Level Crossings Flashcards
What are the three types of Whistle Boards?
Normal Type
Healthy State Indicator
Predictor Board Type
What do you do when you pass a Normal Type Whistle Board?
They are positioned 400m on the approach side of Level Crossings
- Sound long whistle
- Observe the LVX activates
- Observe LVX clear of vehicles, pedestrians, obstructions
- Sound long whistle prior to entering LVX
What do you have to do if another train is approaching LVX at same time as you?
Each driver must sound their whistle continuously until both trains have reached the crossing
What will turning the 5P switch to ‘Normal’ do?
Signal to stop and the booms will raise
When might you operate the 5P switch?
Long delays at a platform
- sick passenger
- train fault
What should you do if you see ANY DANGER at a LVX?
Apply Emergency Brake
Sound Continuous Whistle
Report immediately to TC (REC)
What do you do if you observe a defect at a LVX?
Report to TC
What do you do if on approach to LVX the Protection Equipment has not operated?
Attempt to stop the train prior using Emergency Brake if necessary
Sound Emergency Whistle
REC call immediately to warn other trains in area
Should a train ever enter an unprotected LVX?
Never …
Only if Police are protecting it.
When you have stopped your train prior to an unprotected LVX what do you do?
Sound a Whistle
Move forward cautiously to within 3m to activate the circuit
Stop the train once the LVX Protection Equipment has started to operate
Once Equipment fully operational:
- Ensure saloon lights are operational
- Sound continuous Whistle until leading cab is clear of LVX
- proceeding at 15kmh
- resume normal operation
What do you do if you have been unable to stop train prior to unprotected LVX?
Continue to sound Emergency Whistle
Flash headlights b/n high-low
Use any means possible to warn
Contact TC immediately (REC)
During Single Line Working, if travelling on line in wrong/opposing direction, what speed do you have to do?
What do Tramway Square Speed Signs do?
Advise drivers of designated speed for that Tramway Crossing
Tramway Square Speed Sign
Advance Warning Sign
Positioned 200m from Tram Square
Driver must reduce to speed prior to arriving at the sign
Tramway Square Speed Sign
Speed Restriction Sign
Positioned at commencement of speed restriction area
Tramway Square Speed Sign
End Tram Square 3 Car Only
May be located 80m from Tramway Square
Indicates when 3 car train has cleared Tramway Square and can resume track speed
Tramway Square Speed Sign
Clearance Sign
Positioned 160m from Tramway Square to indicate to driver of 6 car train that rear of train has cleared Tramway Square and can resume track speed
What is a Terminal Stop Board?
Indicates overheads will run out 15m past sign and you must stop 3m short of it.
What are TR Point Indicators?
Train Register Indicators show the location a train moves to prior to departing Siding. Any movement up to this point must only occur after contacting Controlling Signaller
What is this?
Healthy state indicator whistle board
Indicates crossing is working normally
What is this?
Predictor board
Driver must not increase speed until entered LVLX
What is the definition of a long whistle?
Sound should be distinct, with intensity, duration or repetition appropriate at which the warning is required to be heard