In order for an impulse to move from one neuron to another, myelin must be released.
The Correct Answer is:
In order for an impulse to move from one neuron to another, the first neuron must release a chemical transmitter substance that attaches to receptors located on the membrane of the second neuron. Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates the axon and keeps the electrical current from outside the nerve.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 23-24
Dendrites conduct electrical impulses toward the cell body.
The Correct Answer is:
The neuron is composed of a cell body and one or more fibrous extensions called axons and dendrites. Dendrites conduct electrical impulses toward the cell body, while axons transmit electrical signals away from the cell body.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 23
Neurons can transmit impulses because they are connected.
The Correct Answer is:
For an electrical impulse to travel through the nervous system, it must be passed from one neuron to the next. Neurons remain separated from each other by a small space called a synapse.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 23
Neurotransmitters are released to carry impulses from one neuron to another.
The Correct Answer is:
To carry an impulse across the synapse from one neuron to the other, the first neuron must release a chemical transmitter substance that attaches to receptors located on the membrane of the second neuron.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 23-24
There is only one axon in a neuron, but there can be hundreds of dendrites.
The Correct Answer is:
Neurons may have hundreds of the branching dendrites, depending on the neuron type, but each neuron has only one axon.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 23
Stabilization of the deltoid muscles helps prevent subluxation of the humeral head from the glenoid fossa.
The Correct Answer is:
The rotator-cuff muscles surround the head of the humerus, with the primary stabilizing function of holding the humeral head in the glenoid fossa. The lack of bone supporting the shoulder joint requires that these muscles and their associated tendons work as stabilizers to prevent subluxation or dislocation of the humeral head from the glenoid fossa.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 35-36
The posterior fibers of the deltoid extend and laterally rotate the humerus.
The Correct Answer is:
Whereas the anterior fibers flex and internally rotate the humerus, the posterior fibers extend and laterally rotate the humerus.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 36-37
The muscles of the rotator cuff originate on the posterior portion of the scapula.
The Correct Answer is:
The four muscles of the rotator cuff (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor) derive their names from the portion of the scapula from which they originate. The subscapularis originates on the anterior portion of the scapula.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 35-36
When the rhomboids stabilize the scapula, the teres major can internally rotate the humerus.
The Correct Answer is:
The teres major arises from the lower medial portion of the scapula and primarily acts to internally rotate the humerus.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 37
The hamstring muscle group assists with knee extension.
The Correct Answer is:
The quadriceps femoris is the prime mover for knee extension when acting concentrically. The hamstrings are the primary knee flexors.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 122-123
The sartorius functions at both the hip and knee joints.
The Correct Answer is:
The sartorius is the longest muscle in the body, originating from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and inserting onto the medial tibia, just below the knee. This multijoint muscle flexes, abducts, and externally rotates the hip while flexing and internally rotating the knee.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 118
Flexion and external rotation at the knee are performed by the biceps femoris.
The Correct Answer is:
The hamstrings are referred to as a biarticular group of muscles, producing knee flexion as well as hip extension when acting concentrically. Additionally, the lateral hamstring, the biceps femoris, is an external rotator of the knee.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 123
The four quadriceps muscles each have their own insertion point.
The Correct Answer is:
Although they originate from different areas, all four quadriceps muscles converge and share one tendon of insertion, the patellar tendon.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 47
Golgi tendon organs are sensory receptors located in the _______________.
The Correct Answer is:
between the muscle belly and its tendon
The Golgi tendon organ is connected to approximately 15 to 20 muscle fibers and is located between the muscle belly and its tendon.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 24
Golgi tendon organs respond to muscle tension by causing the muscle to _______________.
The Correct Answer is:
One of the Golgi tendon organ’s functions when it senses muscle contraction is to cause inhibition of the contraction (or relaxation). It has been theorized that this function adjusts muscle output in response to fatigue.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 24-25
Golgi tendons cause _______________ when the muscle contraction ceases.
The Correct Answer is:
Autogentic inhibition
When muscle tension is reduced due to fatigue, the Golgi tendon organ output is also reduced. The autogenic inhibition reflex is a sudden relaxation of muscle upon development of high tension. It is a self-induced, inhibitory, negative feedback lengthening reaction that protects against muscle tear. Golgi tendon organs are receptors for the reflex.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 24-25
During _______________ stretching, the activation of the Golgi tendon organs (GTOs) cause the muscle spindles to relax and, therefore, an increase in the stretch.
The Correct Answer is:
Static stretching evokes a temporary increase in muscle tension due to muscle lengthening. After seven to 10 seconds of a low-force stretch, the increase in muscle tension activates a GTO response. Under GTO activation, muscle spindle activity within the stretched muscle is temporarily inhibited, allowing further muscle stretching.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 25
Muscle spindles are located _______________.
The Correct Answer is:
Parallel to the muscle fibers
Muscle spindles are located mostly in the muscle belly and lie parallel to the muscle fibers.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 24
Muscle spindles respond to muscle fibers being overstretched by causing a _______________, known as the _______________.
The Correct Answer is:
Muscular contraction; stretch reflex
The muscle spindle stretches when the muscle itself experiences a stretch force, thereby exciting the muscle spindle and causing a reflexive contraction in the muscle, known as the stretch reflex.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 24
When the muscle spindle’s reflex contraction occurs, it causes the antagonist muscle group to relax. This is known as _______________.
The Correct Answer is:
Reciprocal inhibition
The muscle spindle’s reflex contraction of its associated muscle simultaneously causes the antagonist muscle group to relax. This is called reciprocal inhibition. For example, if the gastrocnemius is stretched rapidly, the muscle spindles within the muscle belly cause it to contract. At the same time, if the anterior tibialis (opposing muscle group) is contracting, the muscle spindle reflex causes it to relax.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 24-25
Type I muscle fibers are considered slow-twitch.
The Correct Answer is:
Slow-twitch fibers are also called type I muscle fibers.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type I muscle fibers have a small amount of mitochondria as compared to type II muscle fibers.
The Correct Answer is:
Type I muscle fibers contain relatively large amounts of mitochondria and are surrounded by more capillaries than fast-twitch fibers.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type I muscle fibers are fatigue-resistant.
The Correct Answer is:
The high concentration of myoglobin, the large number of capillaries, and the high mitochondrial content make type I fibers resistant to fatigue and capable of sustaining aerobic metabolism.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type I muscle fibers are used during anaerobic metabolism.
The Correct Answer is:
Type I muscle fibers are more resistant to fatigue and capable of sustaining aerobic metabolism, while type IIx muscle fibers possess a high number of glycolytic enzymes, which provide them with a considerable anaerobic capacity.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Endurance athletes, such as those who participate in cross-country running, generally possess a large percentage of type I muscle fibers.
The Correct Answer is:
Fiber composition of skeletal muscles is thought to play an important role in sport and exercise performance. It is commonly believed that successful endurance athletes generally possess a large percentage of type I, or slow-twitch, muscle fibers, while power athletes possess a relatively large percentages of type II, or fast-twitch, muscle fibers.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 28
Type IIx muscle fibers are considered fast-twitch.
The Correct Answer is:
There are two subtypes of fast-twitch fibers: type IIx and IIa.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type IIx muscle fibers are known as fast-glycolytic fibers.
The Correct Answer is:
Type IIx muscle fibers are sometimes called fast-glycolytic fibers.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type IIx muscle fibers have a small amount of mitochondria.
The Correct Answer is:
Type IIx muscle fibers contain a relatively small amount of mitochondria, while type I muscle fibers contain relatively large amounts of mitochondria.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type IIx muscle fibers are less resistant to fatigue than type I fibers.
The Correct Answer is:
Type IIx muscle fibers fatigue more easily than type I muscle fibers. In fact, these fibers cannot sustain their effort for more than a few seconds.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type IIx muscle fibers are the largest and fastest muscle fibers in the body.
The Correct Answer is:
Type IIx fibers are the largest and fastest, and are capable of producing the most force of all the skeletal muscle fibers, but are notably less efficient than type I muscle fibers.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type IIx muscle fibers have limited capacity for aerobic metabolism.
The Correct Answer is:
Type IIx muscle fibers have a limited capacity for aerobic metabolism and fatigue more easily than type I muscle fibers. In fact, these fibers cannot sustain their effort for more than a few seconds.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type IIa muscle fibers are fast-twitch fibers.
The Correct Answer is:
Type IIa are a second subtype of fast-twitch muscle fibers.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type IIa muscle fibers can be trained to become more oxidative or glycolytic.
The Correct Answer is:
With endurance training, type IIa muscle fibers can increase their oxidative capacity to levels similar to those observed in type I muscle fibers.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27
Type IIa muscle fibers can only sustain activity for less than 30 seconds.
The Correct Answer is:
Type IIa muscle fibers possess speed, fatigue resistance, and force-production capabilities somewhere between type I and type IIx muscle fibers. They can sustain an effort for longer than type IIx fibers—up to three minutes in highly trained athletes.
ACE Essentials of Exercise Science, p. 27