Lesson 1 - Intro, Research Questions and Validity Flashcards
Brief introduction to qualitative research methods in psychology • How to write qualitative research questions • Validity in qualitative research in psychology
Why qualitative methods?
Provide complex and thick descriptions of people’s
* What people think, imagine, remember and do in the world
* Research about participants’ experiences
* Effective in identifying previously unexplored social
* Better understand complex phenomena and the
implications of quantitative data
Applications for qualitative methods?
- Health (psychotherapy, chronic desease management, doctor-patient communication)
- Business (storytelling and corporate identity)
- Gender studies (feminism, sexuality, LGBTQI/queer studies)
- Consumer behavior (decision-making)
- Cognitive ergomonics (development of new products, services and spaces)
- Political psychology (attitudes, ideologies, voting preferences)
- Migration studies (segregation, assimilation, xenophobia)
- Education (students’ well-being, bullying, discrimination)
- Etc.
Basic principles
- Respect for participants and informed consent
- Specific permission for audio or video recording
- Voluntary participation and no coercion
- Participant right to withdraw
- Full disclosure of funding sources and conflict of interest
- No harm to participants and no use of deception
- The presumption and preservation of anonymity
- Participant right to check and modify a transcript
- Confidentiality of personal matters
- Data protection
Why do we need qualitative research questions?
Qualitative research questions give shape and direction to research
* Define the purpose of the research
* Set boundaries to identify the gap in the literature
* Help us determine the appropriate methods
* Remind us what is the primary focus of the research (analytic +
* Determine if a study is approved, published or funded
* Poorly conceived qualitative research questions will likely create
How should qualitative research questions be conceptualized?
- Focus on a single phenomenon
- Precision gives boundaries (population + setting)
- Can be framed as question, aim, objective but not hypothesis
- Check whether they follow the FINER criteria:
➔ Feasible (answerable)
➔ Interesting (practical and broader interests)
➔ Novel (fill a gap in the literature)
➔ Ethical (a MUST in empirical research)
➔ Relevant (lead to real changes in society)
Word choice: what
explore and understand the topic
Word choice: how
underlying process
What words should one avoid in writing qualitative research questions?
Why ➔ implies causation
Avoid using verbs associated with causal relationship
➔ determine, cause and impact
What are good word choices in writing qualitative research questions?
Use verbs associated with an in-depth exploration of a topic
➔ discover, identify, explore, seek to understand and describe
Neutral and non-directional language
* Define the sample and setting (be precise)
Identify the relevant word choices in the following qual. res. question:
What are the barriers that may hinder people in Guatimbol (small village in
Colombia) from seeking help from mental health services?
What - explore and understand
Barriers + seeking help from mental health services - research topic
People - sample
Guatimbol - setting
Goal: Identify the barriers that may hinder people in Guatimbol (small village in
Colombia) from seeking help from mental health services.
What’s wrong with the following question?
What are the cultural, sociological, political and psychological factors
determining antisocial and violent behaviour in football fans?
–> Too ambious (focus on one factor only)
➔ Make the factor more specific (psychological = emotional)
➔ Avoid verbs suggesting causal relationships
➔ Better define participants
➔ Include information about setting
What could be sub-questions to this research question?
➔ How are cancer treatment decisions made at the NCI (National Cancer Institute)
Designated Cancer Centers?
➔ What is the role of oncologists in decision-making?
➔ How are cancer treatment decisions influenced by integrated clinical
Where do qualitative research sub-questions go in the paper?
Qualitative research questions need to be stated early in the paper
* Readers need enough background to understand and contextualize
* Must be linked to the larger study
* Restate qualitative research questions in methods and concluding
How do you check for validity in qualitative studies?
- Qualitative researchers employ
-member checking,
-thick description,
-peer reviews, and - external audits
What are validity strategies within the postpositvist/systematic paradigm?
- Triangulation (Provide corroborating evidence collected through
multiple methods) - Member checking (Taking data and interpretations back to the participants in the study)
- The audit trail (Turning to individuals external to the project who examine the narrative account and attest to its credibility)