Lesson 4: Speech Context (ACTIVITIES) Flashcards
What type of speech context happens when two persons interact?
What type of speech context refers to communication that focuses on one
person, in which the speaker acts as both the sender and receiver of the message?
What type of speech context refers to the process of imparting information
through television, radio, newspaper, magazines, books, billboards, internet and
other types of media?
mass communication
Which of these types of speech context takes place between and among people
and establishes personal relationship between and among them?
Which type of INTERPERSONAL context involves at least three but not more
than twelve people engaging in a face-to-face interaction?
small group communication
What type of speech context requires you to deliver or send the message before
or in front of a group?
public communication
Which of the following is NOT a speech context?
long story communication
Who is/are involved in an intrapersonal communication?
only one speaker
Which of the following refers to the number of communicators and the setting
in which the communication process takes place?
speech context
You spent the night reminiscing your happy moments with someone you are
interested in and suddenly realized that you must prioritize your studies. What
type of speech context is evident in the situation?
intrapersonal communication
T/F: Speech Context refers to the number of communicators and the setting in
which the communication process takes place.
T/F: In dyad and small group communication, you have to listen carefully and
understand what the other person is saying. Asking clarifying questions will
let the other person know that you are indeed listening attentively.
T/F: To become a good communicator, you should at least know how to behave
and respond to various speech contexts.
T/F: Cheering yourself up before an important event or talking to yourself while
completing a task are examples of interpersonal communication.
T/F: Providing comfort to a friend who is feeling down, or simply talking with your
classmates about your plans for a group activity is an example of a dyad and
small group communication.
Consoling a
friend who is
feeling down
communication between two persons