Level 3 Questions Flashcards
What would you advise someone if they asked you to perform quantity surveying advice as a favour?
What would you advise a contractor if they offered to take you out for lunch after a valuation?
What advice would you give if a contractor asked for an extension on the tender return date?
How have you advised on macro-economic conditions on a project?
On 20 Giltspur street, I advised the client of tender price inflation due to macro-economic conditions such as labour shortages and material price inflation effective from October 2023.
How do you advise your client on changes between design stages?
On 50 Stratton street, I advised the client of increases during the stage 4 design stage and presented these in a change control report.
A key item that drove the cost increase was a change to the basement smoke ventilation system which added circa £250k. The design changed from a natural ventilation system to a hybrid mechanical system.
When have you advised on a design change that improved the value of a project?
On Clifton Street, I advised the Client that by omitting the AET system for a hybrid VRF system, not only could the targeted cost saving could be achieved but an additional 300ft2 of NIA could be gained.
What would you advise if a contractor applied for payment on off-site materials which were not listed in the Contract?
I would advised the Client that valuing materials offsite without a vesting certificate could pose potential risks if the main contractor was to go insolvent as the subcontractor would have retention of title on the materials claimed and paid for.
What would you advise your client if they inquired about postponing their final payment until after the Christmas holidays on a valuation?
I would advise that instead of delaying the payment, that we negotiate an earlier valuation date with the Contractor to ensure the contractual payment deadlines were met.
Why did you advise on using a minor works contract for the TWPS enabling works?
I advised the client that because the works were of a simple and defined nature and that there was no requirement for CDP, named sub-contractors or sectional completion that the minor works contract made the most sense.