Lesson 27: New Material Flashcards
Cítius, Áltius, Fórtius
Faster, Higher, Stronger
alienus -a -um
foreign, alien, strage, unfavorable
angustus -a -um
narrow, confined
beatus -a -um
dúbius -a -um
durus -a -um
hard (not soft)
pius -a -um
pious, dutiful
verus -a -um
citus -a -um
rapid, quick
clarus -a -um
clear, bright, gleaming
rústicus -a -um
country (adj.), rural, unsophisticated, rustic
Faster, Higher, Stronger
Cítius, Áltius, Fórtius
foreign, alien, strage, unfavorable
alienus -a -um
narrow, confined
angustus -a -um
beatus -a -um
dúbius -a -um
hard (not soft)
durus -a -um
pious, dutiful
pius -a -um
verus -a -um
rapid, quick
citus -a -um
clear, bright, gleaming
clarus -a -um
country (adj.), rural, unsophisticated, rustic
rústicus -a -um
In adjectives and adverbs, there are ___.
degrees of comparison
The degrees of comparison are:
positive, comparitive, superlative
The ___ is descriptive.
The ___ implies a comparison a comparison among more than two persons or things.
The ___ implies a comparison among more than two persons or things.
In English, many positive adjectives can be changed into comparisons by adding ___ and changed into superlatives by adding ___.
-er; -est
Give an exampole of degrees of comparison in English using the adjective great.
great, greater, greatest
In English, other adjectives and adverbs are compared by means of the words ___.
more and most
The Latin comparitive is formed by adding ___ and ___ to the stem.
-ior; -ius
The Latin comparitive is declined like a regular ___ noun.
3rd declension
The superlative adjective is formed by adding ___ to the stem.
-issimus, -rimus, or -limus
The superlative adjective is declined like ___.
bonus -a -um