Health and Safety (Level 2) Flashcards
What are the CDM regulations 2015?
Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015
What are the three main parts of the CDM regulations?
- Client must submit an F10 form to HSE if construction project is “notifiable”
- Principal Designer responsible for H&S Pre-Construction (existing H&S files, design risk assessment, compliance with building regulations)
- Principal Contractor responsible for H&S during construction (Construction phase plan, maintain H&S file, site welfare facilities, site inductions)
Are QS’s considered designers under CDM Regs 2015?
Yes, as the QS drafts the project preliminaries, we also attend DTMs and have a duty to warn the team if something could be potentially unsafe.
Can a client choose not to employ a PD?
‘Yes, but they only have this option if there is only 1 subcontractor on site and they must discharge duties of a PD themselves
At what point would a scheme become notifable to HSE?
If the project lasts more than 30 days and has more than 20 workers working at the same time or is over 500 person days
What is an F10 form?
An F10 notification is an online form which must be filled out and submitted to notify the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of a medium/large scale project
Who is responsible for notifying the HSE?
The commercial client
What are the key features of an F10 form?
Who - Client, Contractor, Designer
What - Scope of Works
Where - Location
When - Dates
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
What is COSHH?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Which approved document is linked to Fire Safety?
What does a health and safety file contain?
- Brief description of works carried out
- Any hazards on site
- Key structural principles
- Health and safety info about equipment being used
- Nature and location of significant services
What does the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 1974 say?
Requires Employers… Ensure H&S of the workforce and at the workplace, Provide H&S info and training, Provide adequate welfare
Also mentions control of noise and vibration, asbestos, RIDDOR
What is the employee’s responsibility under HSWA?
To follow employer’s H&S policy and To ensure any unsafe activity is reported
Is it necessary to comply with the HSWA?
Yes. Failure to comply is a criminal offence and can result in a prison sentence
What is Five-point PPE?
- Helmet
- Goggles
- Gloves
- Boots
- Hi-Vis Jacket
Why do you owe a duty of care to the public?
Because you work in construction you know more than the public
What do you need to do to make sure you do before visiting an unoccupied site?
- Inform my team and try and take someone with me
- Take my phone with me to ensure I was contactable
- Ensure I took a first aid kit
If you see something wrong on another site what should you do?
- Keep yourself safe
- Protect the public
- Notify the people working on it
What does the RICS ‘Surveying Safely’ Guidance Note mainly cover?
Covers H&S responsibilities at a corporate level and at individual level
Advice on:
Risk Assessment
Safe Work Environment
Safe Person
Occupational health (i.e. stress, violence etc.)
What activities should be undertaken before visiting a site?
- Inform colleagues where you are going
- Ensure you have the correct PPE and it is functional
- Plan travel to site properly
- Assess what kind of hazards and risks might be encountered during the visit
What activities should be undertaken during a site visit?
- Sign in to visitor’s book
- Make sure site manager knows you’re on site
- Assess site for potential risks and communicate these to the site manager (i.e. materials stored on site or waste areas)
- Ask if there are any site-specific rules that you need to follow
What kind of hazards might there be on a construction site?
- Slip and Trip Hazards
- High structures
- Hazardous materials
- Plant equipment
- Unprotected HV power
What activities should be undertaken when leaving a site?
- Site manager should be informed that you are leaving
- Property should be left secure
What hazardous materials are you aware of?
- Asbestos
- Lead
- Anthrax
What does CSCS stand for?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme
Why is a CSCS card important?
Provides proof that individuals have the required training and qualifications for the type of work they carry out
What colour is your CSCS card?
What is the fire extinguisher colours?
Black = Co2
Red = Water
Yellow = Foam
Blue = Dry Powder
Green = Vaporizing Liquids
Are you allowed to walk around a site unoccupied?
Yes, as long as you have a CSCS card and know how to identify and assess hazards on site
Although ideally, you would want a site manager to accompany you
What are the types of asbestos?
Blue - Concrete
Brown - lagging
White - ceilings, walls and floors
Can you give me an example of how CDM regs affected one of your projects?
On Berners Street, a man safe system was installed for building maintenance works.
This provided a safe environment for people who will maintain a building.
As an employee, how might you ensure personal health and safety at work?
- Ensure the site is safe
- Ensure everyone who visits site has appropriate PPE and a site induction
- Ensure everyone knows how to deal with a hazard on site
What would you do if you saw an unsafe act/breach whilst you were out?
- Take immediate action - try and stop the people and explain its unsafe *Ensuring you aren’t putting yourself in danger
- Inform site manager
- Incident needs to be logged in an accident book
- Report to HSE (if it continues to be unsafe)
What is the Building Safety Act 2022?
- High Risk Buildings over 18m or 7 Stories
- Gateway Programme: Planning, Pre-Contruction, Pre-Occupation
- Time: Longer Design Periods
- Cost: More prof fees/ project delay costs, easier to insure
- Quality: Improved design, safer
- Suits the 2 stage tender approach
What is the golden thread of information?
- Crucial information about design, construction, saftey must be maintained digitally and updated throughout a buildings life cycle
- Building safety features are easily accessible and maintained
- Better Safety Management
- Ensures informaed decision making
- MUST BE: Digital, Secure, Available, Useable
- Introduces an accountable person (building manager usually)
What were the findings from the Grenfell Report 2024?
5 Failures Occured:
1. Government Failure - Ignoring Concerns
2. Design and Construction Failures - lack of communication/ responsibility
3. Manufacturer Misconduct - Manipulated Data
4. Building Control and Oversight - Building Control Authorities were inadequately trained and overworked
5. Tenant Management Failures - Poor management lead to lack of fire safety awareness
What are the key features of the RICS surveying safely edition 2?
Risk Management: Identifying hazards related to physical and environmental risks.
Legal Compliance: Compliance with both local and international safety regulations, including the HSWA and CDM Regulations.
Safe Working Practices
Mental Health and Well-being
Competence and Training: CPD
Communication and Reporting
What are the key features of the Health and Safety at Work Act?
- Employers General Duty of Care
- Employee Responsibilities
- Risk Assessment and Prevention
- Health and Safety Policy: Five or more employees
- Enforcement and Penalties: Enforced by HSE
- Wider Coverage: Also covers contractors, visitors, and the general public
- Training and Information
What would you advise your Client if a PQQ return showed that a Contractor had 2 H&S incidents in the past 18 months?
I would seek the advice of the Principal Designer.
I would advise that there could be financial implications to this (claim amde against the Contractor or expensive insurance)
What is the purpose of the CDM regulations?
- Reduce Risk
- Improve Planning
- Ensure Compliance
What is included in a construction phase plan?
- Description of the works and how they are carried out
- Management of the project
- Risks
What is included in a H&S file?
Project Overview
Structural principles
As-built drawings
Equipment information
Removal/ dismantling
What is included in the pre-construction H&S information?
Specific H&S hazards
Existing H&S information