Carbohydrates, which are the body’s preferred energy source, contain how many kilocalories per gram?
The Correct Answer is:
4 kcal/g
Made up of chains of sugar molecules, carbohydrates contain about 4 kcal/g. Proteins also contain 4 kcal/g, while fat contains 9 kcal/g and alcohol contains 7 kcal/g.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 160
Contributing to cell membrane function, making bile acids essential for fat absorption, metabolizing fat-soluble vitamins, and making vitamin D are all functions of which nutrient?
The Correct Answer is:
Cholesterol, a fat-like, waxy, rigid four-ring structure, plays an important role in cell membrane function. It also helps to make bile acids (which are important for fat absorption), metabolize fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), and make vitamin D and some hormones such as estrogen and testosterone.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 162
Which of the following MUST be consumed in the diet?
Vitamin K
Vitamin D
The Correct Answer is:
Vitamins must be consumed through food with only three exceptions: vitamin K and biotin can also be produced by normal intestinal flora (bacteria that live in the intestines and are critical for normal gastrointestinal function), and vitamin D can be self-produced with sun exposure.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 162-163
A client who just found out she is pregnant asks what foods to eat to increase her intake of folic acid. What would be the BEST response?
The Correct Answer is:
Green leafy vegetables, organ meats, dried peas, beans, and lentils
These foods are the best sources of folate, or folic acid. Citrus fruits, berries, and vegetables are good sources of vitamin C; green leafy vegetables, fruit, dairy, and grain products are good sources of vitamin K; and milk, liver, eggs, and peanuts are good sources of choline.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 164
Which of the following minerals has a recommended dietary allowance (RDA) that is more than twice as high for women than it is for men?
The Correct Answer is:
The RDA for iron for women is 18 mg, while it is only 8 mg for men. Iron plays an essential role in hemoglobin formation, improves blood quality, and increases resistance to stress and disease. ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 165-166
A client must achieve a 1,000-calorie deficit per day in order to lose 1 pound per week.
The Correct Answer is:
3,500 calories = 1 lb. Therefore, a 1,000 calorie per day deficit will lead to a loss of 2 pounds per week. The Dietary Guidelines recommend that those trying to lose weight aim for a 500-calorie deficit per day, achieved through decreased caloric intake and/or increased physical activity. Over the course of a week, the 3,500 calorie deficit should lead to a loss of 1 pound. For optimal long-term success and overall health, gradual weight loss of no more than 1 to 2 pounds per week is best.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 174
Which of the following is NOT among the 10 insights gleaned from the experiences of the National Weight Control Registry?
Eat breakfast
Be mindful
Be optimistic
Avoid the scale
The Correct Answer is:
Avoid the scale
While it is not advisable to become obsessive about weight to the nearest 0.01 pounds, people who maintain their weight loss keep tabs on the scale, weighing themselves at least once per week.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 175-176
In most cases, athletic performance will improve when the individual is on a low-fat diet where fat intake is below 15% of total calories.
The Correct Answer is:
The American Dietetic Association recommends that athletes consume a comparable proportion of food from fat as the general population-that is, 20 to 25% of total calories. There is no evidence of a performance benefit from a very low-fat diet (<15% of total calories) or from a high-fat diet (>30% of total calories).
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 181-182
A client with which of the following conditions should receive comprehensive nutrition counseling before beginning an exercise program?
The Correct Answer is:
It is especially important for people with diabetes to balance nutrition intake with exercise and insulin or other medications in order to maintain a regular blood sugar level throughout the day. All individuals with diabetes who have not already had a comprehensive nutrition consultation prior to beginning an exercise program should be referred to a registered dietitian for an evaluation and nutrition education.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 186-188
A client who is also a high school soccer player is interested in using the glycemic index to guide him as he “refuels” after practices and matches. Which of the following would be the BEST snack choice?
Rye Bread
Dried fruit
The Correct Answer is:
Dried fruit
High-GI carbohydrates, including dried fruit, are best for refueling. Rye bread is a medium-GI carbohydrates, while oatmeal and strawberries are low-GI carbohydrates.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, p. 178
How many calories come from carbohydrates in one serving?
Serving size (228g) Servings per container == 2
Amount per serving calories 250 calories from fat 110 Daliy values total fat 12g saturated fat 3g trans fat 3g cholesterol 30mg sodium 470mg
Total Carbohydrate 31g
dietary fiber 0g
sugars 5g
protein 5g
The Correct Answer is:
To calculate the number of calories coming from carbohydrates in one serving of a food, multiply the number of grams of carbohydrate per serving by 4 calories per gram. In this case, one serving contains 31 grams of carbohydrate; therefore, one serving contains 124 calories of carbohydrates.
What percentage of total calories comes from 1 serving of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in this product?
Serving size (228g) Servings per container == 2
Amount per serving calories 250 calories from fat 110 Daliy values total fat 12g saturated fat 3g trans fat 3g cholesterol 30mg sodium 470mg
Total Carbohydrate 31g
dietary fiber 0g
sugars 5g
protein 5g
The Correct Answer is:
Carbohydrate = 50%, Protein = 8%, Fat = 43%
To calculate the percentage of calories from carbohydrate, protein, and fat in 1 serving of a product, divide the number of calories from each macronutrient by the total number of calories in 1 serving.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 173
To help your client, Emily, reach her weight-loss goals and control the amount she eats, you should suggest that she set a timer and only eat when the timer goes off.
The Correct Answer is:
Rather than eat according to a predetermined schedule, data from the National Weight Control Registry suggest that clients should be encouraged to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 175
To help your client, Emily, reach her weight-loss goals, you should encourage her to start an exercise program that includes cardiovascular exercise and strength training.
The Correct Answer is:
More than 94% of participants in the National Weight Control Registry increased physical activity in their effort to lose weight. While walking and other cardiovascular exercise is important for burning calories, fitness professionals should also urge clients to follow a resistance-training program to preserve lean tissue and maintain metabolic rate.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 175
To help your client, Emily, reach her weight-loss goals, you should provide her with food choices she can eat for six days out of the week, and help her determine what day will be her “cheat” day.
The Correct Answer is:
People who do not consistently give themselves “cheat” days are 150% more likely to maintain their weight loss. Encourage clients to adopt a healthy lifestyle that they can stick with so they do not often feel compelling urges to unwittingly sabotage their weight-management success.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 175
To help your client, Emily, reach her weight-loss goals you should suggest that she buy a scale and monitor her weight at the end of the day and after each workout.
The Correct Answer is:
Weight loss following a workout is due to water loss (not fat loss). People who maintain their weight loss keep tabs on the scale by weighing themselves at least once per week. It is not advisable, however, to become obsessive about weight by weighing in frequently and expecting immediate results.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 175
To help your client, Emily, reach her weight-loss goals you should advise her to refrain from eating while sitting at her computer.
The Correct Answer is:
Much like watching television while eating, eating while sitting at a computer will often lead to mindlessly consuming snacks and dramatically increasing caloric intake. Clients should be encouraged to avoid distractions while eating and to instead be mindful by savoring the food being consumed.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 175
A client just found out that she is hypertensive. Her doctor recommends that she change her eating habits. The fitness professional should suggest that in addition to reducing calories she should increase her red meat, poultry, and fish intake, as well as her vegetable intake to four or more servings per day.
The Correct Answer is:
Multiple studies have shown that the DASH eating plan combined with decreased salt intake can substantially reduce blood pressure levels. The DASH plan is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and total fat. The staples are fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. Fish, poultry nuts, and other unsaturated fats as well as whole grains are encouraged. However, red meat, sweets, and sugar–containing beverages should be extremely limited.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 186
A client has a weight-loss goal of 40 pounds (18 kg). He is having a difficult time committing to his new eating and exercise habits and is frustrated that he has not seen a reduction in weight. He is interested in learning more about gastric-bypass surgery, so the fitness professional should refer him to physician for a consultation.
The Correct Answer is:
Weight-loss surgery is not recommended for the overweight or mildly obese person who is trying to lose 20 or 30 pounds. Although this client might qualify based on the amount of weight he wants to lose, only those who are committed to permanent lifestyle changes—including regular physical activity and a healthy diet—are considered good candidates for surgery.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 185
A new client is concerned that her family history of heart disease, combined with her poor diet, is increasing her risk of having a heart attack. The fitness professional should recommend that she get her cholesterol levels tested prior to designing an exercise program for her.
The Correct Answer is:
Fitness professionals can play an important role in helping people minimize their cardiovascular risk by educating them about risk factors (including family history and poor dietary choices) and encouraging them to talk with their physicians about their own personal risk. It is important to emphasize the importance of keeping close tabs on risk factors, both for older adults who may have already developed one or more risk factors and for younger individuals who appear to be perfectly healthy.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 183
At the end of a cycling class, you hand out an article titled “Vitamins and their effects on the body during exercise.” This is outside of the scope of practice of an ACE Certified Fitness Professional.
The Correct Answer is:
It is within an ACE Certified Fitness Professional’s scope of practice to use well-established guidelines to help individuals adopt healthful and appropriate nutrition habits. While it is outside the defined scope of practice to recommend, prescribe, sell, or supply nutritional supplements to clients, it is acceptable to provide “general nonmedical nutrition information” such as education about nutrients.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 192
You lead a workshop for gym members in which they discuss nutrients found in common household foods. This is within the scope of practice of an ACE Certified Fitness Professional.
The Correct Answer is:
While it is outside the defined scope of practice to recommend, prescribe, sell, or supply nutritional supplements to clients, it is acceptable to provide “general nonmedical nutrition information” such as education about nutrients in particular foods or substances.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 192
In addition to a cardiovascular program, you develop an eating plan for a client that outlines every meal. This is within the scope of practice for an ACE Certified Fitness Professional.
The Correct Answer is:
Fitness professionals should not calculate, outline, counsel, or prescribe individual nutrition or weight-management plans. Rather, a registered dietitian is best trained to provide specific and individualized eating plans.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 192
It is within the scope of practice for an ACE Certified Fitness Professional to ask a client to keep a food journal and evaluate the content.
The Correct Answer is:
ACE Certified Fitness Professionals can use well-established guidelines to help individuals adopt healthful and appropriate nutrition habits. According to data from the National Weight Control Registry, one of the strongest predictors of successful and maintained lifestyle change is monitoring dietary intake through the use of a food log.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 175, 192
According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, __________.
25 to 30% of daily caloric intake should be from saturated fat
Americans should eat more dark-green, red, and orange vegetables
Americans should try several diets to determine which one will help them lose weight fastest
All Americans looking to prevent disease should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate-intensity activities most days of the week
The Correct Answer is:
Americans should eat more dark-green, red, and orange vegetables
The Dietary Guidelines urge Americans to eat more fruits and vegetables, especially dark-green and red and orange vegetables.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 168
What is the term for adequate intake in 50% of an age- and gender-specific group?
The Correct Answer is:
Estimated Average Requirement
The term for adequate intake in 50% of an age- and gender-specific group is Estimated Average Requirement, or EAR.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 170
Bob has been training with you for three months. He has lost 15 pounds (7 kg) and has changed his eating habits. A new position with his company is going to require him to travel around the country almost every week. In terms to eating healthy in restaurants, what information would be most beneficial to him?
Skip breakfast to balance caloric intake throughout the day.
Order several appetizers to avoid high-calorie meals.
Select smaller portions, order grilled items vs. fried, and limit sauces.
Eat only soups and salads for meals, as they are always lower in calories.
The Correct Answer is:
Select smaller portions, order grilled items vs. fried, and limit sauces.
Healthy eating, whether at home or in restaurants, requires a similar approach—choosing smaller portions, reducing intake of saturated fats (by choosing grilled instead of fried foods), and limiting the use of high-fat sauces. Choosing lean proteins and whole grains, loading up on vegetables, and limiting alcohol consumption are also recommended.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 168
According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, how much sodium should be consumed on a daily basis for healthy adults?
The Correct Answer is:
Less than 2,300 mg
The Dietary Guidelines advise Americans to reduce sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg/day for the general population.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 168