Lesson 2 Flashcards
Value betting - what situations exist when it comes to value betting?
What factors determine those?
Cannot value bet,optional value bet, mandatory value bet
Urgency and landing equity
What’s “urgency” when it comes to value betting? On what 3 factors it depends?
How important it is to bet NOW.
Time left, hand strength, stack depth.
It depends on the amount of time (nodes) left for my hand to reach the amount it desires to invest.
It depends on the strength of my hand - stronger hands want to invest more, and weaker hands can be ok with sometimes delaying investments.
It also depends on stack depths.
What’s landing equity vs finishing equity?
Landing equity - equity before my opponent reacted to my bet
Finishing equity - equity after my opponent reacted to my bet
When I bet and my opponent calls, my equity vs his range goes down as his range becomes stronger.
The bigger i bet for value…
The stronger villian’s continuation range so therefore the stronger hand i need for value
Where do I need more equity to value bet, in position or out of position and why?
in position, because re-opening the action has a cost (villain can check range, we can check to see the next card etc).
Do we need more or less equity vs villain when the board is wetter?
less equity since a lot of his range’s equity comes from draws.
What differentiates between “must bet”, “optional bet” and “cannot bet” for value?
Can’t bet for value: when the hand isn’t strong enough to support any bet size
Must bet- hand strong enough to support a certain bet size and urgency is high
Optional bet- hand is strong enough but urgency isn’t high
BU vs BB srp, flop T66hcd X/B33/C
Turn 9h X it’s on us the BU.
Why is this a blunder to value bet here?
Hand not strong enough to value bet here
BU vs BB srp, flop T66hcd X/B33/C
Turn 9h X it’s on us the BU.
What’s wrong with betting as BU for this reason:
“I wanted to end the hand before the hearts came”
It focuses on a very very specific part of villian’s range
BU vs BB srp, flop T66hcd X/B33/C
Turn 9h X it’s on us the BU.
What’s wrong with betting as BU for this reason:
“I didn’t want to lose the initiative”
It’s an emotional investment… this term doesn’t mean anything
BU vs BB srp, flop T66hcd X/B33/C
Turn 9h X it’s on us the BU.
What’s wrong with betting as BU for this reason:
I didn’t want to face a river bet
emotional investment for no good reason
BU vs BB srp, flop T66hcd X/B33/C
Turn 9h X it’s on us the BU.
What’s wrong with betting as BU for this reason:
I bet for protection
It focuses on a very narrow part of the tree and protection isn’t a good enough of a reason to bet by itself.
BU vs BB srp, flop T66hcd X/B33/C
Turn 9h X it’s on us the BU.
What’s wrong with betting as BU for this reason:
I was targeting low pairs
This is tunnel vision on a specific part of villain’s range
flop J42r X/B33/C
turn 2 X, we are on BU with A2s
-Why is this a mandatory bet?
We have a landing equity monster, with high urgency (in position on the turn).
flop J42r X/B33/C
turn 2 X
What’s wrong with this reason for not overbetting:
“Villian will fold a lot”
Good, so we will make him fold when we have a bluff
flop J42r X/B33/C
turn 2 X
What’s wrong with this reason for not overbetting:
“We will never do it with a bluff”
Yes we will do it with a bluff as well
flop J42r X/B33/C
turn 2 X
What’s wrong with this reason for not overbetting:
“We make it obvious that our hand is strong”
No, our range is bluffs and strong hands.
How should I view the ‘bet for denial’ reasoning?
Denial is a bonus reason for betting, but not a reason by itself for betting.
eg it’s not a sufficient reason by itself to bet.
eg bet for value with the extra reason of denial, or bet as a bluff with the extra reason of denial, or bet for value and as a bluff(!) with the extra reason of denial.
What’s the “draw obsession pitfall”? Give an example
Put emphasis on the branch of the tree where a draw comes in and they lose a big pot.
For example, AA no c on 876cch SRP BU vs BB,
Urgency cannot be high when villain has a hand like QTcc, and it’s very close between checking and betting (it’s checked at a high frequency).
What does the denial factor do?
It sways us if the decision is close otherwise.
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
is the following hand on the turn:
- mandatory value bet
- optional value bet, or
- cannot value bet?
Mandatory bet, high urgency and a monster landing equity
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
is the following hand on the turn:
- mandatory value bet
- optional value bet, or
- cannot value bet?
Mandatory bet: high urgency and a monster landing equity.
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
is the following hand on the turn:
- mandatory value bet
- optional value bet, or
- cannot value bet?
Optional bet- this is because in equilibrium there’s some slowplaying as BB with a good KX, if in real life it’s not happening for our particular BB opponent then this could become a mandatory bet.
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
is the following hand on the turn:
- mandatory value bet
- optional value bet, or
- cannot value bet?
optional bet - it has a good landing equity, the hand doesn’t crave a huge pot
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
is the following hand on the turn:
- mandatory value bet
- optional value bet, or
- cannot value bet?
optional bet, doesn’t crave a huge pot, also denial is a thing
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
is the following hand on the turn:
- mandatory value bet
- optional value bet, or
- cannot value bet?
optional bet, doesn’t crave a huge pot, also denial is a thing
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
is the following hand on the turn:
- mandatory value bet
- optional value bet, or
- cannot value bet?
optional bet
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
Optional bet -this is a still-lake texture that is hard to hit
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
Optional bet -this is a still-lake texture that is hard to hit
BU vs BB srp,
flop comes KK3r,
turn 6h
Cannot bet,- landing equity isn’t high, has SDV