Lesson 10: Bus Apps for Other Issues Flashcards
Org’s may group _______ by dep’t, area, agency, branch, or other functional identification.
Org processes such as purchasing, marketing, operations, quality assurance all make up ________. Customers then provide _______ and receive outputs of a _______ _______ system.
systems / inputs / business mgmt
Inputs start with customer requirements or _______ _______, whereas a quality mgmt system (org) provides a ______ or _______ to meet that need.
market need / product / service
T or F
Coordination and flow of information from area to area or process to process is not generally not a significant factor in system breakdowns.
F - Coordination and flow of info is a significant source of breakdown.
Flow of info and product realization can be tested by Auditors through _______ audit techniques.
Tracing a service, product, treatment, or project from customer need to delivery uses _______ ________ _______.
process auditing techniques
All org’s are made up of processes. Each process is described by the abbreviation PEEMMM, which stands for ?
People Equipment Environment Materials Measures Methods - plus inputs and outputs
T or F
There are few common elements shared between quality, environmental, and safety audits
F - Many common elements
Note: ISO 19011 represents the commonality between environmental and quality audits.
Continuous improvement is the ultimate org objective to stay __________. _________ program objectives need to support this objective to sustain business results.
competitive / Audit
T or F
An Auditor that provides consulting for a department may subsequently audit that department if not part of that department.
F - As consultant, an Auditor must not then go back and audit their own work as may bro be fully impartial or objective.