Lesson 6. Guidance Roles and Functions of School Personnel Flashcards
Challenges of the 21st Society
- Increased social mobility in society
- Breaking of Family ties which resulted into;
- the disappearing family
- the unready family
- the dysfunctional family - Advances in science and technology
- New Trends in Permanency and Tenure
- Increasing Possibilities of Experiencing Crisis
(calamities, pandemic crimes, learning and other disorders) - Increasing Course options and Educational Attainment
- New Job Titles
- Lack of Job Possibilities
- Increasing Financial Difficulty
imperative from the basic institution of the family, school, church and society; indispensable service both for the young and the old
guidance according to crow & crow
fundamental and integral part of the educational system. It provides for holistic development of students
Gibson & Mitchell
Education and Guidance support and complement each other to maximize students’ growth and development
RA 9258 Rule Section 3
Guidance and Counseling is an integral approach to the development of a well-functioning individual . . . primarily by helping him/her utilize his/her potentials to the fullest and plan her/his present and future in accordance to his/her abilities, interests and needs
Guidance Team
consist of the school counselor, teachers, administrators and other school personnel and professionals serving the welfare of students.
Guidance Program addresses?
developmental and adjustment needs of students, it must be based on the regular and systematic assessment of students’ needs and environment.
Guidance Program can observe?
the principles of mental health and psychology in many aspects of teaching and learning process
Guidance program should facilitate?
should assist teachers in their efforts to understand students.
should offer teachers systematic inservice training
should provide for referral of students by teachers
Roles and Functions of Guidance Personnel
- Guidance Counselors
- School Administrator/Principal
- Homeroom Teacher
Functions of Guidance Counselors
- As Counselor
- As Coordinator
- As Consultant
- As Conductor of Activities
- As Change Agent
Basic Guidance Services
Individual Inventory
Information Service
Counseling Service & Group Process
Psychological Assessment (Testing) Service
Admission Service
Placement (academic & Job)
Follow up
Program Dev’t
Adjunct Service
Public Relations (guidance roles and functions)
Techniques of Guidance
- Non-structured techniques
- structured techniques
Non-structured techniques
- Questionnaire
- Observation
- Sociometry
- Autobiography
- Rating Scales
- Anecdotal record
- Case study
- cumulative record
- interviews
structured techniques
Aptitude Test
Intelligence Test
Achievement Test
Interest Inventory
Personality Test
aims to help people overcome obstacles to their personal and educational/professional growth towards maximum dev’t of potential
As Counselor
identify and organize task to be done to facilitate guidance activities
As Coordinator
assist others to solve problems by suggesting interventions w/o direct contact with client
As Consultant
carefully plans and conduct guidance activities that may promote positive movement in life
As Conductor of Activities
involve in the process of organizational change
act as catalyzer, process helper, solution giver, resource linker and stabilizer
As Change Agent
- responsible for establishing, supporting, encouraging and acknowledging the Guidance Program
- responsible for communicating program descriptions, accomplishments, and needs to the Board, parents, teachers, personnel and student
Program Leader and Supporter
- acts as advisor and consultant on needs that can be addressed by the Guidance Program
- acts as consultant to policies that affect program operations, resolution of problems and directions for program development.
Program Consultant and Advisor
– head provides information and direction regarding budget expectations, staffing possibilities, facilities and equipment
- responsible to help allocate funds for salaries, services and other activities.
resource provider
Functions of School Administrator/Principal
- Program Leader and SUpporter
- Program Consultant and Advisor
- Resource provider
Homeroom Teacher
communicates with students on a daily basis and is in a position to establish a relationship based on mutual trust and respect
Functions of Homeroom Teacher
- Listener-Advisor
- Referral or Reinforcing Agent
- Discoverer of Human Potential
- Career Educator
- Human Resource Facilitator
- Guidance Program Supporter
GUIDANCE is necessary to ensure the safety and progress of society