Level 3.3 Sentence Practice Flashcards
Translate to English
Wǒ yǐjīng liángwán shēngāo tǐzhòng le.
I have finished measuring my height and weight.
Translate to English
Nǐ děngyíxià bànwán qiānzhèng, xiǎng zuò shénme?
Shortly after you finished applying for the visa, What do you want to do?
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Zuótiān wǒmen hēwán jiǔ jiù huíjiā le.
Yesterday after we finished drinking, we just went home.
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Qǐng bǎ mén dǎkāi.
Please open the door.
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Nǐ bǎ zhè bēi jiǔ hēwán ba!
You drink up this glass of wine.
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Tā bǎ fángjiān dǎsǎo gānjìng le.
He cleaned the room.
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Liǎng ge xīngqī yǐhòu,wǒ huìqù Zhōngguó.
After two weeks, I will go to China.
Translate to English
Míngtiān shàngwán kè yǐhòu,wǒmen yìqǐ chīfàn ba!
Tomorrow after class, let’s have dinner together!
Translate to English
Dào Zhōngguó yǐhòu, nǐ zuì xiǎng zuò de shì shì shénme?
What do you most like to do after arriving China?
Translate to English
Xué Zhōngwén, wǒmen xiān xué fāyīn zài xué hànzì.
For learning Chinese, we first learn pronunciation, and then learn Chinese characters.
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Fúwù rényuán shuō xiān tián biǎo zài ná hàomǎpái.
The staff said first to fill the form, and then take a number tab.
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Nǐmen míngtiān dǎsuàn xiān chīfàn zài qù kàn diànyǐng ma?
Do you plan to eat first and then go see a movie tomorrow?
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Nǐ hǎo, wǒ yào zuò shēntǐ jiǎnchá.
Hello, I need to get a physical examination.
Translate to English
Qǐngwèn nǐ nǎlǐ bù shūfu? Háishìnǐ yào zuò jiànkāng jiǎnchá?
Can you tell me where there’s discomfort? Or, do you want to have a health examination?
Translate to English
Wǒ yào bàn xuéshēng qiānzhèng.
I’m taking care of things for a student visa.
Translate to English
那就是健康检查,请上⼆楼健检中⼼,跟服务⼈员说你要做健康检查,办签证 的。
Nà jiù shìjiànkāng jiǎnchá, qǐng shàng èr lóu jiànjiǎn zhōngxīn, gēn fúwù rényuán shuō nǐ yào zuò jiànkāng jiǎnchá, bàn qiānzhèng de.
So what you need is a health examination. Please go up to the Physical Examination Center on the second floor, and tell the service staff that you want to have a health examination in order to apply for a visa
Translate to English
Xièxie nín.
Thank you.
Translate to English
Nǐ hǎo, wǒ yào zuò bàn qiānzhèng yòng de jiànkāng jiǎnchá.
Hello, I need to do a health examination for a visa.
Translate to English
Hǎode, qǐng tián yíxià zhè zhāng biǎo, tiánhǎo yǐhòu zài guòlái ná hàomǎpái.
Alright, then. Please fill out this form. Once you’re finished filling it out, please come back here and take a number.
Translate to English
Hǎode,zhè shìnǐ de hàomǎpái.
Ok, good. Here’s your number.
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Nǐ huìshuō Zhōngwén ma?
Can you speak Chinese?
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I can understand a little.
Translate to English
Hǎo, qǐng bǎ xiézi tuōdiào, zhàn dào zhèlǐ, liáng shēngāo tǐzhòng.
Ok. Please take off your shoes and stand over here so I can measure your height and weight.
Translate to English
Qǐng qù chōuxiě、zhào X guāng, dōu zuòwán le, zài huídào zhèlǐ.
Please go get your blood drawn and take an X-ray. Once you’re done, come back here again.
Translate to English
Xiān chōuxiě zài zhào X guāng, hǎode.
First, get my blood taken and then get an X-ray taken. Got it.
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Nǐ chōuyān ma? Hējiǔ ma?
Do you smoke (cigarettes)? Do you drink (alcohol)?
Translate to English
Bù chōuyān, dànshì ǒu’ěr hē yìdiǎn jiǔ.
I don’t smoke (cigarettes), but I occasionally drink a little bit of (alcohol).
Translate to English
Xīqì, hūqì.
Breathe in, and breathe out.
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Nǐ de shēntǐ hěn hǎo, dōu hěn zhèngcháng.
You’re in very good health, and every thing is very normal.
Translate to English
Yíge xīngqī yǐhòu huílái ná bàogào.
Come back a week later to get your report.
Translate to English
Hǎo, xièxie.
Ok, thank you.
Translate to Chinese
I have finished measuring my height and weight.
Wǒ yǐjīng liángwán shēngāo tǐzhòng le.
Translate to Chinese
Shortly after you finished applying for the visa, What do you want to do?
Nǐ děngyíxià bànwán qiānzhèng, xiǎng zuò shénme?
Translate to Chinese
Yesterday after we finished drinking, we just went home.
Zuótiān wǒmen hēwán jiǔ jiù huíjiā le.
Translate to Chinese
Please open the door.
Qǐng bǎ mén dǎkāi.
Translate to Chinese
You drink up this glass of wine.
Nǐ bǎ zhè bēi jiǔ hēwán ba!
Translate to Chinese
He cleaned the room.
Tā bǎ fángjiān dǎsǎo gānjìng le.
Translate to Chinese
After two weeks, I will go to China.
Liǎng ge xīngqī yǐhòu,wǒ huìqù Zhōngguó.
Translate to Chinese
Tomorrow after class, let’s have dinner together!
Míngtiān shàngwán kè yǐhòu,wǒmen yìqǐ chīfàn ba!
Translate to Chinese
What do you most like to do after arriving China?
Dào Zhōngguó yǐhòu, nǐ zuì xiǎng zuò de shì shì shénme?
Translate to Chinese
For learning Chinese, we first learn pronunciation, and then learn Chinese characters.
Xué Zhōngwén, wǒmen xiān xué fāyīn zài xué hànzì.
Translate to Chinese
The staff said first to fill the form, and then take a number tab.
Fúwù rényuán shuō xiān tián biǎo zài ná hàomǎpái.
Translate to Chinese
Do you plan to eat first and then go see a movie tomorrow?
Nǐmen míngtiān dǎsuàn xiān chīfàn zài qù kàn diànyǐng ma?
Translate to Chinese
Hello, I need to get a physical examination.
Nǐ hǎo, wǒ yào zuò shēntǐ jiǎnchá.
Translate to Chinese
Can you tell me where there’s discomfort? Or, do you want to have a health examination?
Qǐngwèn nǐ nǎlǐ bù shūfu? Háishìnǐ yào zuò jiànkāng jiǎnchá?
Translate to Chinese
I’m taking care of things for a student visa.
Wǒ yào bàn xuéshēng qiānzhèng.
Translate to Chinese
So what you need is a health examination. Please go up to the Physical Examination Center on the second floor, and tell the service staff that you want to have a health examination in order to apply for a visa
那就是健康检查,请上⼆楼健检中⼼,跟服务⼈员说你要做健康检查,办签证 的。
Nà jiù shìjiànkāng jiǎnchá, qǐng shàng èr lóu jiànjiǎn zhōngxīn, gēn fúwù rényuán shuō nǐ yào zuò jiànkāng jiǎnchá, bàn qiānzhèng de.
Translate to Chinese
Thank you.
Xièxie nín.
Translate to Chinese
Hello, I need to do a health examination for a visa.
Nǐ hǎo, wǒ yào zuò bàn qiānzhèng yòng de jiànkāng jiǎnchá.
Translate to Chinese
Alright, then. Please fill out this form. Once you’re finished filling it out, please come back here and take a number.
Hǎode, qǐng tián yíxià zhè zhāng biǎo, tiánhǎo yǐhòu zài guòlái ná hàomǎpái.
Translate to Chinese
Ok, good. Here’s your number.
Hǎode,zhè shìnǐ de hàomǎpái.
Translate to Chinese
Can you speak Chinese?
Nǐ huìshuō Zhōngwén ma?
Translate to Chinese
I can understand a little.
Translate to Chinese
Ok. Please take off your shoes and stand over here so I can measure your height and weight.
Hǎo, qǐng bǎ xiézi tuōdiào, zhàn dào zhèlǐ, liáng shēngāo tǐzhòng.
Translate to Chinese
Please go get your blood drawn and take an X-ray. Once you’re done, come back here again.
Qǐng qù chōuxiě、zhào X guāng, dōu zuòwán le, zài huídào zhèlǐ.
Translate to Chinese
First, get my blood taken and then get an X-ray taken. Got it.
Xiān chōuxiě zài zhào X guāng, hǎode.
Translate to Chinese
Do you smoke (cigarettes)? Do you drink (alcohol)?
Nǐ chōuyān ma? Hējiǔ ma?
Translate to Chinese
I don’t smoke (cigarettes), but I occasionally drink a little bit of (alcohol).
Bù chōuyān, dànshì ǒu’ěr hē yìdiǎn jiǔ.
Translate to Chinese
Breathe in, and breathe out.
Xīqì, hūqì.
Translate to Chinese
You’re in very good health, and every thing is very normal.
Nǐ de shēntǐ hěn hǎo, dōu hěn zhèngcháng.
Translate to Chinese
Come back a week later to get your report
Yíge xīngqī yǐhòu huílái ná bàogào.
Translate to Chinese
Ok, thank you.
Hǎo, xièxie.