Lesson 5a: Auditor Cmptnces II Flashcards
T or F
Pauses by the Auditor may be used as a technique to elicit more elaborate answers fro the Auditee.
T - Auditee may feel uncomfortable with the silence and elaborate to fill the void.
Translators should be advised that asking for _________ is encouraged and expected.
T or F
Auditors should meet with translators prior to Auditee interviews. This allows protocols to be agreed to and ensure that the Auditor leads off interviews.
F - It may be appropriate that the translator makes opening statements with introductions and explanations of their role.
T or F
Take threats or perceptions of prejudice very seriously.
T - Consider postponing or cancelling audits because of threats or possible prejudice
Pauses by an interviewee, besides reflecting the ability to share info or respond to a question, may also stem from _________ _________.
cultural differences
Most audit teams are ad-hoc and _________, with the leader chosen by the _________ or audit program manager.
normal / client
The normal characteristic of audit teams is that they are ________ _______
task driven
T or F
Because audit teams are task driven, there is no need to ensure team cohesiveness or effectiveness.
F - Even though most audit teams are of short duration, leadership skills are must and team building techniques may be necessary.
The classic evolutionary stages of a team are:
- Forming - organize/cautious/consider task
- Storming - test authority and promote own views
- Norming - accepting of team
- Performing - mature/cohesive/achieve objectives
Audit teams are made up of a leader, member, and on occasion for larger teams, a _________.
What position on large audit teams has the responsibility of enhancing the teams effectiveness?
T or F
Regardless of a large team’s training, experience, and history together, Facilitators serve as a beneficial addition to the team.
According to ANSI/ISO/ASQ QE 19011 an audit is a _______, _______, and ________ procedure for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled.
systematic, independent / documented
Auditors may verify and/or validate requirements (audit criteria) are being met. What is synonymous with the individual terms of verification and validate?
Verification = Checking or Testing
Validation = Actual Performance
T or F
Verification is the authentication of truth or accuracy of facts,measurements, statements, or citations, all of which are confirmation by evidence.
What are the two most common methods of verification?
Examination of records followed by interviewing
__________ is the demonstration of the ability of the system-processes to achieve planned results.
Note: Observation or use of the process can be real or simulated.
T or F
Sometimes audit through verification is the only alternative as validation may be impractical, dangerous, or expensive.
Measuring, corroborating, or evaluating processes is an example of __________.
T or F
An Auditor that needs more time to collect data during an interview should stick to the interview schedule and reschedule an additional session later
F - Change interview time as needed and notify the Auditee organization.
T or F
Facilitators, besides being beneficial to large audit teams, can also be helpful if members have never worked together or been trained in team tasks
The primary methods used by a team to first generate ideas, then pare the list to a manageable level are ______ and ______.
brainstorming / multivoting
What is the key to sampling a homogenous population?
T or F
Auditors are observant, perceptive and, for those with the strongest problem solving skills, able to understand complex problems from a broad perspective.