Level 2.1 Sentence Practice Flashcards
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Nǐ xiān chī, zài fùqián.
You eat first, then pay the bill.
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Tāmen xiǎng xiān mǎi dōngxi, zài qù chīfàn.
They want to buy something first, and then have a meal.
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Zhè cì lǚxíng wǒ yào xiān qù Měiguó zài qù Jiānádà.
On this trip, I’m going to America first, and then Canada.
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Zhè wǎn niúròumiàn yào wǔbǎi kuài, wǒ chī bù qǐ.
This bowl of beef noodles is 500 RMB, I can’t afford it.
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Zhège fàndiàn zhù yí gè wǎnshang liǎngbǎi Měijīn, wǒ zhù bù qǐ
This hotel is $200 per night, I can’t afford it
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Zhè zhī shǒubiǎo bú guì, tā mǎi de qǐ.
This watch is not expensive, so he can afford it.
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Suīrán hěn lèi, dànshì wǒ yě yào qù jīchǎng jiē nǐ.
Even though I’m tired, I’m still going to pick you up at the airport.
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Suīrán tā shì Měiguórén, dànshì tā de Zhōngwén hěn hǎo.
Even though he is American, his Chinese is very good.
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Suīrán xiànzài shì dōngtiān, kěshì yìdiǎn dōu bù lěng.
It is winter now, but it is not cold at all.
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Rúguǒ nǐ zhōumò yǒukòng, jiù gēn tāmen yìqǐ qù wán ba!
If you have time on the weekend, then go play with them!
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如果有钱,我们就可以去很多地方旅行 。
Rúguǒ yǒu qián, wǒmen jiù kěyǐ qù hěn duō dìfang lǚxíng.
If we had money, then we could travel to a lot of places.
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Rúguǒ xuéxiào lí zhèlǐ bù yuǎn, nǐ jiù zǒulù qù ba!
If school is not far from here, then just go on foot!
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Nǐ kàn dao nǐ xiǎng mǎi de dōngxi le ma?
Did you see what you wanted to buy/anything you wanted to buy?
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Tā hē de chá shì Wūlóngchá.
The tea he’s drinking is Oolong.
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Xiànzài qù nàlǐ de rén bǐjiào shǎo.
Fewer people go there now.
Translate to English
本 ! 我们先去那边 , 再去逛老街上的小吃摊。
Ben! Wǒmen xiān qù nàbiān, zài qù guàng Lǎojiē shàng de xiǎochī tān.
Ben! Let’s go over there first, then we’ll visit some of Old Street’s food vendors.
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Qǐng dàilù.
Please lead the way.
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Hǎo xiǎo de jiē, búguò yǒu hěn duō dōngxi.
It’s a really small street, but there are so many things.
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Suīrán jiē hěn xiǎo, dànshì hěn rènao.
Although it’s a small street, it’s really bustling.
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Duì, xièxie nǐ dài wǒ lái.
Yeah, thanks for bringing me here.
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You’re welcome.
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Zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō wǒ méiyǒu kàn guo de dōngxi, érqiě hěn duō tèbié de dōngxi. Hǎo kù!
There are so many things that I’ve never seen before, and there are also lots of unique things. How cool!
Translate to English
Duì a, zhèbiān yǒu hěn duō yǒuyìsi de xiǎo dōngxi. Nǐ kàn dao xiǎng mǎi de le ma?
Yeah, this place sells a lot of interesting little crafts. Do you see anything that you want to buy?
Translate to English
这个东西不错。噢! 好贵!我买不起。
Zhège dōngxi búcuò. Òu! Hǎo guì! Wǒ mǎi bù qǐ.
This is great, Oh! So expensive! I can’t afford this.
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Zhēn de yǒu yìdiǎn guì.
Yeah, it is a little bit expensive.
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Rúguǒ jiàqián dī yìdiǎn, wǒ jiù mǎi. Duì le, zhèlǐ yǒu shénme měishí?
If the price were a little lower, I might buy it. By the way, what’s the delicacy here?
Translate to English
Suānméizhī hé tiědàn dōu fēicháng yǒumíng. Wǒmen qù mǎi yìxiē ba!
Plum juice and iron eggs are very famous. Let’s go buy some!
Translate to Chinese
You eat first, then pay the bill.
Nǐ xiān chī, zài fùqián.
Translate to Chinese
They want to buy something first, and then have a meal.
Tāmen xiǎng xiān mǎi dōngxi, zài qù chīfàn.
Translate to Chinese
On this trip, I’m going to America first, and then Canada.
Zhè cì lǚxíng wǒ yào xiān qù Měiguó zài qù Jiānádà.
Translate to Chinese
This bowl of beef noodles is 500 RMB, I can’t afford it.
Zhè wǎn niúròumiàn yào wǔbǎi kuài, wǒ chī bù qǐ.
Translate to Chinese
This hotel is $200 per night, I can’t afford it
Zhège fàndiàn zhù yí gè wǎnshang liǎngbǎi Měijīn, wǒ zhù bù qǐ
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This watch is too expensive, so he can afford it.
Zhè zhī shǒubiǎo bú guì, tā mǎi de qǐ.
Translate to Chinese
Even though I’m tired, I’m still going to pick you up at the airport.
Suīrán hěn lèi, dànshì wǒ yě yào qù jīchǎng jiē nǐ.
Translate to Chinese
Even though he is American, his Chinese is very good.
Suīrán tā shì Měiguórén, dànshì tā de Zhōngwén hěn hǎo.
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It is winter now, but it is not cold at all.
Suīrán xiànzài shì dōngtiān, kěshì yìdiǎn dōu bù lěng.
Translate to Chinese
If you have time on the weekend, then go play with them!
Rúguǒ nǐ zhōumò yǒukòng, jiù gēn tāmen yìqǐ qù wán ba!
Translate to Chinese
If we had money, then we could travel to a lot of places.
如果有钱,我们就可以去很多地方旅行 。
Rúguǒ yǒu qián, wǒmen jiù kěyǐ qù hěn duō dìfang lǚxíng.
Translate to Chinese
If school is not far from here, then just go on foot!
Rúguǒ xuéxiào lí zhèlǐ bù yuǎn, nǐ jiù zǒulù qù ba!
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Did you see what you wanted to buy/anything you wanted to buy?
Nǐ kàn dao nǐ xiǎng mǎi de dōngxi le ma?
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The tea he’s drinking is Oolong.
Tā hē de chá shì Wūlóngchá.
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Fewer people go there now.
Xiànzài qù nàlǐ de rén bǐjiào shǎo.
Translate to Chinese
Ben! Let’s go over there first, then we’ll visit some of Old Street’s food vendors.
本 ! 我们先去那边 , 再去逛老街上的小吃摊。
Ben! Wǒmen xiān qù nàbiān, zài qù guàng Lǎojiē shàng de xiǎochī tān.
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Please lead the way.
Qǐng dàilù.
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It’s a really small street, but there are so many things.
Hǎo xiǎo de jiē, búguò yǒu hěn duō dōngxi.
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Although it’s a small street, it’s really bustling.
Suīrán jiē hěn xiǎo, dànshì hěn rènao.
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Yeah, thanks for bringing me here.
Duì, xièxie nǐ dài wǒ lái.
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You’re welcome.
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There are so many things that I’ve never seen before, and there are also lots of unique things. How cool!
Zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō wǒ méiyǒu kàn guo de dōngxi, érqiě hěn duō tèbié de dōngxi. Hǎo kù!
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Yeah, this place sells a lot of interesting little crafts. Do you see anything that you want to buy?
Duì a, zhèbiān yǒu hěn duō yǒuyìsi de xiǎo dōngxi. Nǐ kàn dao xiǎng mǎi de le ma?
Translate to Chinese
This is great, Oh! So expensive! I can’t afford this.
这个东西不错。噢! 好贵!我买不起。
Zhège dōngxi búcuò. Òu! Hǎo guì! Wǒ mǎi bù qǐ.
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Yeah, it is a little bit expensive.
Zhēn de yǒu yìdiǎn guì.
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If the price were a little lower, I might buy it. By the way, what’s the delicacy here?
Rúguǒ jiàqián dī yìdiǎn, wǒ jiù mǎi. Duì le, zhèlǐ yǒu shénme měishí?
Translate to Chinese
Plum juice and iron eggs are very famous. Let’s go buy some!
Suānméizhī hé tiědàn dōu fēicháng yǒumíng. Wǒmen qù mǎi yìxiē ba!