Lesson 7 - Chapters 9&10 Flashcards
There are little differences between the diet of rural and urban families?
Cancer and cardiovascular disease, both nutritionally related, are two of the biggest killers of the adult population?
Sweets before bed, or as rewards, can create lifelong problems with our relationship with food?
When we change our diets we need to pay close attention to what?
How the body handles new foods as digestive problems and allergies may occur
Refined grains were melt to 10% of total calories in the paleo diet?
Paleo diet facts:
High fibre intake
Hunter gatherer diet
Protein was high, between 19 and 35% of total calories and always included meat
Longevity similar to our, but with less chronic degenerative disease
Which habits weaken the digestive system and make it easier to gain weight?
Eating late at night
Eating too many different foods at the same time
What is the most important food habit?
WHAT we eat
Which principle is the best approach to daily meal patterns?
Eat the most before you do the most
What food generates the most alkaline ash out of grains, nuts, milk, and lemons?
Food combining rules:
Fruits are best eaten alone
Meats require an acidic digestive medium and starches require an alkaline environment, so when eaten together it slows digestion and makes it less efficient
Proteins should not be mixed with starches
If eaten with other foods, fruits and simple sugars can ferment in the body allowing gas to go through the intestines
To calculate the calories from carbs on a food label, multiple total grams of carbs by 4 calories ?
Food labelling rules;
High potassium means 700mg or more per serving
Good source of fibre indicates 2.5 to 4.9 per serving
Children should be encouraged to drink plenty of water and juice during the day?
False, not juice
Which spice can be contaminated with salmonella and should be stored in the fridge?