Level 14-2 Flashcards
Meaning Mnemonic
The mouth of a well will surround you if you fall into it. The mouth of a well is the opening of the well, and if you fall into that well, the mouth as well as the rest of the well will surround you.
Additional Info:
Picture yourself surrounded by this well on all sides. You look up and you can barely see the mouth of the well where you fell in and now you are trapped. Imagine how scared you are. Imagine trying to claw your way up the sides of the well but all you do is break your nails on the walls.
Reading Mnemonic
The well walls surround you as you look up to the mouth once again. This time you see an eagle (い) flying overhead. You call out to the eagle to save you and the eagle comes swooping down into the well and flies you out to safety. What a nice eagle!
Additional Info:
This eagle is basically a superhero. Imagine an eagle dressed in a superman outfit. He’s your savior. Imagine your gratitude towards this eagle superhero.
Meaning Mnemonic
If you live in the now, there’s a good chance your heart controls your thought process. You don’t have time to think with your brain, you need an answer now so you use your heart to make decisions and thought process.
Additional Info:
Think about the last time you thought it was right to make a decision with your heart. What was it? Use these emotions to remember this kanji.
Reading Mnemonic
You’re living in the now and letting your heart control all your thoughts. Why are you following your heart? You found you only have one 年 (ねん) to live, so you have to live for the now.
Additional Info:
Think of all the things you’d do with your life if you only had one 年 left. Maybe you should go do some of them anyways, right now?
pine tree
Meaning Mnemonic
When climbing a tree in public, it’s best to choose a pine. Pine trees offer the most coverage, so you’ll be able to hide, even out in public.
Additional Info:
Imagine climbing up a pine tree. The pine needles are prickly, so your hands get pricked as you climb. Smell the pine tree smell and feel the pine sap on your hands.
Reading Mnemonic
In case you fall, someone has laid mats (まつ) out around the base of the pine tree. That way, you’ll land on the mats should something unfortunate happen.
Additional Info:
Picture yourself falling out of this pine tree and onto the mats. The mats are nice and soft so it’s nice. Hear the whoosh of air as you collapse onto the mats.
Meaning Mnemonic
Being at a bar is bad for the remainder of your liver. You have a drinking problem so your liver is in a pretty bad way. It’s bad for you to be drinking at a bar when the remainder of your liver is in such bad shape.
Additional Info:
Imagine being at a bar and drinking the remainder of your liver to death. You’re bad. Feel the pain in your liver as you drink more and more.
Reading Mnemonic
This bar is in Zanzibar (ざん). You spent the remainder of your life savings to travel here. For a vacation spot, Zanzibar isn’t so bad.
Additional Info:
You’re at a beach bar in Zanzibar. Taste the drink on your tongue as you bask in the sun and hear the salty waves crashing on the Zanzibarian shoreline.
al, ~al, like, ~like
Meaning Mnemonic
A white guy jumps into a pool with a target painted on the bottom. He’s aiming for the bullseye.
Additional Info:
Picture this pasty white dude jumping into the target bottomed pool. The sun glints off of his unnaturally white skin and stings your eyes.
Reading Mnemonic
This white dude is a huge techie (てき) so he has electronic enhancements that make sure he hits the target. Being a techie has its advantages.
Additional Info:
He hits the water right on target and the water splashes onto you. Since he was a techie, he was able to perform the perfect dive. And now you’re all wet.
Meaning Mnemonic
You tie a thread on your finger before jumping in the pool to remind yourself of the promise you made to your mother. The thread represents the promise you made to mow the lawn after you finished swimming in the pool.
Additional Info:
The promise reminding thread on your finger was tied too tight. You can feel the thread starting to cut off your circulation as your finger starts to turn purple and go numb. It’s really uncomfortable.
Reading Mnemonic
After you get out of the pool, you keep the promise you made to your mother. So you get on your yak (やく) powered mower and trim the grass. Yes, your mower is pulled by a yak. It’s very efficient.
Additional Info:
Imagine yourself sitting on a riding mower as you’re pulled around the yard by a yak. The yak is having a hard time pulling you so its making lots of yak noises. Hear them in your mind.
Meaning Mnemonic
Part rain, part other stuff. I imagine this is what people thought the atmosphere was made out of thousands of years ago.
Additional Info:
Imagine looking up into the sky, trying to figure out what the atmosphere up there is made out of. Your only lead: It’s raining, a lot. So, the atmosphere must be partly made of rain, and it’s just falling down.
Reading Mnemonic
The reading for this kanji is actually the same as 分s. One trick about complicated kanji is they often take the reading of one of the pieces that they’re made from. In this case it’s 分, which is cool.
Additional Info:
Also, studying the atmosphere is a ton of fun (ふん), if you’re into that sort of thing.