Lesson 2 Flashcards
When was the Iroquois Confederacy created and where was it created?
- 16th century
- founded in what is now central New York State
How many tribes did the original confederacy consist of and who were they? When did the sixth tribe join and who were they?
- 5
- Mohawk, Onondage, Cayuga, Oneida, Seneca
- 1722
- Tuscora
What were the 5 tribes known as?
Five Nations, or the League of Five Nations
Between what two years did the confederacy become enacted, and who is said to have persuaded who to join and for what reasons?
Dekanawia, born a HUron, is said to have persuaded Hiawatha, an Onondaga, living among Mohawks, to abandon cannibalism and advance “peace, civil authority, righteousness, and the great law” as sanctions for the confederation
The Iroquois Confederacy posessed an “____” character that stood in stark contract to the hierarchical decision-making processes popular in Europe.
The Confederacy’s decision-making processes were goverened by a “_____,” the “_____” which possessed many of the attributes found in twentieth century constitutions.
- constitution
- Great Law
The great law identified the___of citizens, outlined the parameters of the___of___, formalized societal_____processes, and prescrived the conduct of ___ ____.
- rights
- powers
- leaders
- decision-making
- foreign
- affairs
What did provisions within the Great Law encourage?
public participation in societal decision making.
What were the provisions in the Great Law for? (3 things).
- referenda
- recalls of leaders
- pubicly-sponsored initatives
Women possessed____and___ enabling them to have a meaningful and critical role in the selection of____.
- influence
- rights
- leaders
What sex were member of the Grand Council? What sex had the power to nominate members?
- male
- nominated by women of their extended family
What did the Great Law insist that chiefs had to be?
tolerant and attentive to criticisms from members of their nation
True or false: Individuals, both male and female, could bring complaints against a chief to the Council
True. Everyone gets a say; very democratic society
True or False: The council could NOT remove the chief if it was deemed that he was not acting in the best interest of his people.
False. The Council could remove the chief if it was deemed that he was not acting in the best interest of his people, or not obeying the rules of the Great Law
True or False: Many of our rights and freedoms in Canada were influenced by the Great Law.
The ____of each member nations of the Confederacy was addressed in specific___of the Great Law.
- soverignity (own seperate government)
- provisions
Measures such as ___ of___ could only be____by the ___ ___ wth the approval of the ____of all ___ ___. In short, ___had to____
- declarations
- war
- enacted
- Grand
- Council
- representatives
- five
- nations
- everyone
- agree
What do the Iroquois call themselves? What does this mean?
- Haudenosaunee
- people of the longhouse
Where did the iroquois live?
They lived in and around the Great Laes & St. Lawrence Lowlands
Describe an Iroquois village? Size? Defense?
- large
- fortified
What kind of houses were in the Iroquois villages? What was their length? What where they built out of?
- communal longhouses
- 200’ in length
- built over a frameworl covered with elm bark
What kind of social structure did the Iroquois have? What did this mean?
- a matriarchal social structure
- this meant that the women owned allproperty and determined kinship. After marriage, a man moved into his wife’s longhouse, and their children became members of her clan
Iroquois people had away of life that involved livining in a permanent community. What was this known as?
Were Iroquois villages mobile or permanent?
When were the only times that Iroquois moved?
moved only for military purposes or when the soil became depleted (about every 15 to 20 years)
Where Iroquois settled or nomadic?
What provided most of the Iroquois diet? What did they call their food?
- agriculture
- corn, beans, and squash were known as “deahako” or “life supporters”
Who owned and tended the fields? Who supervvised?
- women
- clan mother
When did Iroquois men usually leave the village? When did they return? What did they do in the spring?
- in the fall for the annual hunt
- returned about midwinter
- in the spring they fished
What was the Iroquoian religion based on?
the worship of a great spirit
True or false: Were the Iroquois a true democracy?
What is the importance of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy?
- one of the earlies-known treaties bewtween First Nations
- formed when a solar eclipse occured
- before the fomation of the confederacy, the Haudenosaunee nations had a long history of warfare with one another.
Who was peace founded by?
-Skennenrahawi (aka Dekanawidah), the Peacemaker, who carried his message of peace from the Creator. He counselled the Haudenosaunee nations to stop using war as a method of resolving conflicts. He recommended instead a relationship founded on compromise and consensus.
How was the Great Law of Peace passed down?
orally from generation to generation.
When was the first time that the Great Law of Peace was written down?
it was written down for the first time in 1880
Why are the Mohawk referred to as “the elder brothers”?
The Mohawk are knows as the “elder brothers” because they were the first to accept the Great Law of Peace
Explain why the IRoquois Nation would be considered “the Romans of the New World”?
The Iroquois are sometimes referred to as “the Romans of the New World” because they imposed their will upon a cast expanse of territory, waged a series of apocalyptic wars against their neighbors, and fought the French to a standstill. They were feared in battle and ruthless in history.
What important role did women play in the Iroquoian society?
The Iroquois tra ed their descent to their mothers side. Women wielded real power. Women owned land, and men protected it. Clan Mothers chose the members of the Grand Council. If a leader failed to follow the dictates of the Grand Law, the Clan Mothers could remove him