Level 1.5 Sentence Practice Flashcards
Translate to English
Wǒ de biàndāng chúle jīròu hái yǒu cài.
My lunch box not only has chicken, but also has vegetables.
Translate to English
去这个地方很方便, 除了可以坐公交车,还可以坐火车。
Qù zhè ge dìfang hěn fāngbiàn, chúle kěyǐ zuò gōngjiāochē, hái kěyǐ zuò huǒchē.
It’s very convenient to go to this place, you can take not only bus but also train.
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Lǚguǎn lǐmiàn, chúle yǒu fángjiān, hái yǒu yóuyǒngchí.
There are not only rooms but also swimming pool in the hotel.
Translate to English
他们学校很漂亮,我想去看 ( 一 ) 看。
Tāmen xuéxiào hěn piàoliang, wǒ xiǎng qù kàn (yí) kàn.
Their school is beautiful. I’d like to take a look.
Translate to English
A: 我们今天晚上去哪里吃饭 ? B: 我想 ( 一 ) 想。
A: Wǒmen jīntiān wǎnshàng qù nǎlǐ chī fàn? B: Wǒ xiǎng (yì) xiǎng.
A: Where shall we go for dinner tonight? B: Let me see.
Translate to English
请帮帮我,好不好 ?
Qǐng bāngbang wǒ, hǎo bu hǎo?
Could you help me please?
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Xuéxiào hěn jìn。Zǒulù shí fēnzhōng jiù dào le.
The school is close by. It takes only ten minutes’ walk to get there.
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Nà ge dìfang bù yuǎn。Hěn kuài jiù dào le.
That place is not far. You’ll get there in no time.
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Tā děngyīxià jiù lái.
He will be here in a (short) while.
Translate to English
如果你有空 ( 的话 ),我们一起吃饭,好吗?
Rúguǒ nǐ yǒukòng (de huà), wǒmen yìqǐ chīfàn, hǎo ma?
If you have free time, let’s get something to eat, Ok?
Translate to English
Rúguǒ nǐ yào, wǒ kěyǐ bāng nǐ dìng jiǔdiàn.
If you want, Ii can book the hotel for you.
Translate to English
如果你觉得太累的话,, 你不用去 , 没关系。
Rúguǒ nǐ juéde tài lèi de huà, nǐ bú yòng qù, méiguānxi.
If you feel too tired, you don’t need to go , no worries.
Translate to English
Cóng zhèlǐ dào Táiběi Chēzhàn, zěnme zǒu?
How do I get to Taipei Main Station from here?
Translate to English
从酒店到机场, 开车要多久 ?
Cóng jiǔdiàn dào jīchǎng, kāi chē yào duōjiǔ?
How long does it take to drive to the airport from the hotel from hotel to airpot?
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Cóng Shànghǎi dào Běijīng kěyǐ zuò gōngjiāochē ma?
Can we take bus from Shanghai to Beijing?
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Calwin! Wǔcān nǐ xiǎng chī shénme?
Calwin! What do you want to eat for lunch?
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Dōu kěyǐ.
Anything’s fine for me.
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Nǐ xiǎng shìshi niúròumiàn ma?
Would you like to try beef noodles?
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Hǎo, zěnme qù?
Ok, how do we get there?
Translate to English
Cóng zhèlǐ wǒmen kěyǐ zuò gōngjiāochē, yě kěyǐ dā jiéyùn.
From here we can take a bus or the MRT.
Translate to English
Nǐ xǐhuān nǎ yì zhǒng jiāotōng gōngjù?
Which kind of transport do you prefer?
Translate to English
Wǒ gāng dào Táiwān, dōu kěyǐ shìshi.
Since I just got to Taiwan, I’m alright with trying both.
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Nà wǒmen zuò gōngjiāochē qùba, dàgài èrshí fēnzhōng.
Then we’ll take the bus, it takes about 20 minutes.
Translate to English
Hǎo, jiù zuò gōngjiāochē.
Alright, then let’s take the bus.
Translate to English
Wǒmen yào zuò jǐ hào gōngjiāochē?
Which bus are we going to take?
Translate to English
270 和 263 都可以,一二三四五六七八,八站就到了。
270 hé 263 dōu kěyǐ, yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā, bā zhàn jiù dào le.
270 and 263 are both fine. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 stops and we’re there.
Translate to English
啊,270 来了,我们上车吧!
À, 270 lái le, wǒmen shàng chē ba!
Ah, 270’s coming, let’s get on!
Translate to English
Nǐ hǎo, liǎng zhāng piào.
Hi, I’d like two tickets, please.
Translate to English
Chēpiào duōshǎo qián?
How much is the ticket?
Translate to English
Shíwǔ yuán, méi guān xi, wǒ qǐngkè.
15 dollars. Don’t worry. It’s my treat.
Translate to English
Zhēn xièxie nǐ. Táiběi de gōngjiāochē zhēnde hěn fāngbiàn.
Thank you very much. The buses in Taipei are very convenient.
Translate to English
Shì a.
Translate to English
Kuài dào le, wǒmen zhǔn bèi xiàchē ba!
We’re arriving, let’s get off the bus!
Translate to Chinese
My lunch box not only has chicken, but also has vegetables.
Wǒ de biàndāng chúle jīròu hái yǒu cài.
Translate to Chinese
It’s very convenient to go to this place, you can take not only bus but also train.
去这个地方很方便, 除了可以坐公交车,还可以坐火车。
Qù zhè ge dìfang hěn fāngbiàn, chúle kěyǐ zuò gōngjiāochē, hái kěyǐ zuò huǒchē.
Translate to Chinese
There are not only rooms but also swimming pool in the hotel.
Lǚguǎn lǐmiàn, chúle yǒu fángjiān, hái yǒu yóuyǒngchí.
Translate to Chinese
Their school is beautiful. I’d like to take a look.
他们学校很漂亮,我想去看 ( 一 ) 看。
Tāmen xuéxiào hěn piàoliang, wǒ xiǎng qù kàn (yí) kàn.
Translate to Chinese
A: Where shall we go for dinner tonight?
B: Let me see.
A: 我们今天晚上去哪里吃饭 ? B: 我想 ( 一 ) 想。
A: Wǒmen jīntiān wǎnshàng qù nǎlǐ chī fàn?
B: Wǒ xiǎng (yì) xiǎng.
Translate to Chinese
Could you help me please?
请帮帮我,好不好 ?
Qǐng bāngbang wǒ, hǎo bu hǎo?
Translate to Chinese
The school is close by. It takes only ten minutes’ walk to get there.
Xuéxiào hěn jìn。Zǒulù shí fēnzhōng jiù dào le.
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That place is not far. You’ll get there in no time.
Nà ge dìfang bù yuǎn。Hěn kuài jiù dào le.
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He will be here in a (short) while.
Tā děngyīxià jiù lái.
Translate to Chinese
If you have free time, let’s get something to eat, Ok?
如果你有空 ( 的话 ),我们一起吃饭,好吗?
Rúguǒ nǐ yǒukòng (de huà), wǒmen yìqǐ chīfàn, hǎo ma?
Translate to Chinese
If you want, Ii can book the hotel for you.
Rúguǒ nǐ yào, wǒ kěyǐ bāng nǐ dìng jiǔdiàn.
Translate to Chinese
If you feel too tired, you don’t need to go , no worries.
如果你觉得太累的话,, 你不用去 , 没关系。
Rúguǒ nǐ juéde tài lèi de huà, nǐ bú yòng qù, méiguānxi.
Translate to Chinese
How do I get to Taipei Main Station from here?
Cóng zhèlǐ dào Táiběi Chēzhàn, zěnme zǒu?
Translate to Chinese
How long does it take to drive to the airport from the hotel from hotel to airpot?
从酒店到机场,, 开车要多久 ?
Cóng jiǔdiàn dào jīchǎng, kāi chē yào duōjiǔ?
Translate to Chinese
Can we take bus from Shanghai to Beijing?
Cóng Shànghǎi dào Běijīng kěyǐ zuò gōngjiāochē ma?
Translate to Chinese
Calwin! What do you want to eat for lunch?
Calwin! Wǔcān nǐ xiǎng chī shénme?
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Anything’s fine for me.
Dōu kěyǐ.
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Would you like to try beef noodles?
Nǐ xiǎng shìshi niúròumiàn ma?
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Ok, how do we get there?
Hǎo, zěnme qù?
Translate to Chinese
From here we can take a bus or the MRT.
Cóng zhèlǐ wǒmen kěyǐ zuò gōngjiāochē, yě kěyǐ dā jiéyùn.
Translate to Chinese
Which kind of transport do you prefer?
Nǐ xǐhuān nǎ yì zhǒng jiāotōng gōngjù?
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Since I just got to Taiwan, I’m alright with trying both.
Wǒ gāng dào Táiwān, dōu kěyǐ shìshi.
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Then we’ll take the bus, it takes about 20 minutes.
Nà wǒmen zuò gōngjiāochē qùba, dàgài èrshí fēnzhōng.
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Alright, then let’s take the bus.
Hǎo, jiù zuò gōngjiāochē.
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Which bus are we going to take?
Wǒmen yào zuò jǐ hào gōngjiāochē?
Translate to Chinese
270 and 263 are both fine. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 stops and we’re there.
270 和 263 都可以,一二三四五六七八,八站就到了。
270 hé 263 dōu kěyǐ, yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā, bā zhàn jiù dào le.
Translate to Chinese
Ah, 270’s coming, let’s get on!
啊,270 来了,我们上车吧!
À, 270 lái le, wǒmen shàng chē ba!
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Hi, I’d like two tickets, please.
Nǐ hǎo, liǎng zhāng piào.
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How much is the ticket?
Chēpiào duōshǎo qián?
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15 dollars. Don’t worry. It’s my treat.
Shíwǔ yuán, méi guān xi, wǒ qǐngkè.
Translate to Chinese
Thank you very much. The buses in Taipei are very convenient.
Zhēn xièxie nǐ. Táiběi de gōngjiāochē zhēnde hěn fāngbiàn.
Translate to Chinese
Shì a.
Translate to Chinese
We’re arriving, let’s get off the bus!
Kuài dào le, wǒmen zhǔn bèi xiàchē ba!