Level 4 Grammar Flashcards
The more expensive it is, the better it sells.
비쌀수록 잘 팔려요.
비싸면 비쌀수록 잘 팔려요.
The more interesting a person is, the more popular he/she is.
= If you are an interesting person, it’s more likely that you are popular.
재미있는 사람일수록 인기가 많아요.
It keeps getting colder.
갈수록 추워요.
The expression ‘갈수록’ comes from 가다 + -(으)ᄅ수록 and literally means ‘the more you go’. However, it is used as more of a set expression which means ‘more and more so in time’ or ‘as time goes by’.
Sabrin keeps getting better at Korean.
사브린 씨는 갈수록 한국어를 잘해요.
The expression ‘갈수록’ comes from 가다 + -(으)ᄅ수록 and literally means ‘the more you go’. However, it is used as more of a set expression which means ‘more and more so in time’ or ‘as time goes by’.
The cheaper it is, the more of it you can buy.
쌀수록 많이 살 수 있어요.
= 싸면 쌀수록 많이 살 수 있어요.
When do I have to make a decision by?
언제까지 결정해야 돼요?
The earlier, the better.
빠르면 빠를수록 좋아요.
I’ll do it alone. / I want to do it alone.
혼자 할래요.
I don’t want to go.
I’m not going to go.
저는 안 갈래요.
What do you want to drink?
뭐 마실래요?
Do you want to drink coffee or tea?
커피 마실래요, 차 마실래요?
When do you want to meet?
언제 만날래?
invitation card
Can you let me know your address?
주소 좀 알려 줄래요?
It can’t be!
= It can’t be so!
= That’s impossible!
그러+ᄅ리가없어요 = 그럴리가없어요!
It’s impossible that it’s snowing!
= It can’t be snowing!
눈이오+ᄅ리가없어요 = 눈이올리가없어요!
It can’t be that he/she doesn’t know.
= It’s impossible that he/she doesn’t know.
모르+ᄅ리가없어요 = 모를리가없어요.
There’s no way that he/she is going/leaving.
가 + -ᄅ 리가 없어요 = 갈 리가 없어요
There’s no way that he/she went.
가 + -았 + -을 리가 없어요 = 갔을 리가 없어요
There can’t be something.
= There’s no way that it exists.
있 + -을 리가 없어요 = 있을 리가 없어요
It’s impossible that there was …
있 + -었 + -을 리가 없어요 = 있었을 리가 없어요
It’s impossible that it will snow tomorrow.
내일 눈이 오 + -ᄅ 리가 없어요. = 내일 눈이 올 리가 없어요.
It can’t be that he is oversleeping, though…
석진 씨가 늦잠 잘 리가 없는데…
The weather is cold today, right?
→ (You know that the other person knows that the weather is cold.)
오늘 날씨 춥지요?
Yeah, that could be possible.
→ (You and the other person both know that something is possible, and you are simply expressing your agreement to what the other person is saying.)
Track 07
그럴 수도 있죠.
You are heading toward Hongdae, right?
홍대 쪽으로 가죠?
Who do you think you are? / What are you?
당신 뭐야?
movement; move
operation (of a device)
TV activities/appearances
connecting to Facebook through another site
페이스북 연동
Behave yourself!
행동 똑바로 하세요!
Can you deliver the food now? / Is food delivery available now?
지금 배달 돼요?
You can turn the light on.
불 켜도 돼요.
You can turn the computer on.
컴퓨터 켜도 돼요
Is it okay if I do it tomorrow?
내일 해도 돼요?
May I use the computer?
컴퓨터 써도 돼요?
You can take a day off today.
오늘 쉬어도 돼요.
You don’t have to clean up. / It is okay if you don’t clean up.
청소 안 해도 돼요
You don’t have to work today. / It is okay if you don’t work today.
오늘 일 안 해도 돼요
Can I put this in the back of the car?
이거 차 트렁크에 넣어도 돼요?
You shouldn’t open it. / You are not supposed to open it.
열면 안 돼요.
You shouldn’t touch it. / You can’t touch it.
만지면 안 돼요.
It’s okay to touch it. / You can go ahead and touch it.
만져도 돼요.
You should not throw it.
던지면 안 돼요.
You should not tell/talk.
말하면 안 돼요.
You shouldn’t turn the light on. The baby is sleeping.
불 켜면 안 돼요. 아기가 자고 있어요
You shouldn’t watch TV either.
텔레비전도 보면 안 돼요.
Please choose among these.
이 중에서 고르세요.
Please take one of these three.
이 세 개 중에서 하나 가져가세요.
Among friends
친구들 사이에서
Among his/her family members
가족들 사이에서
This singer is popular among Koreans.
이 가수는 한국인들 사이에서 인기가 많아요.
I am between the bank and the park.
은행하고 공원 사이에 있어요.
The pharmacy is between the school and the police station.
약국은 학교하고 경찰서 사이에 있어요.
I only read novels, so I only know about novels.
저는 소설책만 읽어서 소설책밖에 몰라요.
Anyone can come.
아무나 올 수 있어요
anything; does not matter what
Just give me anything.
아무거나 주세요
Any place is good.
아무 데나 좋아요
Nobody is here?
아무도 없어요?
nothing; not anything
Do not touch anything.
아무것도 만지지 마세요
I do not know anything.
아무것도 몰라요.
I am not going anywhere.
아무 데도 안 갈 거예요
Not everyone can come.
아무나 올 수 없어요.
Nobody can come.
아무도 올 수 없어요.
You should not eat just anything.
아무거나 먹으면 안 돼요.
You should not eat anything at all.
아무것도 먹으면 안 돼요.
I do not want to go just anywhere.
아무 데나 가고 싶지 않아요.
I do not want to go anywhere.
아무 데도 가고 싶지 않아요.
There was nobody at the shop, so I couldn’t get my hair cut.
가게에 아무도 없어서 머리를 못 잘랐어요.
Can’t you just go to any other shop?
다른 데 아무 데나 가면 안 돼요?
Have you tried using this? / Have you used this before?
이거 써 봤어요?
Shall we try going in (and see what it’s like)? / Shall we attempt to go in?
들어가 볼까요?
to ask; to try asking
to look into something; to recognize
to keep a watchful eye on someone/something
I will try doing it first. / I will give it a try first.
제가 먼저 해 볼게요.
Whom shall I ask?
누구한테 물어볼까요?
Please try making a phone call.
전화를 한번 걸어 보세요.
Don’t be anxious.
불안해하지 마세요.
incomplete information
불완전한 정보
Do you have any complaints against me?
저한테 불만 있어요?
inaccurate pronunciation
부정확한 발음
I was careless, so it caused an accident. / My carelessness caused an accident.
제 부주의로 사고가 났어요.
Someone did something unfair to me.
부당한 일을 당했어요.
I hear that really often.
그런 말 정말 자주 들어요.
I’ve always wanted to ask you (that).
항상 물어보고 싶었어요.
I study Chinese all the time, but it’s still difficult.
중국어를 맨날 공부하는데, 아직 어려워요.
I rarely work out these days.
요즘에는 운동을 별로 안 해요.
I listen to the radio almost every day.
라디오를 거의 맨날 들어요.
You can study Korean anytime.
아무 때나 한국어 공부할 수 있어요
Please do not say a word.
아무 말도 하지 마세요.
I am okay.
저는 아무렇지도 않아요.
Do not share this with anyone, and (only) eat it alone.
아무한테도 주지 말고 혼자 먹어요.
Please do not just do it any way you want.
아무렇게나 하지 마세요.
There is no news (from them).
아무(런) 소식도 없어요.
a hardworking person
부지런한 사람
the cost of a wallet
지갑 가격
Why didn’t you come yesterday?
어제는 왜 안 왔어요? → 어젠 왜 안 왔어요?
What brings you to Seoul?
서울에는 왜 왔어요? → 서울엔 왜 왔어요?
This one is good
이것이 좋아요. → 이게 좋아요.
I am a student.
전 학생이에요.
(Well, in other areas I don’t know, but) As far as Seoul is concerned, it is snowing.
서울엔 눈이 오고 있어요
Where is the closest station?
제일 가까운 역이 어디예요?
Which color is the best? / Which color is your favorite?
어떤 색깔이 가장 좋아요?
Who is the person that came here first?
제일 먼저 온 사람이 누구예요?
These days, who is the most popular singer?
Track 35
요즘 가장 인기 있는 가수는 누구예요?
It’s less cold than yesterday.
어제보다 덜 추워요.
Don’t you have a less expensive one?
덜 비싼 것 없어요?
You should drink water more and eat less rice.
물은 더 마시고, 밥은 덜 먹어야 돼요.
We are not there yet.
덜 왔어요.
Starting from today, I am going to study Korean harder.
오늘부터 한국어를 더 열심히 공부할 거예요.
It will probably rain from tomorrow until Sunday.
아마 내일부터 일요일까지 비가 내릴 거예요.
If you have time tomorrow, will you drink coffee together (with me)?
내일 시간이 있으면, 같이 커피 마실래요?
to detour; to go around the long way
돌아 가다
to return; to go back to some place
to borrow something (from someone else) for someone
빌려 주다
to lend something to someone
to recognize something/someone; to look into something
Please give me back the key.
열쇠 돌려주세요.
Can you lend me some money?
돈 좀 빌려줄 수 있어요?
time, date, place
시간, 날짜, 장소
Please park (your car) in the parking lot.
주차장에 주차하세요.
What is your favorite scene from this movie?
이 영화에서 제일 좋아하는 장면이 뭐예요?
Where is the wedding hall?
예식장이 어디예요?
Do you know how to swim?
수영할 줄 알아요?
This is much better.
이게 훨씬 더 좋아요.
From Seoul to New York is much farther away than from Seoul to Tokyo.
서울에서 도쿄까지보다, 서울에서 뉴욕까지가 훨씬 더 멀어요.
a person who (someone) will invite; a person to invite
초대할 사람
a letter that (someone) will send, a letter to send
보낼 편지
something to drink = beverages
마실 것
Right now, I have nothing to say.
지금은 할 이야기가 없어요.
the cafe that a friend talked about
친구가 말한 카페
How is your new house that you moved to?
새로 이사 간 집은 어때요?
Please review what you learned today.
오늘 배운 내용 복습하세요.
I think it will rain tomorrow.
내일 비 올 것 같아요.
What do you think this is?
이거 뭐인 것 같아요?
Who do you think did it?
누가 한 것 같아요?
I think I’ll arrive soon.
곧 도착할 것 같아요.
The weather has become warm
날씨가 따뜻해졌어요.
The computer has become fast.
컴퓨터가 빨라졌어요.
The line has become long.
줄이 길어졌어요.
It will become cold again tomorrow.
내일 다시 추워질 거예요.
You will find out tomorrow.
내일 알게 될 거예요.
I ended up buying everything.
다 사게 됐어요.
How did you get to come here?
어떻게 여기에 오게 됐어요?
If you get to meet him, tell me.
만나게 되면 말해 주세요.
I’ve invited 10 people, but it’s possible that no one will come.
열 명 초대했는데, 아무도 안 올 수도 있어요.
Right now I am in a cafe, reading a book that I bought yesterday.
지금 카페에서 어제 산 책을 읽고 있어요.