Lesson 18: Location Marking Particles Flashcards
where/which place
어디 가고 싶어요?
Where do you want to go?
What’s the purpose of location marking particles?
They make your message very clear
at, to, in
How do you conjugate a noun using 에?
noun + -에
What are the different functions of 에?
It means “at”, “to”, and “in”. It also marks locations, times, situations, etc.
학교에 갔어요.
I went to school.
한국에 왔어요.
I came to Korea.
어디에 가고 싶어요?
Where do you want to go?
어디에 있어요?
Where are you?
지금 어디에 있어요?
Where are you now?
at, in, from
How do you conjugate a noun using 에서?
noun + -에서
What are the two main things that -에서 expresses?
A location where an action is taking place and the meaning of “from” a place
TO the office
FROM the office
What is the main thing that -에 expresses?
A location where something is or exists, or a direction that you are going toward
집에 있어요
I’m at home
집에 가요
I’m going home
사무실에 있어요
I’m at the office
집에서 일해요
I work at home
집에서 뭐 해요?
What are you doing at home?
사무실에서 일해요
I work at the office
was/to have been
슈크림 빵
cream puffs