___ makes the world go around: It
makes babies bond, children giggle,
adolescents flirt, and adults have babies.
the eminent neuropsychologist ____________ (1958) described sex
as one of four basic human drive states.
Karl Pribram
Sex as one of four basic human drive states. __________ motivate us to accomplish
goals. They are linked to our survival.
Drive states
According to Pribram four basic human drive states:
- Feeding
- Fighting
- Fleeing, and;
- Sex
_______________________ refers to
the totality of oneself as a
sexual being, including positive
and negative concepts and
Sexual self-concept
____________ determines the sexual concept of
the individual.
Sexual identity
_________ is a biological characteristics based on the chromosome.
_________ is a sociological concept that mainly pertains to the feminity or
masculinity of the individuals. It connotes to the social roles and
cultural expectations determined by the social norms.
________________ Personal depictions of masculinity and femininity.
Gender Identity
___________________ Societal expectations of masculinity and femininity.
Gender Role
_________________ A person’s sexual attraction to
other people. Within the context of sexual orientation,
sexual attraction
Sexual orientation
__________________ refers to a person’s capacity to
arouse the sexual interest of another, or, conversely, the
sexual interest one person feels toward another.
Sexual attraction
______________ proposed that personality development in childhood
takes place during five psychosexual stages
Sigmund Freud
- Oral Stage
- Anal Stage
- Phallic Stage
- Latency Stage
- Genital Stage
During the _______, a baby’s libido, or innate pleasure-seeking energy, is
focused on the mouth.
oral stage
During the ________, the libido becomes
focused on the anus, and the child derives great
pleasure from defecating.
anal stage
- Unresolved conflicts or issues during this stage can lead to
problems later on, such as excessive cleanliness, stubbornness,
or a need for control.
Anal Fixation
Early or harsh potty training can lead to the child becoming
an _________________________ who hates mess, is obsessively
tidy, punctual, and respectful of authority.
anal-retentive personality
- The _______________, on the other hand, underwent a liberal
toilet-training regime during the anal stage. - In adulthood, the ___________________ is the person who wants to
share things with you. They like giving things away. - An _____________________ personality is also messy, disorganized, and
anal expulsive
- This period is marked by the child’s libido (or desire)
focusing on their genitals as the primary source of
pleasure. - In this stage, children become increasingly aware of their
bodies, exhibiting a heightened interest in their own
genitals and those of the opposite sex.
Phallic Stage (3 to 6 years)
- In the young boy, the _________ or conflict arises because
the boy develops sexual (pleasurable) desires for his mother. - He wants to possess his mother exclusively and get rid of his father
to enable him to do so.
Oedipus Complex
Irrationally, the boy thinks that if his father were to find out about
all this, his father would take away what he loves the most. Hence
the boy develops ____________.
castration anxiety
- a girl unconsciously cultivates a sexual attraction towards
her father, viewing her mother as a competitor.
Electra Complex
In essence, the girl covets her father, yet recognizes that
she lacks a penis, leading to the phenomenon Freud
labeled as ‘___________‘ and a subsequent wish to be male
penis envy
In order to alleviate this tension, she then ______________her feelings and begins to identify with her mother, thereby adopting a traditional female gender role.
- In this stage, Freud believed sexual impulses are repressed,
leading to a period of relative calm. - During this stage, children’s sexual impulses become suppressed
(the libido is dormant), and no further psychosexual development
occurs (latent means hidden). - The focus shifts to other pursuits such as education, social
relationships, and other skills necessary for successful adult life.
Latency Stage (6 years to puberty)
During this stage, the libido re-emerges after its latent period and is
directed towards peers of the other sex, marking the onset of mature
adult sexuality.
Genital Stage (Puberty to Adult)
_____________ are the basic units of reproduction; their union can lead to the
creation of a new life.
Ova and sperm
Collapsible canal extending from
vaginal opening back and upward
into body to cervix and uterus.
- Small end of uterus to which vagina
leads. - It is the opening in cervix leading to
interior of uterus
- Also known as the womb,
- Organ within pelvic zone where
fetus is carried.
- Carry egg cells from ovaries
to uterus, this is where
fertilization occurs.
Produce estrogen and progesterone.
_______ influences female sex characteristics
and initiates menstrual cycle.
_______________aids in regulation of menstrual
cycle and promotes mature development of
uterine lining to allow for zygote implantation.
_________ produce androgen, particularly large quantities of
testosterone, which greatly influence male development
and drive sexual motivation; also produce sperm cells in
virtually unlimited quantity over the entire course of the
________ travels from testicle toward urethra carrying
Vas deferens
____________ two glands that produce alkaline fluid
rich in fructose sugar, comprising some 70% of semen
Seminal Vesicles
___________ nature may stimulate sperm to start self
propulsion and sugar may provide sperm nutrients. Ducts
carry fluid and connect with vas deferens forming
ejaculatory ducts
Sexuality encompasses nearly every
aspect of our being, from attitudes,
and values to feelings and
experiences. It is influenced by the
individual, family, culture,
religion/spirituality, laws,
professions, institutions, science,
and politics.
- Love is addicting.
- The butterflies, the rush of goodness, the
feeling that you are floating on top of the
dominated by the sex
hormones testosterone and estrogen.
* Testosterone pumps in both men and
women pushing sex drive, attraction and
mating tendencies.
couples are heady in love
and are overcome with their feelings.
_____________ Is released in our rewards center
of the brain and makes us feel like we are
winning a prize when we are with our beloved.
______________ This is also called adrenalin
and it causes us to literally feel our love by
getting our heart pumping, making us blush
and sweat around our new beau.
After the wild feelings of lust, and
then the excitement of attraction, then comes
__________ This is also called the ‘cuddle hormone’
because it is released when we are touched, make eye
contact and feel connected to someone.
_____________ This little chemical comes into play to help
us feel long-term connection with someone and
preceded commitment.
- The organisms (bacteria, viruses or parasites) that cause sexually transmitted diseases
may pass from person to person in blood, semen, or vaginal and other bodily fluids.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) — or sexually transmitted infections (STIs)