Intellectual disability Flashcards
intellectual disability =
IQ < 55
mild intellectual disability =
IQ > 55 < 70
mild-to-borderline intellectual disability (MBID/BIF) =
IQ > 70 < 85 & limited adaptive function functioning
limited adaptive functioning=
Deficits in adaptive functioning that result in failure to meet developmental and sociocultural standards for personal independence and social responsibility.
Without ongoing support, the adaptive deficits limit functioning in one or more activities of daily life, such as communication, social participation, and independent living.
borderline intellectual functioning =
IQ > 70-75
(so, technically not mild intellectual disability but low normal functioning and low adaptive functioning)
adaptive functioning domains according to the DSM
- conceptual domain
- social domain
- practical domain
percentages van intellectual disabilities en violence
- 30% in english prisons has a lower IQ than 80
- 40% in juvenile insititutes in NL have < 70
- 35% of TBS population has an IQ < 90
- 63% of nonviolent sexual offences
- 30-50% of all youth involved in courts are MBID
- 75% of the harde kern top 600 has MBID
consequences of MBID
risk for:
- chronic educational failure
- repetition of grades
- dropout
- absence
what is MBID often mistaken for
lack of motivation: they try to hide the fact that they don’t understand, and then they get extra work. this is even more overwhelming, they dont get time to play and relax, and this continues in that cycle.
…. is one of the best predictors of delinquency
(school to prison pipeline)
ppl with borderline intellectual functioning have increased risks for educational, mental health and societal problems
Several studies show increased risk for the development of almost all psychiatric disorders in childhood as well as in adulthood, including substance misuse and personality disorders.,
psychiatric comorbidity is thought to occur …. times more often in the MBID vs non-MBID population
SCIL: more than … of clients in health care presumably has an IQ of < 85
… % of individuals in a forensic addiction treatment center were identified with MBID
…% of MBID has problematic attachment
(40% in non-MBID)
hoe is de relatie tussen MBID en adverse childhood events ACE’s
Reichman and colleagues showed that having a disabling health condition, among which intellectual disability, was associated with 83% higher odds of the child experiencing 2 or more ACEs, and 73% higher odds of experiencing 3 or more ACE’s at age 5
hoeveel mensen in NL hebben MBID
3 miljoen, ongeveer 14% van de populatie
2 dingen die lastig te leren zijn voor MBID
- moral judgement
- danger assessment
often distrust instances that want to help them because….
they dont understand
vaak presenteren MBID zich met andere problemen:
- depressie
- moe
- slaapproblemen
- lastig concentreren
- boosheid (soms mistaken for conduct disorder)
two mechanisms underlying MBID
- executive functioning
- social adaptive functioning
executive functioning bestaat uit:
- working memory
- inhibition
- processing speed
- attention
attention bestaat uit
- sustained attention
- devided attention
- focused attention
- selective attention
hoe meet je selective attention
eriksen flanker test
point into the direction of the arrow in the middle
(incongruent arrows are more difficult as compared to congruent arrows, small arrows are more difficult than big arrows, when distances are larger this is more difficult)
hoe meet je focused attention
stroop test
MBID bij stroop
langere reactietijd
hoe meet je divided attention
maak een trail door alle nummers heen
sustained attention voorbeeld task
marshmellow task
maar niet perse sustained attention, they may just not understand the task
hoe test je planning ability
tower of london task
The examiner (usually a clinical psychologist or a neuropsychologist) presents the examinee with problem-solving tasks: one board shows the goal arrangement of beads, and the other board is given to the examinee with the beads in a different configuration. By moving beads from one peg to another, the examinee must alter the second board to match the first - a task that requires a degree of thinking ahead
wat heb je nodig om de tower of london task te vervullen
your working memory needs to design a plan, to keep it in mind and to stick to the rules.
the more space we need to plan, the less space remains for inhibition (adhering to the rules) and the other way around. the smaller the working memory, the sooner it is filled up.
the ability to flexibly activate, monitor, inhibit, persevere and/or adapt one’s behaviour, attention, emotions and cognitive strategies in response to direction from internal cues, environmental stimuli and feedback from others, in an attempt to attain personal goals.
MBID and self-regulation
minder self-regulation
in addition to planning and inhibition we also need…
to be able to handle stress.
stress eats the working memory