Lexicology Flashcards
Common Nouns
Concrete or abstract general terms. :
“table” or “dog”
Proper Nouns
Always capitalise and name specific things like places and names. :
“Melbourne” or “Lucinda”
Short words that replace noun/noun phrases in a sentence. :
“I”, “me”, “you”
Verbs can take different forms. Can be indicated by auxiliary verbs or changes to the verb itself.
Verb from a noun, adjective or adverb. To make a verb add “to”.
These are used to create certain tense/aspect or as an adjective.
He was hidden in the wardrobe. The hidden temple was lost forever.
Modal verbs
Used to express possibility, ability, intent, obligation or the necessity of an action happening. There are only a few of these verbs.
Ability- Can, could
Permission: Can, could, may
Advice: Should
Obligation: Must, Have to
Possibility: Might, May, Could, Can
Modify/change the same aspects of the main verb. Used to create questions and form tense.
Eg. “we are running late”
Used to describe, modify or qualify other parts of speech. Often verbs, adverbs adjectives or sometimes whole sentences. Words that answer questions like when? Where? How?
Modify nouns, may provide additional information about qualities, size, judgement, degree of comparison. Located before a noun and after a verb.
Qualities – Red
Size – Small
Judgement – Ugly
Degree of comparison – Faster
Express strong feelings, sometimes demands or requests and often highly expressive/emotive. Can be part of a sentence or stand alone.
“Oh no, I’ve dropped my cake!”
Explains the relationship between nouns and other elements in a sentence.
Words that link phrases, words and sentences together.
For And Nor But Or Yet So (FANBOYS)
Conjunction- Coordinating
Place two or more elements side by side in a way that shows they are equal.
Eg. Jane and Sarah loved school.
Conjunction- subordinating
Connects two or more elements. One is the ‘parent’ which can stand on its on (independent) and the other ‘child’ relies on the ‘parent’.
Eg. I went out because I was bored.
Conjunctive adverbs
An adverb that has the characteristics of a conjunction. Link two or more elements to show cause and effect, Sequence and contracts.
nouns/noun phrases act as modifiers.
Made up of articles, possessives, adjectives, demonstratives, indefinite determiners, and numbers.
Eg. articles (a, an, and the)
possessive adjectives (his, my)
demonstratives (this/that),
indefinite determiners (all, each)
numbers (one, two etc)