Lesson 1 - 3 Flashcards
- Art is derived from the
latin term —-, which
mean skill,
talent or ability
- Art enables us to
- Philosophy comes from
Greek words philos or
phelein, which means
—– and Sophia,
which means —-
love and wisdom
how people see the
world using the methods
of logic and reasoning.
5.The study of
religion, art, —–
language and music.
The study of
religion, art, literature
language and music
- entails
analyzing an artwork’s form
for general audiences in
order to increase their
enjoyment of such works of
Art Appreciation
- are academic
disciplines that study
about the aspects of
human socieW and
provides avenues for better
communication using
the art of speaking and
- —- is a thing
that is accepted as true
or as certain to happen,
without proof.
- Philoscphy and —-
may enhance either logical
and sequential thinking of an
- —- is derived
from the latin word
humanus which mean
- — is the mother
of all inventions
Doing something
meaningful with your
imagination is called
- —– enhances the
art of meditation and
- Literature provides
avenues for better
communication using the art
of —– and writing.
- Doing something
meaningful with your
imagination is called
is derived from the Latin word humanus and Humanitas,
which means refined or cultured human.
Humanities is derived from the Latin word ——,
which means refined or cultured human.
humanus and Humanitas
Humanities is derived from the Latin word humanus and Humanitas,
which means
refined or cultured human.
It is an academic discipline that study about the aspects of human
society and culture.
Greek words philos or phelein,
which means love and Sophia, which
means wisdom.
is derived from the latin
word historia, which means to
scribble and record the events
in the past.
philos or phelein,
which means —– and Sophia, which
means —-.
love for wisdom
is derived from the latin
word historia, which means —-
scribble and record the events
in the past.
is derived from the Latin
religare or religio, which
means to bind.
is derived from the Latin
religare or religio, which
means to —-
Latin word littera or
literatura, which means letter
or knowledge of books.
Latin word littera or
literatura, which means
or knowledge of books.
Latin word lingua, which means
—–, language provides
avenues for better
communication using the art of
speaking and listening,
From the Greek word mousa,
which means muse and the
Latin word Musa which
denotes the goddess of music,
to present a song or poetry for
appreciation of beauty to the
etymology of Music
From the Greek word mousa,
which means
– a form of divergent thinking that
allows us to generate relationship, integrate concepts, elaborate
information, brainstorm issues with fluency, flexibility and
originality (Johnson, 2010)
Creativity is metacognitive skill
Assumption about arts:
*Art has been created by all people at all times., in all countries and it lives because its
well-liked and enjoyed.
* Art involves experience. In order to experience something, you have to make use of your
five senses.
* Art is not nature; nature is not art. Art is made by man and nature by God. However, nature
can be enhanced by man.
* Art is cultural. Art is a work of humans and anything that has been created by human is
part of culture.
* Art is a form of creation. Art is something that is created with imagination and skill and
that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings.
* Art is subjective. Henceforth, it cannot be measured by its significance or the level of skill
with which it is created.
Nature of Art
- Art is a diverse range of human activities. in creating visual, auditory or performing
artworks, expressing the author’s imaginative or technical skills intended to be appreciated
for their beauty or emotional power. - Art represents reality. It is through representation that people organize the world and
reality through the act of naming its elements. - Art is an expression. The expression contained in the form is an attempt to translate the
unnamed and the unknown. - Art serves as a means of communication of emotions. Art is an act of expressing feelings,
thoughts, and generate strong emotions. - Art matters. Art matters because it illustrates the human experiences.
- Art is universal.Literally, art can be found in every corner of the world.
- Art is creation. It is the combination of already existing material elements into new forms
which become the realization of a preconceived idea.
Function of Art
- The personal function
- TheSocial Function
- The Physical function
types of Visual Arts
- Fine arts.
- Contemporary Arts
- Decorative arts and crafts
- Other
- The term —- refers to an art
from practiced mainly for its
aesthetic value and its beauty
rather than its functional value.
fine arts
is rooted in drawing and
designed-based works such as
painting, printmaking, and
- Fine art
Also include a number of modern art
forms, such as: assemblage, collage,
mixed-media, conceptual art,
installation, happenings and
performance art, along with filmbased disciplines such as
photography, video art and
animation, or any combination
- Contemporary Arts
- In addition, the general category
of visual arts encompasses a
number of decorative art
disciplines and crafts, including
ceramics and studio pottery,
mosaic art, mobiles, tapestry,
glass art, and others.
- Decorative arts and crafts
The subject of Art
- Representational or Objective
- Non-representational or Non-objective.
objects or events in the real world, usually
looking easily recognizable.
* Example: Painting, sculpture, graphic arts,
literature and theater arts
- Representational or Objective. Represents
These are those arts without any
reference to anything outside itself
(without representation).
- Non-representational or Non-objective.
Sources of art subjects
- Nature – animals, people, landscapes. These three are the most common inspiration and
subject matter for art. - History- The dress, the houses, the manner of living, the thoughts of a period are
necessarily reflected in the work of the artist. - Greek and Roman mythology – These are the gods and goddesses.
- The Judaeo Christian Tradition – religion and art, the bible, the Apocrypha, the rituals of
the church. - Other works of art
– animals, people, landscapes. These three are the most common inspiration and
subject matter for art.
- Nature
The dress, the houses, the manner of living, the thoughts of a period are
necessarily reflected in the work of the artist.
- History-
These are the gods and goddesses.
- Greek and Roman mythology –
religion and art, the bible, the Apocrypha, the rituals of
the church.
- The Judaeo Christian Tradition –
Kinds of Subject
- Still Life
- Landscapes, Seascapes and Cityscapes.
- Animals
- Portraits
- Figures
- Everyday life
- History and legends
- Religion and Mythology
- Dreams and Fantasies
Greek words —–,
which means love and—–, which
means wisdom.
philos or phelein, Sophia
is derived from the latin
word —-, which means to
scribble and record the events
in the past.
Latin word —-, which means letter
or knowledge of books.
littera or
is derived from the Latin
—-, which
means to bind.
religare or religio
Latin word —-, which means
tongue, language provides
avenues for better
communication using the art of
speaking and listening,
From the Greek word —–,
which means muse and the
Latin word Musa which
denotes the goddess of music,
to present a song or poetry for
appreciation of beauty to the
etymology of Music
Latin word—- which
denotes the goddess of music,
to present a song or poetry for
appreciation of beauty to the
etymology of Music
, in all countries and it lives because its
well-liked and enjoyed.
Art has been created by all people at all times
. In order to experience something, you have to make use of your
five senses.
Art involves experience
Art is made by man and nature by God. However, nature
can be enhanced by man.
Art is not nature; nature is not art.
Art is a work of humans and anything that has been created by human is
part of culture.
Art is cultural.
Art is something that is created with imagination and skill and
that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings.
Art is a form of creation.
Henceforth, it cannot be measured by its significance or the level of skill
with which it is created.
Art is subjective.
in creating visual, auditory or performing
artworks, expressing the author’s imaginative or technical skills intended to be appreciated
for their beauty or emotional power.
Art is a diverse range of human activities
It is through representation that people organize the world and
reality through the act of naming its elements.
Art represents reality.
.The expression contained in the form is an attempt to translate the
unnamed and the unknown.
Art is an expression.
Art is an act of expressing feelings,
thoughts, and generate strong emotions.
Art serves as a means of communication of emotions.
Art matters because it illustrates the human experiences.
Art matters.
art can be found in every corner of the world.
Art is universal.Literally,
It is the combination of already existing material elements into new forms
which become the realization of a preconceived idea
Art is creation.
- An artist may create out of a need for self-expression, or gratification.
- He/she might have wanted to communicate a thought or point to the viewer.
- Perhaps the artist was trying to provide an aesthetic experience, both for self and
viewers. - It can help someone express themselves, explore their emotions, manage addictions,
and improve their self-esteem.
- The personal function
Arts perform a social function when:
A. Influences Social Behavior (Political
B. Display and Celebration.
It seeks or tends to influence
the collective behavior of a people.
Example: Bayanihan
Influences Social Behavior (Political
It is created
to be seen or used primarily in public
situation like fiestas, parade, etc.
B. Display and Celebration.
The physical functions of art are often the easiest to understand. Works of art that are
created to perform some service have physical functions.
- Form and Function.
- Architecture
- Community Planning
- Function and beauty