LESSON 5: Suppresed nationalism/period of tutelage (US COLONIAL PHILIPPINES) Flashcards
The US colonial Philippines is marked by 4 different periods, what are these?
- Period of Tutelage / Suppressed Nationalism (1901-1913)
- Filipinization Period (1913-1921)
- Return to Tutelage” and Independence Missions (1921-1934)
- Commonwealth of the PH
why did not just the americans let filipinos have independence
- strategic location - to help assert control in neighboring asian countries
- pawhite knight - they believe it was their duty to civilize us savages
WHo is the 2nd Philippine Commission
William Howard Taft (Taft commission)
The 2nd Philippine Commission is a transition from US militar government to?
Insular Government
refers to a form of administration established by a colonial power to govern its overseas territories or islands. The term “insular” means “related to islands,” and in this context, it specifically refers to the governance of island territories.
What is the structure of the government in Taft commission
-Executive + Legislative (lower house and upper house)
-supreme courth (acted as juidicial) - the chief justice must be a filipino (no jury system because americans did not trust filipinos to make intelligent decision)
Philippine Organic Act of 1902
This was passed mainly to win over the Filipinos and then stop the guerilla resistance. But, it would not have existed if not for the resistance of Filipino (mi ultimo adios was recited in congress so that the bill of rights would be passed)
-Creation of the bicameral legislature
-PH Commission: acted as the upper house and appointed by the US
-PH Assembly: the lower house
-Bill of Rights for Filipinos (under the PH organic act)
-2 Filipino resident commissioned to represent PH in US congress (will lobby but cannot vote)
-conservation of the natural resources
-creation of the PH assembly
End of insurrection
Completion of national census
2 years worth of peace and recognition of US authority
The Taft Commission tried to introduce Political education to the Filipinos to eventually let them vote, but what was its problems?
-crafted with filipino elites by the americans
-none of them trusted the common folk and others to vote wisely
In the Taft Com., who are the only people eligible to vote?
based on qualifications that reflected American ideas of suffrage and governance at the time
-Not women
-has to be a landowner/taxpayer/previously an official in Spanish government
-fluent in englisht and spanish
-above 21 years old
hence, only the principalia, haciendero and the businessmen were only allowed to vote
-we can see the effects of this until today (elite control over government and persistence of political dynasty) e.g. the villars
who are the two major political parties during these times
-campaigned for immediate independence (Quezon and Osmena)
Federalista (Pedro Paterno)
-campaigned for annexation or gain US citizenship because we were only considered US nationals (was doomed to fail because PH has big population and it might become the most powerful US state)
later rebranded to Progresista or eventual independence
These are the 3 laws that suppressed nationalism
What are these 3
-Sendition law
-Brigandage Law
-Flag law
These are the 3 laws that suppressed nationalism
What is the Sendition law
-illegal to advocate for independence or separation from US
Has anti libel provisions
Victims: El Renacimiento newspaper (founded by Rafael Palma and Teodoro M. Kalaw as the editor)
Wrote Aves de rapina (talked about a fat man taking photos of girls and native people of the Philippines, Dean Worcester, he then slammed the newspaper)
These are the 3 laws that suppressed nationalism
Brigandage Law
Anyone who considered as an armed resistance is a bandit. These groups were considered to be a serious threat to public order and impose heavy punsihments
These are the 3 laws that suppressed nationalism
Flag law
BAnned display of the PH national flag, KKK flag, insignia of the revolution, and the sound of the national anthem
What is the importance of Zarzuela during the suppressed nationalism
a theater play that is a channel to express thoughts and political ideas
1. in one of the plays of severino reyes, a person rips the american flag and stomped in on the stage
2. in a funeral scene, the ph national anthem was played with violin
3. actors played dressed in red blue white and yellow, symbolizes the flag
4. “hindi ako patay” raised kkk f;ag and said the title
-caused brawl inside the theater
-theater was originally for the peasants, not the elites. this made them have access to these political ideas
what key sectors did the us control (tutelage)
Public Education
-controlled the textbooks, whitewashed it, painted americans as good. created public schools
-pensionado program - sent best filipino students to USA (jose abad santos, jose laurel etc)
- popular to filipinos
- created next gen of bureacrats public servants that will work for USA
what key sectors did the us control (tutelage)
Health and sanitation
-brandedd filipinos as unhygience
-created modern sewage system and help minimize disease
e.g. byrn entire district infected with cholera !!
what key sectors did the us control (tutelage)
MIlitary and rolic
-PH constabulary
PH scouts
what key sectors did the us control (tutelage)
Payne-aldrich act
-economy dominated by cheap US imports since it was more lucrative