suffrage with men in 1928
2 second wave 1960’s-1980’s so used on different roles that society expected of men and women
3 Third Wave 1990’s was concerned that feminism had failed to recognise the concerns of women in other cultures
4 fourth wave 2008 onwards is feminism reacting to on line mysogyny?
What are the differences between sex and gender
Sex refers to biological differences, catergorised by words male and female and remains the same regardless of time and culture
Gender refers to the social and cultural differences between men and women categorised by words masculine and feminine expectations differ across time and culture
What would feminists argue about gender stereotypes
1There is no justification to place stereo types on people despite biological differences
2 That in a patriarchal society the gender roles given to women are to keep them inferior and in less powerful positions than men
What are the traditional roles of women
Caregivers and supporters of men’s roles (wife secretary nurse)
What do feminists identify patriarchy as
A system run by and for men
What are the 6 areas through which patriarchal ideas dominate society as stated by Sylvia Walby
1 the sate - women have been denied representation and are underrepresented in formal positions of power
2 household - women have been discouraged from occupations outside of the home
3 culture- society has always reinforced messages to women through culture. Adverts emphasised a woman’s domestic role. There are now unrealistic expectations of women’s appearance
4 sexuality - women were made to feel abnormal for having sexual feelings while encouraging men to fully explore their sexuality
5 paid work - when women were allowed to take up paid work they were pushed towards low paid or part time jobs or jobs which put them in an assistant position to a man
6 violence - domestic abuse has only recently been taken seriously in society previously it was considered a private matter
State 2 ideas that are key to feminist ideology
1 patriarchy
2 the personal political
Explain the idea the personal is political
It is a slogan which challenged society’s views about women Feminists challenge the idea that what goes on between a man and a woman in private relationships has nothing todo with the rest of society
What do these private issues refer to
1 household division of labour
2 attitude towards women who want to work
3 morality associated with women’s sexuality
4 objectifying women
What are the public and private spheres
Public - society
Private - home
Why do feminists believe personal is political
Because they believed that these private issues were ways of keeping women in their subordinate place in society - it was about power and therefore was political
What does the patriarchy argue about human nature
What does personal is political argue
That some men are predisposed to oppress women and some argue for the complete separation of men
Feminists reject that women’s nature makes them more suited to domestic roles and are less capable than men
What is the patriarchy view of the state
What is the personal political view
The state helps patriarchy by reinforcing the patriarchal values. The state institutions are dominated by men who argue feminists legislate in their own interests
Feminists argue that the state reinforces the difference between private and public oppression
What is the patriarchy view of society
What is the view of personal political
Any issue to do with feminism and society usually relates to a discussion of patriarchy. Radical feminists want patriarchal society overthrown and believe women will not be treated equally under any conditions
Feminists seek to change society by removing the distinction in patriarchal society to enable oppression in the private sphere to be removed
What is the patriarchy view of the economy
What is the view of personal political
Feminists argue that patriarchy is the reason that women have historically been restricted to the home and their jobs have traditionally been considered less important thus less well paid
Feminists believe that women are restricted from entering the economy as equals to men because of the misconception that their key role should be in the home
State 3 other key ideas of feminism
1 equality
2 difference feminism, 3 intersectionality
What is equality feminism
They believe that the differences between men and women are irrelevant and both are equally capable of fulfilling all roles in society except child bearing
What is difference feminism
Essentialism - argue that differences between men and women are natural and say equality feminism has encouraged women to reject womanhood and be more like a man in behaviour
What is intersectionality
Emerged in the 80’s and critised feminism for only considering the concerns of white (mainly middle class) women ignoring other classes and cultures
What are the 2 main types of feminism
Liberal and socialist
Describe liberal feminism
1 mainly associated with demands for women’s vote i
What are the core principles of liberal feminism
1 individualism - women should have freedom they need to grow as individuals in society
2 equality of opportunity - women and men have equal chances in life
3 foundational equality - all humans are of equal moral worth and value. In law all humans are entitled to the same rights
4 reformist - society does not require fundamental or radical change as society progresses inequalities will be rectified by a change in the law which will change attitudes and role modelling women in non traditional roles
Describe socialist feminism
Believes that gender inequalities in society come from economics and capitalism
What are socialist feminisms core ideas and principles
1 eradication of capitalism which creates patriarchy and subordinates women in order to to fulfil the labour roles - do domestic work for free, reproduce and bring children up with capitalist values, look after their husbands and replenish his energy
2 economic and social inequality - women should be liberated through a socialist revolutio. When capitalism is removed women will be treated as equal
3 radical/revolutionary - social feminism is a radical movement as they wish to overthrow capitalism and replace it with a socialist society. Only then will women become equal to men
4 marriage and family - removing women from the workforce makes them financially dependent on their husbands
State a liberal feminist key thinker
Betty Friedan she believed in foundational equality and fought for legal and political equality and equal opportunity in education and the workplace
State a socialist feminist key thinker
Juliet Mitchell argued that women are oppressed in 4 ways
1 reproduction
2 sexuality
3 socialisation of children
4 production
She argued women should fight both capitalism and patriarchy to create a classless society and only when all 4 areas are transformed will women be truely free
Describe radical feminism
The only feminists who define society solely as patriarchal and believe the biggest problem in society if gender inequality
2 they reject liberal and socialist views that feminism can be understood with any other ideology
3 they believe only through a radical sexual revolution can patriarchy be removed and women freed
State the types of radical feminists
1 equality radical feminism - outraged by views of other radicals as it gives men the opportunity to put women back in the kitchen
2 difference feminism or cultural-suggest women should stop denying their female nature by imitating men
3 separatist feminism - extreme , women separate themselves from men believing they are predisposed to dominate women
Identify and explain the beliefs of 2 radical feminists
1 Andrea Dworkin - known for her views on pornography arguing it was the reason for violence against women as it encouraged men to fantasise over dominating and exploiting women
2 Erin Pizzy did work on domestic violence and founded a women’s refuge
Describe post modern feminism
Is about being different - all women are uniquely different argues patriarchy appears in many different ways depending on a woman’s race, class or identity
What are some of the conflicts in post modern feminism
1 nudity - some feminists think public nudity is degrading and oppressive to women others see it as empowering - women owning their bodies and sexuality. Others believe public displays of nudity are playing into the hands of patriarchy
2 appearance slutwalk originated in Canada after police suggested women should avoid dressing like sluts as a precaution against sexual assault
3 wearing the burqa or hijab - many feminists see this a sign of patriarchal oppression being forced on women some Muslims reject this arguing they feel freed from the oppressive focus on appearance in western society
How does each strand view patriarchy
Liberal - don’t recognise the term as oppression they see it as discrimination which can be eradicated by making small gradual adjustments
Socialist - recognise patriarchy as systematic oppression but argued it is caused by capitalism
Radical- it is systematic institutionalised and key form of male power
Post modern feminists - it is in society and changes according to class ethnicity and religion. Society needs to recognise the different forms
How does each strand view sex and gender
Liberal- all humans are liberal creatures so the distinction of sex and gender is artificial. Women are as capable as men and should have equal chances in society
Socialist - reject and seek to eradicate gender stereotypes required by capitalism as it needs women to do domestic work and other functions
Radical - gender roles are created by patriarchy to opress women
Post modern - gender roles are forced on women and they are different according to class and colour
How does each strand view personal is political
Liberal - reject it their focus is discrimination in the public sphere
Socialist - the person IS political women are forced into domesticity to help reproduce the labour force and other capitalist functions
Radical - politics is found wherever there is an imbalance of power and women are suppressed in both public and private spheres through male domination
Post modern - support the radical feminist view of society as political
How does each strand view difference v equality
Liberal - all humans are of equal moral worth and are entitled to the same rights
Socialist - believe in sexual and class equality
Radical - most believe gender inequality is created by patriarchy but difference feminists argue women should not seek to replicate male behaviour but be free to be women
Post modern - women’s different experiences explain the different ways they are oppressed
How does each strand view intersectionality
Liberal - all women no matter class religion or ethnicity should be treated equally
Socialist - capitalism oppresses women and working class men they must unite to remove capitalism and patriarchy
Radical - all women are equally oppressed by patriarchy but in different ways
Post modern - different groups of women experience different types of oppression
How does each strand view reform or revolution
Liberal - society will change gradually as women gain greater rights and take on more roles usually associated with men
Socialist - only an economic and socialist revolution will rid society of capitalism and patriarchy
Radical - a social revolution is needed to rid society of entrenched patriarchal values
Post modern - oppression of different classes and ethnicities also needs to be eradicated.
Identify 3 key thinkers
1 Charlotte’s perkin Gilman - socialist feminist
Key ideas
1 societal presussure - gender stereotyping from young is wrong little boys and girls should not dress and play with different toys
2 economic independence - women’s dependancy on their husband for money is at the heart of oppression
2 Simone de Beauvoir
1 society moods women into their behaviours - not born a woman made a woman
2 men ar the norm and women are the other women have accepted this
3 Shiela Rowbotham - socialist argued capitalism’s is part of the system of female oppression
1 oppression of women predates capitalism so it can not have created patriarchy but they are linked and a revolution is needed to eradicate both
Debate to what extent do feminists agree over the concept of patriarchy
1 most feminists agree that women are descriminated against in society publically
2 gilman and de Beauvoir were among the first to identify gender stereotyping and Millett defined descrimination as cultural not biological
3 there is agreement amongst equality feminists that patriarchy is not a static concept
4 the majority of equality feminists agree that patriarchy must be opposed in the public spheres of society
1 liberal feminists tend to discuss discrimination rather that’s patriarchy and focus on public spheres in society
2 liberal feminists believe state societ and economy can be reformed of descrimination but radical feminists argue there must be a revolution to change both public and private spheres
3 post feminists argue most female goals have been achieved and descrimination does not exist
4 postmodern feminists argue patriarchy is far more complicated than radical or socialists have imagined
Debate to what extent do feminists agree and disagree on human nature
1 all equality feminists would agree that the understanding of sex and gender is crucial to understand human nature
2 equality feminists argue human nature is neither male nor female and gender is cultural and not biological. Masculinity is artificially created
3 liberal radical, socialist and post modern feminists are all equality feminists believing biological difference are not important and women are as rational as men
4 most feminists agree with de Beauvoir and Millett that these gender roles are imposed on women socialising them to believe gender roles are natural
1 different feminists disagree with equality feminists in their understanding of human nature and believe women should embrace their natural femininity
2 difference and cultural feminism is more extreme version that challenges the dominance of male values in society and argues women’s values should be promoted as they are superior
3 liberal, radical, socialist and difference feminists argue sex is biological fact
4 post modern feminists believe nature is more complex
To what extent do feminists agree and disagree about the role of the state
Agree -
1 historically the state has helped make women subordinate to men
2 feminists broadly agree that the state can be restructured to enhance the position of women in society and economy
3 the majority of feminists agree that the state should tackle patriarchy in public society and economy
1 radical feminists see the state as promoting and sustaining patriarchy
2 liberals say state should only intervene in public sphere of society radicals argue state must intervene in private sphere
3 socialist argue the state must be abolished so women can be free from capitalist and patriarchy oppression
Debate - to what extent do feminists agree and disagree on society
1 all agree women face discrimination in society and it is historical
2 social attitudes have seen women play a subordinate and supporting role to men in society to the point where women see there gender roles as natural
3 equality and advancement in society has been difficult for women because of innate cultural institutionalised disadvantages
1 liberals argue that there is discrimination in the public sphere - radicals patriarchy is in every part of society
2 they have different views on patriarchy in society liberals - argue society can be reformed by the state
Radicals have lots of solutions how patriarchy can be eradicated
Socialists argue society is economically determined by male capitalism and a revolution is needed to change the status for women and workers
3 post modern feminists argue need to look at gender alongside other factors like race class and age which all disadvantage women
4 post feminists argue patriarchy has largely been defeated but post modern would say this view has ignored the struggles of women of couloir and lower social classes
Debate - to what extent do feminists agree and disagree about the economy
1 they believe the economic world discriminates against women in the workplace
2 the labour market is divided because of gender roles women are employed in proffesions seen as femineand men in masculine roles. Male dominated professions tend to be better paid than female dominated
3 senior roles in business are dominated by men because they are perceived as being more logical and better decision makers
4 feminists agree with breakdown of gender stero types women can achieve equality in the workplace and no longer be economically dependent on men
1 equality feminists argue biological differences are unimportant in the workplace while difference feminists argue biological differences do matter
2 liberals argue the workplace can not be reformed by the state but socialists argue women’s place in the workplace can only be achieved by revolution
3 radicals argue patriarchy is cultural and not economic
4 post modern feminists argue liberals, radicals and socialists fail to see impact of race on gender and economic oppression