Level 3.5 Sentence Practice Flashcards
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Wǒ yǒu nǐ jiù gòu le.
I have you. That’s enough.
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Wǒmen bù xūyào zū hěn dà de fángzi, yǒu chuáng yǒu zhuōzi jiù gòu le.
We don’t need to rent a very big place, if it has a bed and a desk that’s enough.
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Tā xiànzài bú tài è, yìkuài miànbāo jiù gòu le.
He is not very hungry, and a piece of bread will be just fine for him.
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Tā yìdiǎn dōu bú kuàilè.
He is not happy at all.
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Zhè ge wèntíyìdiǎn dōu bú fùzá, nǐ zài xiǎngxiang.
That question is not complicated at all, just think about it a bit more.
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Nà ge yǎnyuán yǎn de yìdiǎn yě bù hǎo, wèishénme nàme duō rén xǐhuan tā?
That actor/actress does not perform well at all. How come so many people like him/her?
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Nǐ zhǐyào bǎ zhèxiē gōngzuò zuòwán, jiù kěyǐ huíjiā le.
You just have to finish these tasks, then you can go home.
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Nǐ zhǐyào duō liànxí, jiù huìjìnbù de hěn kuài.
You just have to practice more, then you’ll improve really fast.
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Tā zhǐyào huìshuō zhè shíjù Yīngwén jiù gòu le.
He just has to be able to say these ten English sentences, that’ll be enough.
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Nǐ děi xiān zuòwán zhè ge gōngzuò, cái néng ná xīnshuǐ.
You have to finish this work first, then you can get paid.
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Tā měi tiān liànxí, gāngqín cái tán de zhème hǎo.
He practices every day, that’s why he plays piano so well.
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Mǎi liǎng qiān kuài yǐshàng de dōngxī, cái kěyǐ shuākǎ.
If you buy over 2,000 dollars worth of stuff, then you can use a credit card.
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Hēi, nǐ děngyíxià yǒushì ma?
Hey! Do you have something to do later?
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Méishì, zěnme le?
I don’t have anything to do. What’s up?
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Wǒ yào bàn shǒujī, kěshì bù zhīdào yào xuǎn nǎ jiā diànxìn gōngsī.
I need to get a phone, but I don’t know which telecommunications company I should choose.
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Méi xiǎngdào nǐ hái méi yǒu shǒujī! Nǐ xǐhuān Píngguǒ háishìĀnzhuó?
I never would’ve thought that you still don’t have a phone. Do you like Apple or Android better?
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Dōu kěyǐ, kěyǐ dǎ diànhuà, kàn liǎnshū hé wán yóuxìjiù gòu le.
Both are ok. If I can make calls, look at Facebook, and play games with it then that’s good enough.
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Wǒ yòng de shìTáihuá diànxìn, wǒmen kěyǐ xiān qù nàbiān kànkan.
I use Taihua Telecom. We can go there first and take a look.
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Hǎo, hěn yuǎn ma?
Ok. Is it really far away?
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Yìdiǎn dōu bù yuǎn, qiánmiàn jiù yǒu yìjiā fēndiàn, gēn wǒ zǒu.
It’s not far at all. There’s a branch store straight ahead. Come with me.
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Huānyíng guānglín, qǐngwèn xūyào shénme fúwù?
Welcome to our store. May I ask what kind of service you need?
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Wǒ yào mǎi shǒujī.
I want to buy a cell phone.
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好,我们这个⽉刚好在促销,很优惠。你只要和我们公司签两年的合约,就可 以⽆限制地打电话、上⽹,还有⼿机免费。⽽且可以选最新型的!
Hǎo, wǒmen zhè ge yuè gānghǎo zài cùxiāo, hěn yōuhuì. Nǐ zhǐyào hé wǒmen gōngsī qiān liǎngnián de héyuē, jiù kěyǐ wú xiànzhìde dǎdiànhuà、 shàngwǎng, háiyǒu shǒujī miǎnfèi. Érqiě kěyǐ xuǎn zuì xīnxíng de!
Ok, then. We just so happen to be having a sales promotion this month, and it’s very favorable for the customer. As long as you sign a two-year contract with our company, you can make calls and go online as much as you want, and you also get a free phone. Furthermore, you can select from the latest models!
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Wǒ xiǎng kàn yíxià shǒujī.
I want to take a look at the phones.
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Méi wèntí.
No problem.
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这样的机型,通常要付两万块人民币才能买到,现在你只要每个⽉付999元,就 可以免费把这⽀⼿机带回家了。
Zhè yàng de jīxíng, tōngcháng yào fù liǎng wàn kuài Rénmínbìcái néng mǎidào, xiànzài nǐ zhǐyào měi ge yuè fù 999 yuán, jiù kěyǐ miǎnfèi bǎ zhè zhī shǒujī dài huíjiā le.
For this kind of model, you’d normally have to pay 20,000 RMB in order to be able to buy it, but right now you only need to pay 999 RMB a month, and then you can take this phone home for free.
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Wǒ xǐhuān zhè yìzhī, qǐngwèn wǒ kěyǐ xuǎn hàomǎ ma?
I like this one. I’d like to ask if it’d be ok for me to select the number?
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Dāngrán kěyǐ.
Of course it’s ok.
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Wā! Zhēn fāngbiàn! Wǒmen kāishǐ ba.
Wow! This is really convenient. Let’s get started then.
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I have you. That’s enough.
Wǒ yǒu nǐ jiù gòu le.
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We don’t need to rent a very big place, if it has a bed and a desk that’s enough.
Wǒmen bù xūyào zū hěn dà de fángzi, yǒu chuáng yǒu zhuōzi jiù gòu le.
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He is not very hungry, and a piece of bread will be just fine for him.
Tā xiànzài bú tài è, yìkuài miànbāo jiù gòu le.
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He is not happy at all.
Tā yìdiǎn dōu bú kuàilè.
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That question is not complicated at all, just think about it a bit more.
Zhè ge wèntíyìdiǎn dōu bú fùzá, nǐ zài xiǎngxiang.
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That actor/actress does not perform well at all. How come so many people like him/her?
Nà ge yǎnyuán yǎn de yìdiǎn yě bù hǎo, wèishénme nàme duō rén xǐhuan tā?
Translate to Chinese
You just have to finish these tasks, then you can go home.
Nǐ zhǐyào bǎ zhèxiē gōngzuò zuòwán , jiù kěyǐ huíjiā le.
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You just have to practice more, then you’ll improve really fast.
Nǐ zhǐyào duō liànxí, jiù huìjìnbù de hěn kuài.
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He just has to be able to say these ten English sentences, that’ll be enough.
Tā zhǐyào huìshuō zhè shíjù Yīngwén jiù gòu le.
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You have to finish this work first, then you can get paid.
Nǐ děi xiān zuòwán zhè ge gōngzuò, cái néng ná xīnshuǐ.
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He practices every day, that’s why he plays piano so well.
Tā měi tiān liànxí, gāngqín cái tán de zhème hǎo.
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If you buy over 2,000 dollars worth of stuff, then you can use a credit card.
Mǎi liǎng qiān kuài yǐshàng de dōngxī, cái kěyǐ shuākǎ.
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Hey! Do you have something to do later?
Hēi, nǐ děngyíxià yǒushì ma?
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I don’t have anything to do. What’s up?
Méishì, zěnme le?
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I need to get a phone, but I don’t know which telecommunications company I should choose.
Wǒ yào bàn shǒujī, kěshì bù zhīdào yào xuǎn nǎ jiā diànxìn gōngsī.
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I never would’ve thought that you still don’t have a phone. Do you like Apple or Android better?
Méi xiǎngdào nǐ hái méi yǒu shǒujī! Nǐ xǐhuān Píngguǒ háishìĀnzhuó?
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Both are ok. If I can make calls, look at Facebook, and play games with it then that’s good enough.
Dōu kěyǐ, kěyǐ dǎ diànhuà, kàn liǎnshū hé wán yóuxìjiù gòu le.
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I use Taihua Telecom. We can go there first and take a look.
Wǒ yòng de shìTáihuá diànxìn, wǒmen kěyǐ xiān qù nàbiān kànkan.
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Ok. Is it really far away?
Hǎo, hěn yuǎn ma?
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It’s not far at all. There’s a branch store straight ahead. Come with me.
Yìdiǎn dōu bù yuǎn, qiánmiàn jiù yǒu yìjiā fēndiàn, gēn wǒ zǒu.
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Welcome to our store. May I ask what kind of service you need?
Huānyíng guānglín, qǐngwèn xūyào shénme fúwù?
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I want to buy a cell phone.
Wǒ yào mǎi shǒujī.
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Ok, then. We just so happen to be having a sales promotion this month, and it’s very favorable for the customer. As long as you sign a two-year contract with our company, you can make calls and go online as much as you want, and you also get a free phone. Furthermore, you can select from the latest models!
好,我们这个⽉刚好在促销,很优惠。你只要和我们公司签两年的合约,就可 以⽆限制地打电话、上⽹,还有⼿机免费。⽽且可以选最新型的!
Hǎo, wǒmen zhè ge yuè gānghǎo zài cùxiāo, hěn yōuhuì. Nǐ zhǐyào hé wǒmen gōngsī qiān liǎngnián de héyuē, jiù kěyǐ wú xiànzhìde dǎdiànhuà、 shàngwǎng, háiyǒu shǒujī miǎnfèi. Érqiě kěyǐ xuǎn zuì xīnxíng de!
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I want to take a look at the phones.
Wǒ xiǎng kàn yíxià shǒujī.
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No problem.
Méi wèntí.
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For this kind of model, you’d normally have to pay 20,000 RMB in order to be able to buy it, but right now you only need to pay 999 RMB a month, and then you can take this phone home for free.
这样的机型,通常要付两万块人民币才能买到,现在你只要每个⽉付999元,就 可以免费把这⽀⼿机带回家了。
Zhè yàng de jīxíng, tōngcháng yào fù liǎng wàn kuài Rénmínbìcái néng mǎidào, xiànzài nǐ zhǐyào měi ge yuè fù 999 yuán, jiù kěyǐ miǎnfèi bǎ zhè zhī shǒujī dài huíjiā le.
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I like this one. I’d like to ask if it’d be ok for me to select the number?
Wǒ xǐhuān zhè yìzhī, qǐngwèn wǒ kěyǐ xuǎn hàomǎ ma?
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Of course it’s ok.
Dāngrán kěyǐ.
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Wow! This is really convenient. Let’s get started then.
Wā! Zhēn fāngbiàn! Wǒmen kāishǐ ba.