Li, M. , Koh, P. , Geva, E. , Joshi, R. & Chen, X. (2020). The componential model of reading in bilingual learners. Flashcards
Componential model of reading: 3 domains
- cognitive
- psychological
- ecological
methode kort
We examined the direct and indirect contributions of these 3 domains to reading comprehension in bilingual learners. Participants included 124 bilingual children in Grades 4 through 6 who spoke Chinese as their first language. They were administered a battery of language and literacy measures, and motivation and acculturation questionnaires. Additionally, the participants’ parents completed a home literacy environment questionnaire in Chinese.
we found direct effects of the cognitive and psychological domains on reading comprehension. The ecological domain only had an indirect influence on reading comprehension via the cognitive and psychological domains.
The findings support and extend the CMR model and advance our understanding of the nature of the relationships among the different components of the model among bilingual learners.
cognitive domain factors=
- word recognition,
- word reading fluency,
- vocabulary,
- listening comprehension
(word reading =
psychological domain factors=
in deze studie:
- motivation
- acculturation
evt. andere psychologische factoren (teacher and student variables)
- locus of control
- learning styles
- expectations and perceptions
- gender differences
Acculturation is a process in which an individual adopts, acquires and adjusts to a new cultural environment as a result of being placed into a new culture
ecological domain factors=
- number of L1 and L2 books
- mothers education
- age of reading
- dialects
wat is L1 en L2
first (L1) and the second (L2) language
Reading motivation to the mainstream culture, a component of the psychological domain, also influences Chinese-English bilingual learners’ reading success. The contribution of ecological factors such as home literacy environment in both Chinese and English to English reading comprehension appears to be indirect through cognitive and psychological domains.
simple view of reading=
The Simple View of Reading is a formula demonstrating the widely accepted view that reading has two basic components: word recognition (decoding) and language comprehension. Research studies show that a student’s reading comprehension score can be predicted if decoding skills and language comprehension abilities are known.
hoe zou het ecologische domein het cognitieve en psychologische domein kunnen beinvloeden
The ecological domain, represented by home literacy environment factors, may influence reading comprehension outcomes through their influence on skills in the cognitive domain. Home literacy activities help children develop knowledge of letter names and sounds, decoding skills, oral vocabulary, and inferencing skills, all of which are foundational skills for reading comprehension.
Another way that home literacy environment can affect reading comprehension is through influencing motivation to read (the more opportunities young children have to interact with print, the greater motivation for reading they would show)
For the cognitive domain, we used word reading accuracy and fluency tasks to assess word recognition as well as a listening comprehension task and a vocabulary measure to assess linguistic comprehension because these constructs have been shown to be crucial to comprehension. Two questionnaires that assessed reading motivation and acculturation were administered to reflect the psychological domain.
The ecological domain was measured using three measures: (a) the number of L1 and L2 books in the home, (b) maternal education, and (c) the age at which the children started reading in L1 and/or L2.
Our sample consisted of upper elementary school students from families where Chinese was spoken at home.
reading outcomes
- reading comprehension one (level D4)
- reading comprehension two (level D5/6)
wat was het resultaat
ecological -> cognitive and psychological -> reading comprehension
welk domein had het meeste invloed
We found that although the ecological domain did not have direct effects on reading comprehension, it exerted indirect effects through the cognitive and psychological domains.
redenen dat ze hier geen direct effect van ecologisch vonden
- oudere kinderen, in jongere kinderen kan het zijn dat literary practices at home een grotere invloed hebben dan wanneer kinderen formal schooling krijgen
- anders geoperationaliseerd
- small sample size, lack of power
The present findings point to some potentially important implications for researchers and practitioners. First, the findings of this study add to current literature on our understanding of the CMR model and the interplay of the three domains in predicting reading comprehension among bilingual learners. Second, among the three
domains in the CMR model, we found that the cognitive domain made the largest contribution to reading comprehension, indicating its crucial role in developing bilingual learners’ reading comprehension. This finding underscores the importance of developing word reading accuracy, fluency, vocabulary, and listening comprehension skills to support reading comprehension not only in the primary grades but also in the middle grades, especially among
learners from non-English language backgrounds. Third, our findings with regard to the psychological domain suggest that the use of motivational strategies would serve to promote reading success among bilingual children in upper grades. In addition, adapting to the mainstream culture can help enhance reading comprehension outcomes in the target language. Finally, our finding of indirect contributions of the ecological domain suggests that a rich home literacy environment targeting both the L1 and L2 facilitates psychological and cognitive factors, which in turn enhance reading comprehension abilities. Based on our findings, providing books in the home in either the L1 or L2 and engaging children in book reading activities in either language
from a young age can have a positive impact on reading outcomes indirectly.