Level 3.2 Sentence Practice Flashcards
Translate to English
Wǒ hěn ài kàn diànyǐng, bǐrúshuō kēhuànpiàn hé zhànzhēngpiàn.
I love watching movies, for example sci-fi movies and war movies.
Translate to English
Yǒude Hànzìkànqǐlái hěn xiàng, bǐrúshuō: gān,qiān, bèi, jiàn.
Some Chinese characters look similar, for example, ⼲、千、 ⻉、⻅.
Translate to English
有⼏个拍动作片的演员,我很喜欢, 比如说:成龙、甄⼦丹。
Yǒu jǐ ge pāi dòngzuòpiàn de yǎnyuán, wǒhěn xǐhuan, bǐrúshuō: Chénglóng、Zhēn Zǐdān.
I like some actors who act in action movies, for example, Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen。
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Nǐ yīnggāi shǎo chī yìdiǎn.
You should eat a bit less.
Translate to English
Zhè jiā diàn jīntiān dǎzhé, wǒmen duō mǎi yìdiǎn dōngxi ba!
This store has sale today. Let’s buy more stuff.
Translate to English
Wǒmen juéde wúliáo, suǒyǐ hòulái yòu duō kànle yíbù diànyǐng.
We felt bored, so we watched one more movie later.
Translate to English
Zhè ge yǔfǎ lǎoshī shuōle bàntiān, wǒ háishìbù dǒng.
The teacher explained the grammar for a long time, but I still don’t understand it.
Translate to English
Wǒ qùguò Zhōngguó hěn duō dìfang, dàn wǒ háishìzuìxǐhuan Chéngdū.
I have been to many places in China, but I still like Chengdu the most.
Translate to English
Suīrán dàjiā dōu bù xǐhuan nà bù àiqíngpiàn, búguò wǒ háishì hěn xǐhuan.
Although people don’t like that romantic movie, I still like it a lot.
Translate to English
Tā yídìng huìlái de, bié dānxīn.
He will definitely be there. Don’t worry.
Translate to English
Wǒ huìhǎohao xīnshǎng zhè bù diànyǐng de, xièxie nǐ de tuījiàn.
I will appreciate this movie. Thank you for your recommendation.
Translate to English
Duō liànxí, nǐmen huìzhīdào zěnme shuō Zhōngwén de.
Practice more. You will know how to speak Chinese!
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Zhōngwénkè yuè lái yuè nán le.
Chinese class is getting harder and harder.
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Zěnme shuō?
What do you mean?
Translate to English
有的汉字,有两、三个发⾳。⽐如说,〝⽬的〞的〝的〞,也念de,〝了解〞的 〝了〞,也念le。
Yǒude hànzì, yǒu liǎng、sān ge fāyīn. Bǐrúshuō, “mùdì” de “dì”, yě niàn de, “liǎojiě” de “liǎo”, yěniàn le.
Some Chinese characters have two or three pronunciations. For example, the “di” in ⽬的 (mùdì) is also pronounced as “de”, and the “liǎo” in 了解 (liǎojiě) is also pronounced as “le”.
Translate to English
没错。 还有中⽂的语法。很多⼈说中⽂没有语法。怎么可能?
Méicuò . Hái yǒu Zhōngwén de yǔfǎ. Hěn duō rén shuō Zhōngwén méi yǒu yǔfǎ. Zěnme kěnéng?
That’s correct. And there’s also Chinese’s grammar. Many people say Chinese doesn’t have grammar. But, how’s that even possible?
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Wǒ zuìpà de shì“liǎng jiàn yīfu”.
What I’m most afraid of is “two articles of clothing”.
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Liǎng jiàn yīfu?
Two articles of clothing?
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Bǐrúshuō, yìběn shū、wǔ zhāng zhuōzi、sān liàng chē.
For example, one book, five tables, three cars.
Translate to English
Nǐ shuō de shìliàngcí,zhè ge zhēnde bù róngyi,yào duō liànxí.
What you’re talking about is measure words. This aspect isn’t easy at all. So, you’ll need to practice more.
Translate to English
Shuōdào liànxí,hànzìde bǐhuà yě hěn fùzá。Wǒ měi tiān dōu liànxíxiě hànzì, kěshì háishìhuìwàngjì.
Speaking of practice, the stroke order for characters is also really complicated. I practice writing characters every day, but I’ll still forget how to write them.
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Wǒ yě shìzhèyàng, mànman lái, yídìng huìjìnbù de.
I’m like that, too. Take your time. You’re definitely going to improve.
Translate to English
Xīwàng jìnbù de kuài yìdiǎn. Tīngshuō jiāo Zhōngguó nánpéngyou, huì jìnbù de hěn kuài.
I hope I can improve a little faster. I’ve heard that having a Chinese boyfriend will make you improve really fast.
Translate to English
Nǐ shì rènzhēn de ma? Lìyòng jiāo nán nǚpéngyou xué Zhōngwén?
Are you being serious? Taking advantage of a boyfriend or girlfriend just to learn Chinese?
Translate to English
Wǒ shìkāi wánxiào de.
I’m just kidding.
Translate to Chinese
I love watching movies, for example sci-fi movies and war movies.
Wǒ hěn ài kàn diànyǐng, bǐrúshuō kēhuànpiàn hé zhànzhēngpiàn.
Translate to Chinese
Some Chinese characters look similar, for example, ⼲、千、 ⻉、⻅.
Yǒude Hànzìkànqǐlái hěn xiàng, bǐrúshuō: gān, qiān, bèi, jiàn.
Translate to Chinese
I like some actors who act in action movies, for example, Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen。
有⼏个拍动作片的演员,我很喜欢, 比如说:成龙、甄⼦丹。
Yǒu jǐ ge pāi dòngzuòpiàn de yǎnyuán, wǒhěn xǐhuan, bǐrúshuō: Chénglóng、Zhēn Zǐdān.
Translate to Chinese
You should eat a bit less .
Nǐ yīnggāi shǎo chī yìdiǎn.
Translate to Chinese
This store has sale today. Let’s buy more stuff.
Zhè jiā diàn jīntiān dǎzhé, wǒmen duō mǎi yìdiǎn dōngxi ba!
Translate to Chinese
We felt bored, so we watched one more movie later.
Wǒmen juéde wúliáo, suǒyǐ hòulái yòu duō kànle yíbù diànyǐng.
Translate to Chinese
The teacher explained the grammar for a long time, but I still don’t understand it.
Zhè ge yǔfǎ lǎoshī shuōle bàntiān, wǒ háishìbù dǒng.
Translate to Chinese
I have been to many places in China, but I still like Chengdu the most.
Wǒ qùguò Zhōngguó hěn duō dìfang, dàn wǒ háishì zuì xǐhuan Chéngdū.
Translate to Chinese
Although people don’t like that romantic movie, I still like it a lot.
Suīrán dàjiā dōu bù xǐhuan nà bù àiqíngpiàn, búguò wǒ háishìhěn xǐhuan.
Translate to Chinese
He will definitely be there. Don’t worry.
Tā yídìng huìlái de, bié dānxīn.
Translate to Chinese
I will appreciate this movie. Thank you for your recommendation.
Wǒ huìhǎohao xīnshǎng zhè bù diànyǐng de, xièxie nǐ de tuījiàn.
Translate to Chinese
Practice more. You will know how to speak Chinese!
Duō liànxí, nǐmen huìzhīdào zěnme shuō Zhōngwén de.
Translate to Chinese
Chinese class is getting harder and harder.
Zhōngwénkè yuè lái yuè nán le.
Translate to Chinese
What do you mean?
Zěnme shuō?
Translate to Chinese
Some Chinese characters have two or three pronunciations. For example, the “di” in ⽬的 (mùdì) is also pronounced as “de”, and the “liǎo” in 了解 (liǎojiě) is also pronounced as “le”.
有的汉字,有两、三个发⾳。⽐如说,〝⽬的〞的〝的〞,也念de,〝了解〞的 〝了〞,也念le。
Yǒude hànzì, yǒu liǎng、sān ge fāyīn. Bǐrúshuō, “mùdì” de “dì”, yě niàn de, “liǎojiě” de “liǎo”, yěniàn le.
Translate to Chinese
That’s correct. And there’s also Chinese’s grammar. Many people say Chinese doesn’t have grammar. But, how’s that even possible?
没错。 还有中⽂的语法。很多⼈说中⽂没有语法。怎么可能?
Méicuò . Hái yǒu Zhōngwén de yǔfǎ. Hěn duō rén shuō Zhōngwén méi yǒu yǔfǎ. Zěnme kěnéng?
Translate to Chinese
What I’m most afraid of is “two articles of clothing”.
Wǒ zuìpà de shì“liǎng jiàn yīfu”.
Translate to Chinese
Two articles of clothing?
Liǎng jiàn yīfu?
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For example, one book, five tables, three cars.
Bǐrúshuō, yìběn shū、wǔ zhāng zhuōzi、sān liàng chē.
Translate to Chinese
What you’re talking about is measure words. This aspect isn’t easy at all. So, you’ll need to practice more.
Nǐ shuō de shìliàngcí,zhè ge zhēnde bù róngyi,yào duō liànxí.
Translate to Chinese
Speaking of practice, the stroke order for characters is also really complicated. I practice writing characters every day, but I’ll still forget how to write them.
Shuōdào liànxí,hànzìde bǐhuà yě hěn fùzá。Wǒ měi tiān dōu liànxíxiě hànzì, kěshì háishìhuìwàngjì.
Translate to Chinese
I’m like that, too. Take your time. You’re definitely going to improve.
Wǒ yě shìzhèyàng, mànman lái, yídìng huìjìnbù de.
Translate to Chinese
I hope I can improve a little faster. I’ve heard that having a Chinese boyfriend will make you improve really fast.
Xīwàng jìnbù de kuài yìdiǎn. Tīngshuō jiāo Zhōngguó nánpéngyou, huì jìnbù de hěn kuài.
Translate to Chinese
Are you being serious? Taking advantage of a boyfriend or girlfriend just to learn Chinese?
Nǐ shì rènzhēn de ma? Lìyòng jiāo nán nǚpéngyou xué Zhōngwén?
Translate to Chinese
I’m just kidding.
Wǒ shìkāi wánxiào de.