Etnografi Flashcards
Hva innebærer “Formulating the research question” i etnografi?
- Ethnographic research often begins without a precise research question
- Questions are refined and developed throughout the observation process
- Flexibility is essential; avoid rigid adherence to a preformed research design
Formulating research question: In classic ethnographic work, researchers do not have a focused research question in mind. The researcher will start re-formulate or develop ideas during the course of the observation. The research question has to be addressed by the observation. The planning process is begun but not completed before the researcher enters the field. Important to avoid becoming so fixated on a previously prepared and detailed research design.
Howitt (2010):
usannsynlig å ha et fokusert forskningsspørsmål
reformulere og utvikle ideer gjennom prosessen
viktig å ikke bli fullstendig låst til tidligere design så man ikke går glipp av noe som viser seg å være mer viktig
Hva er de 10/11 elementene å vurdere i etnografi?
- Formulating the research question
- Assessing method suitability
- Defining observational focus
- Defining the researcher’s role
- Gaining entry to fieldwork
- Maintaining field access
- Using key informants
- Field notes and data logging
*(( Sampling strategy )) - Determining fieldwork end
- Exit strategy for disengagement
VIKTIG: ikke nummerert eller rekkefølge
Hva innebærer “assessing method suitability” i etnografi?
- Determine if ethnography is the most appropriate method for the research topic
- Address potential ethical concerns, especially with covert observation
- Prepare for adjustments to protect participants’ rights and safety
Is ethnography an appropriate method? Question whether a particular area of interest lends itself to ethnography. Think about ethical committees at this point. Ethical risk of covert observation. Rethink of approach will be necessary when we put informants are risk.
Howitt (2010):
Privat aktivitet (ex. sex) eller situasjoner med høy etisk risiko er ikke sannsynlig å kunne undersøke med etnografi, må undersøke alternative datainnsamlingsmetoder
Hav innebærer “defining observational focus” i etnografi?
“what is to be adressed in the observation”
* Outline the research question and specific situations to be observed
* Acknowledge that relevance may only become clear once observations begin, especially in unfamiliar settings
What is to be addressed in the observation: Define what is to be addressed in the observation process. Clear definition of the research question is important for the identification of the situation to be studied. Degree of selectivity in what is observed. One cannot be totally sure what be relevant in types of situations with which one has little or no familiarity.
Howitt (2010):
et klart forskningsspørsmål hjelper.
Hva innebærer “Define the reserchers role” i etnografi?
- Decide on a role that facilitates meaningful observation ➔ direct participation or peripheral observation
- Consider the researcher’s characteristics and the nature of the setting (e.g., public vs. structured environments)
Define the role of the researcher: Define a viable role which permits the researcher to participate in a setting or to be sufficiently at its periphery to enable the observation to take place. Things to consider: characteristics of the researcher and public field settings with lack of structure are probably the easier to participate in (e.g., music concerts).
Howitt (2010):
levedyktig rolle for observator som tillater deltagelse eller observasjon
forskjellig for alle situasjoner
vanskelig for voksen å være del av skoleklasse…
Hva innebærer “gaining entry to fieldwork” i etnografi?
- Entry requirements depend on the setting (e.g., formal permissions for organizations, navigating gatekeepers in informal groups)
- Obtain ethical committee approvals early, particularly for institutional research
Entry to the fieldwork: Formal organization requires formal request for entry to carry out research. Informal settings may be more flexible but there might still be gatekeepers who may facilitate the entry of the participant observer into the group. Permissions from research committees are also important to enter organizations. Research in hospitals requires ethical clearance.
Howitt (2010)
kan være komplisert og kreve indirekte innpass.
Hva innebærer “maintaining field access” i etnografi?
- Build and sustain relationships with participants beyond initial entry
- Use strong interpersonal skills to maintain trust and rapport
- Provide clear written information about confidentiality, data security, and anonymity
Maintain access to the field: Ethnography involves maintaining relations with the group studied and not just the entry process to the research location. Skills are needed in terms of interpersonal relations since those being studied may have concerns. Provide written information about issues such as data confidentiality, data security, anonymity of individuals, etc. Specifically tailored to the particular research situation.
Howitt 2010
overt: kan påvirke hvilken informasjon som kommer frem om lav tillit
- prøve å unngå situasjoner som skaper mistanke, f.eks. overvennlig mot “styret”
- løsning kan være å gi skriftlig info om anonymitet, datasikkerhet ogsånn
alt kommer an på situasjonen
men responsen til de som blir observert kan også være verdifull info om gruppen (er det pga. forsker eller gruppen)
må uansett dokumenteres!
Hva innebærer “using key informants” i etnografi?
- Identify key informants to facilitate access, provide insights, and offer social support
- Informants often have a deeper understanding of the research goals and stronger rapport with the researcher
- kan være mer eller mindre involvert
Use key informants: The key informant may play a more central role in most aspects of the group’s activities than others; may have an interest in the research which is greater than that of the others; may have special rapport with the researcher. Key informants can play a role in smoothing out the research process and may act as a source of social support at difficult times.
howitt 2010
key informant pga 1) sentral rolle i gruppeaktiviteter 2) større interesse i forskningen 3) spesiell relasjon med forsker eller andre ting.
- sosial støtte
- gjøre forskningen enklere
- fortelle om plan
Hva innebærer “taking notes and data logging” i etnografi?
- Keep detailed field notes to capture social dynamics and contextual observations
- Record observations promptly using tools like voice recordings, handwritten notes, or digital entries
- Plan observation sessions to allow sufficient time for thorough note-taking
Field notes and/or data logging information: Help the researcher familiarize with the social context of the research setting including the people and the interrelations between the two Good field notes will contain information to build up a picture of social relationships and better understanding of what happens in the group. Memory will affect the quality of the fieldnotes if there is too much delay. Helpful to make some notes immediately – voice recording, or handwritten or computer written notes. Plan the period of observation so there is enough time for note-making. How to sample for the study: Important to seek out situations and individuals who have the most to contribute to develop this understanding. The ethnographer would be looking for these individuals actively by obtaining information from informants.
howitt 2010
definerende karakteristikk av etnografi
mål: omfattende database av observasjoner
jo mer jo bedre
vanskelig å vite hvor mye detaljer som er nok
1 funksjon: familiarisere seg med sosial kontekst og relasjoner - bygge opp bilde av dette
-minne påvirker, bør gjøres så snart som mulig etter observasjon. ofte best skriftlig siden opptak kan kreve mer energi
-planlegg observasjontid så man får tid til notater
må ikke skyndes for mye
forskjellige nivåer gjennom studieperioden: 1)deskriptiv observasjon, innlednede, forstår ikke kompleksitet; 2) fokusert observasjonsom er smalere og fokus relevant for forskningsspm. 3) selektiv observasjon som skjer mot slutten, hvor man søker mer evidens for noe som kom frem i fokusert observasjon.
Finner adekvate notater basert på
1) variasjon i roller, gruppeaktiviteter, statuser; 2) jo mer involvering jo mer sjanse for å forstå betydningen og naturen av det som blir sagt og gjort; 3) jo mer observatør og observator forstår hverandre
Mer sannsynlig at undersøker har kunnskap på forhånd i psykologi.
Fleksibilitet = viktig og styrke
Hva innebærer “sampling strategy” i etnografi?
- Focus on individuals and situations that enhance understanding of the research topic
- Seek out participants offering valuable perspectives, often identified with help from informants
mål: forstå bedre
sjelden å vite kvantifisering
heller søke seg til de som kan bidra mest med å forstå bedre
Hva innebærer “determening field work end” i etnografi?
- Stop data collection when observations no longer yield new insights (data saturation)
- Repetition of familiar patterns in field notes often signals saturation
When to stop fieldwork: Additional data collection produces nothing additional relevant to the concepts, ideas and theories which are guiding the research. The researcher has established a pattern of strong relationships between her analytic categories. Additional data collection is doing nothing to encourage a reassessment of the characteristics of that analytic category. New entries in one’s field notes or recorded observations seem very familiar in terms of what was written in earlier field notes.
“teoretisk metning” heller enn ressurser
Hva innebærer “exit strategy for disengagement” i etnografi?
- Conclude fieldwork respectfully, whether due to completion or resource limitations
- Establish a clear plan for disengagement that respects bonds formed with participants
Exit strategy for disengagement: The research process may have come to an end possibly because the fieldwork is complete or because the research has run out of time or funds. There is little established protocol but a clear need for sensitive actions and clear decisions about the process of separation of the researcher from the research site.
Hva er etnografi?
- Work working in non-Western cultures of
anthropologists - Study of social interactions, behaviors, and
perceptions in groups, teams, organizations, and
“studiet av kulturer” - Provide rich, holistic insights into people’s views,
actions and environment - Collection of detailed observations and interviews
- Explore the nature of a particular social phenomenon,
rather than setting out to test hypotheses about it
Det er en underkategori av deltagende observasjon = observasjonelle teknikker hvor forskere involverer seg selv dypt i gruppe/samfunn, i metodene som kalles intensiv observasjon
kan være ulik grad av deltagende observasjon
hovedsakelig datainnsamling - ikke analysemetode.
kan analyseres på forskjellige måter men hovedsakelig grounded theory
Hva slags data har man i etnografi og hvordan analyserer man den?
A tendency to work primarily with “unstructured data”
* Data that have not been coded at the point of data
* Investigation of a small number of cases in detail
* Data that involves explicit interpretation of the meanings
and functions of human actions
* Analysis in the form of verbal descriptions and
Hva har perspektiv å si for etnografi?
- The perspective of members of the group or community
studied is important - Perspectives will vary as different group members will
differ in terms of their roles, their activities, etc. - An ethnographer cannot be expected to be equivalent to
any other member of that community - Ethnographers come closer to the experiences of regular
members of the community