Lesson 3; Chapter 1: Maps (C) Flashcards
Contour map
A map that shows elevation above sea level and surface features of the land by means of contour lines (curved lines)
Homolosine map
An interrupted, equal-area composite map projection of the entire world with discontinuity in the ocean regions
Robinson projection
A compromise map projection that readily shows the whole globe as a flat map and accurately portrays the water to land ratio; distorts distance and direction (ex. Fastest way to Hawaii from California or china)
Mercator projection
A conformal map projection where meridians are equally spaced straight lines that extend beyond the poles and parallel lines are farther apart as their distance from the Equator increases; used as a navigation tool that allows navigators to get their “true bearings”; distorts size and shape
Azimuthal projection
An equidistance projection where all points on the map are proportionally correct distances from the center point
Landsat map
Spatial-resolution imagery that provides large areas of repeated data at a scale that enables users to see detailed human-scale processes
A map that uses distorted geometry to represent a thematic variable