lesson 2 Flashcards
where the highest occupational exposure
of diagnostic x ray personnel occur together
w/ mobile radiology
- Wr = radiation weighting factor
(different types of radiation) - Wt = tissue weighting factor (tissue
radiosensitivity )
Effective dose
- quantity of importance
- Expressed in mSv (mrem)
Radiation weighting factor Wr- 1 ( 3
types of radiation used in medicine)
- x-ray
- gamma ray
- alpha particle- highest LET; highest
weighting factor (20)
accounts for the relative radiosensitivity of various
Tissue weighting factor (Wt)
top 2 radiosensitive tissue
- gonads w/ 0.20
- active bone marrow - 0.12
top 2 least radiosensitive tissue
- bone surface - 0.01
- skin (least sensitive) - 0.01
radiation is known to produce (cyclotron physicist)
Individuals in the general population
dose limits
1mSv/yr (100mrem/yr)
leaner lined metal container into which the x
ray tube is fitted
- function: insulator (diala oil) against electric shock
Protective tube housing
non penetrating radiation
- alpha
- beta
- soft x-ray
- genz rays
indicates exposure and when the x ray tube
is energized with the use of mA and kVp
Control panel
restriction of the useful beam to reduce
patient dose and improve image contrast
reduction in radiation intensity results from
absorption and scattering
feature of radiographic collimators that
automatically adjusts the radiation to the
size of the image receptor.
Positive beam limitation (PBL)
all general purpose diagnostic x ray beams
must have: Total filtration of- at least
- the output radiation intensity should be
constant from one exposure to another for
any given technique - checked by: repeating radiation exposure
though the same technique and observe the
average variation in radiation - the variation in X-ray intensity should not
exceed 5%