Lesson 8 Flashcards
What is a float bet opportunity?
A situation where the pre-flop aggressor checks the flop to me oop when I’m in position and I can bet.
In a single raised pot, what is the most common float bet opportunity?
BB vs SB.
as BB vs SB , I have a float opportunity, board is 773hsc
For each of the following hands, estimate if it’s bet more than the global frequency or less:
1.66 - more than the global frequency - for value/denial
2.AJo - Less than the global frequency. This hands is ahead of many villian’s hands on this dry texture. Value/denial
- QTo -this airball hand bets more than the global frequency
- J7dd - This nutted hand which unlocks Ax which villain will happily check again on the turn bets PURE
5.A7dd -about global frequency - this hand blocks Ax which villain checks again on the turn,so villain will start bluffing at a higher frequency
6.A9o - WAY less than global frequency - it’s a thinner value bet than AJo - a solver pure calls KTs as sb in this spot
7.Q4ss - WAY more than average frequency, airball for now but bd flush,bd straight and a Q draw
8.J6dd - more than average frequency, total airball, with a very weak bd straight, no bd flush, so it does bet less than the other J6 but it’s still more than global freq (in carrot’s sim it bet way less)
True or False: I want to remember the exact frequencies.
Nope. Care about the shape of my strategy, not the exact frequencies.
What are some pitfalls of float betting?
*Linearisation Pitfall - betting only high EV hands
*Drawmania-auto betting every draw
*Protection Obsession-focusing only on the branches of the tree (villain range and runout) where we get outdrawn.
What does the PFR forfeit and retain when checking the flop?
Forfeits some of the Nut Advantage but retains a Range Advantage.
What is the Mixed Bag Rule in betting flops?
It is possible to bet on various hands for all reasons: value, bluff, and denial.
What happens on higher flops regarding float betting strategy and why?
Betting becomes infrequent with larger bets due to less denial because now when I’m ahead I’m far ahead or the villain has too much equity to fold (flush draws etc).
Define semi-polarised strategies. Give an example of when to use those.
Betting more polarised hands at a higher frequency while also betting some depolarised hands. Floating the flop in position as PFC when OOP PFR checks to me on low boards.
What characterizes fully-polarised strategies on higher flops?
Lower betting frequency and only clear value bets and bluffs - less denial is involved.
as BU vs SB 3-bet pot, flop comes 855hhd, SB checks to me.
What is my strategy and why?
-small sizing due to nut disadvantage (sb still has all the overpairs which should check in theory at some frequency).
-Since my range is full of pocket pairs (and less unpair hands), I have a slight range advantage so my overall strategy is to bet semi-polarised.
What should be the focus when determining if a hand can bet in a float bet strategy?
How the hand fits into the overall range strategy.
Fill in the blank: The strategy we play on low flops is _______.
Fill in the blank: The strategy we play on higher flops is _______.
What should be done with mediocre hands in a less favorable board in a 3Bet pot?
Save betting for clear value bets and bluffs.
as BB vs SB SRP,
flop comes AQ6hdh, sb checks to us.
- What kind of a strategy am I going to use
- Why is 22 an optional bet and 88 I can’t bet?
- Why is A4 a pure check, cant it bet for value? Why is A8s betting here more frequently (eg frequency >0 lol)
- Why can’t J8cc (a complete airball) bluff here?
1.It’s a high-board - fully polarised strategy
- 22 bets a lot more because of a much much better denial than 88
- Technically it is strong enough to bet for value, but there’s almost no denial factor here.
A8 also doesn’t have denial but has more value vs Ax as it is ahead of some of the villain’s value range. - This isn’t a favorable world, so I can’t bluff with complete air with little equity.
What’s “strategy and then hand”?
Think about my overall strategy on this spot, and only then ask how my hand fits into that strategy
as BB vs SB SRP,
board comes AQ6hdh,
SB checks to me and I have 86ss.
What’s a correct thinking process?
My strategy is fully polarised, so therefore I cannot bet this hand
as BB vs SB SRP,
board comes 773r,
SB checks to me and I have J8s.
What’s a correct thinking process?
My strategy is semi-polarized, so this is an optional bet
as BB vs SB SRP,
board comes AQ6hdh,
SB checks to me and I have AJo
What’s a correct thinking process?
I’ll have a fully polarised range, this hand is good enough to value bet - can bet.
What’s the analogy between a car and a car part and a range and a hand within that range
If I’ll put a random pipe of a car on the table, no one will know what it is. If I’ll show it within the context of a car, everyone will know what it is.
It’s the same thing for a hand in a range. Without thinking about how my range construction looks like, I don’t have a blueprint of how to play that hand. If I’ll think about my range and its overarching strategy, I’ll be able to also think about how that hand fits within my strategy.
as BU vs SB 3-bet pot,
flop comes QJ6ssc,
sb checks to me,
What’s my overall strategy and why?
Bet polarised:
There’s no point in betting middling hands like 99, as his overcards never fold and either crush 99 or otherwise have really good equity (two overcards and a gutshot).
Bet big and infrequently (54hh bet here frequently so I’m in a favorable world).
What’s HW8?
Look at two spots:
- as BB vs BB SRP float opportunity
- as BU vs SB 3-bet pot float opportunity
Take a texture. Ask two questions:
- What’s my overall strategy in terms of polarization (semi-polar or fully polar).
- How does my hand fit into that strategy?