Lesson 30: New Material Flashcards
Ánnuit coeptis.
He has favored our undertaking.
latus -a -um, látior látius, latíssimus -a -um
wide, wider ,widest
latē, látius, latíssimē
widely, more widely, most widely
gravis -e, grávior grávius, gravíssimus -a -um
serious, more serious, most serious
gráviter, grávius, gravíssimē
seriously, more seriously, most seriously
aequus -a -um
equal to, even, level
árduus -a -um
steep, arduous
ávidus -a -um
avid, keen
caecus -a -um
cunctus -a -um
all (referring to a body or group)
dignus -a -um
worthy, dignified
mirus -a -um
periculosus -a -um
superbus -a -um
tardus -a -um
late, delayed
He has favored our undertaking.
Ánnuit coeptis.
wide, wider ,widest
latus -a -um, látior látius, latíssimus -a -um
widely, more widely, most widely
latē, látius, latíssimē
serious, more serious, most serious
gravis -e, grávior grávius, gravíssimus -a -um
seriously, more seriously, most seriously
gráviter, grávius, gravíssimē
equal to, even, level
aequus -a -um
steep, arduous
árduus -a -um
avid, keen
ávidus -a -um
caecus -a -um
all (referring to a body or group)
cunctus -a -um
worthy, dignified
dignus -a -um
mirus -a -um
periculosus -a -um
superbus -a -um
late, delayed
tardus -a -um
Adverbs stand ___ the verbs they modify.
1st/ 2nd declension adjectives are changed into adverbs by ___.
adding -ē to the stem
Some adjectives, especially of quantity and number, form adverbs with the ___.
accusative singular
3rd declension adjectives of two and three terminations are changed into adverbs by ___.
adding -iteror-er to the stem
The comparitive of regular adverbs is the ___.
neuter singular nominative form
The superlative of regular adverbs is formed by ___.
adding -ē to the superlative stem
A superlative adjective used to indicate degree rather than comparisons means ___.
Adjectives with stems ending in a vowel are usually compared with the adverbs ___.
magis, máximē