Lesson 80-100 Flashcards
~ㄹ/을걸 (그랬다)
I Should Have Done
이용 수칙을 제대로 읽을걸
I should have read the rules of using (this thing) properly
아까 그 표지를 더 자세히 볼걸
I should have looked at that sign better
공기가 건조해서 로션을 조금 더 바를걸
The air is dry, so I should have put on a bit more lotion
오기 전에 밥을 먹을걸 그랬나?
Should I have eaten before coming here?
가사를 더 잘 외울걸 그랬어
I should have memorized the lyrics better
우리가 초밥을 시킬걸 그랬나?
Should we have ordered sushi?
우리가 동물원에 더 일찍 올걸 그랬지?
We should have come to the zoo earlier (eh?)
나는 무거운 가방을 괜히 가져왔어
I didn’t need to bring this heavy bag
uneccessary/ pointless
보상을 괜히 그렇게 많이 했네요
I guess I gave him too much money in compensation
~았/었아/어야 하다
One should have
몸살이 나기 전에 병원에 갔어야 해요
You should have gone to the hospital before your body started aching
A/V-았/었어야 했는데
‘I should have done’ ~regret something should have done but did not
제가 안나 씨한테 뚱뚱해 보인다고 했거든요. 그런 말하지 말았어야 했는데 후회가 돼요.
I told her that she looked fat. I shouldn’t have said such a thing, and now I regret it.
선생님, 죄송합니다. 제가 다시 한번 확인했어야 했는데 안 했더니 틀린 게 많은 것 같습니다.
I’m sorry, teacher. I should have checked it once more, but I didn’t, so there were many mistakes.
오늘 가니까 선물이 다 팔렸더라고요. 미리 사러 갔어야 했는데…
I went today but they were all sold out. I should have bought them earlier…
세일 기간 때문에 어제 사러 갔어야 했는데 오늘 갔더니 다 팔렸더라고요.
Because of sale time, I should have gone to buy it yesterday, but I went today and they are all sold out.
…right? …is it true? ~confirm something you’ve heard or learned indirectly
너 큰 장학금이 받았다면서?
I heard that you got a big scholarship, is it true?
부산에는 지금 눈이 많이 온다면서요?
In Busan, it’s snowing a lot now, right?
한국 사람들은 생일에 미역국을 먹는다면서요?
I heard Koreans eat seaweed soup on their birthdays, right?
한국 남자들은 모두 군대에 갔다 온다면서요?
Is it true that all Korean men have to do military service?
A/V-(으)ㄴ/는/ㄹ 줄 몰랐다 and -(으)ㄴ/는/ㄹ 줄 알았다
I didn’t know / I thought that
오늘 숙제가 있었어요? 저는 숙제가 있는 줄 몰랐어요. 숙제가 없는 줄 알았어요.
Did we have homework today? I didn’t know we had homework. I thought we didn’t have any homework.
바람이 많이 불어서 날씨가 추운 줄 알았어요. 그런데 밖에 나오니까 춥지 않아요.
The wind was blowing so strong I thought it was cold. But now I am outside, it isn’t cold.
친구와 통화 중인 줄 몰랐어요. 조용히 할게요.
I didn’t know that you are calling your friend. I will be silent.
일본어가 이렇게 어려운 줄 몰랐어요.
I didn’t know Japanese is this difficult.
~은/ㄴ/는 척하다
To pretend to
선생님이 그를 보자 공부하는 척했어요
He pretended to study when the teacher looked at him
고양이가 야생 개를 보고 누워서 죽은 척했어요
The cat saw the wild dog and then lay down and pretended to be dead
그 이벤트가 마음에 들지 않았지만 감동한 척했어요
I didn’t like that event, but I pretended that it impressed me
우리 아들은 TV를 보면서 침대를 정돈하는 척했어요
Our son pretended to clean up his bed while watching TV
원하는 것을 받으려고 남자는 슬픈 척했어요
The man pretended to be sad to get what she wanted
저는 파티에서 행복한 척했는데 사실 요즘에 진짜 슬퍼요
I pretended to be happy at the party, but I am actually really sad these days
~ㄹ/을 텐데(요)
It is probable that, I suppose that… / would
날씨가 좋았더라도 저는 공원에 안 갔을 텐데요
Even if it were nice out, I still wouldn’t have gone
음식이 더 있으면 좋을 텐데
It would be good if there was more food
날씨가 좋더라도 나는 갈 수 없을 텐데
Even if the weather is nice, I can’t go
대출을 못 받을 텐데
We probably won’t be able to receive a loan
그 식당이 이미 닫았을 텐데
The restaurant is probably already closed (Ugh, it’s too bad because the
부장님이 없었을 텐데 그래도 부장님을 만나러 회사에 갔어요?
The boss probably wasn’t there, regardless, did you go to work to meet him?
길이 막힐 텐데 지하철로 가자
The roads will probably be jammed, so let’s take the subway
지도에 표시된 커다란 나무가 곧 보일 테니까 조금만 더 빨리 걷자
We will soon be able to see the big tree that is marked on the map, so let’s walk just a bit faster
-(으)ㄴ/는 모양이다
‘seems like’, ‘appears like’ and is very similar to grammar pattern -ㄴ/은/는 것 같다. However -(으)ㄴ/는 모양이다 expresses not just a random guess but something based on certain evidences/circumstances.
가게 앞까지 줄을 서서 기다리는 걸 보니 손님이 많은 모양이에요.
Seeing you waiting in line in front of the store, there seems to be a lot of customers.