Lenin Flashcards
One of the groups who later planned 5 year plans under Stalin, when established?
Vershenka - Dec 1917
Bolshevik change on gaining power
Decree on land
Where did british troops land in the civil war?
Arch angel and Murmansk
What was the bolshevik newspaper called?
Management level within the communist party
What was the elite level within the communist party?
How many people did the 1921-3 famine effect and kill?
16 million and 5 million
How much did the U.S. give in foreign aid?
$20 million
How much did Ukrainian food production fall by?
What problems did the civil war cause?
Problems transporting food
What happened to the nobility on Nov 1917?
Titles abandoned, not allowed to work, only allowed to do menial tasks, houses requisitioned & turned into kommunalka
What did Lenin do during the Civil war?
Rations changed depending on work value, internal passports issued to stop workers leaving employment
What happened to education when Bolsheviks took over?
First commissar for education (Anatoly Lunacharsky) had complete control, took control of church schools in 1918
What happened to gymnasia schools?
They were replaced with polytechnics - schools focused on work based skills
What happened in 1921 to churches?
Seizure of church lands, monasteries and churches looted
What newspaper was released in 1923?
‘The Godless’ - Test bible stories using science
What happens with press?
Removes freedom of press
In may 1918, how did Lenin solve the problem of peasants hording food?
He sent detachment of soldiers and town workers ensure that grain got supplied
What was often forcibly taken from peasants?
Livestock carts & firewood
What happened to Kulaks and how did they react?
Had entire stock seized, so they hid their crops, grew less and murdered members of requisition squads, so the Cheka was used to make it work
What was nationalised?
Sugar, railways, banks, merchant fleet, power companies, oil and putilov iron works
What happened to living conditions?
Working hours were increased and ration cards were introduced
How many did Tyhus kill in 1920?
3 million
How did the 1921 harvest compare to the 1913 one?
It produced 48% of what the 1913 harvest did
How had population changed from 1917 to 1920 in Petrograd and Moscow?
57.5% lower and 44.5% lower
How had the Russian population changed from 1913 to 1921?
170.9m to 130.9m (1.8m - 2.25m in WW1 and 7-12 million in civil war, for civil war inc civilians and non combatants)
How was the Tambor province dealt with?
100k red army soldiers had to deal with peasants - poisoned gas was used and rations were reduced
What happened in the Baltic in March 1921?
Kronstadt rebellion - 30k sailors revolted, demanded end to one party communist rule, 15k prisoners taken and leaders shot
What did Sovnarkom do in Feb 1921 to tackle economic issues?
Set up Gosplan
When was NEP formally adopted?
August 1921
What happened under NEP?
Private ownership of smaller businesses, private trade now allowed, rationing ended, companies had to pay workers from their profits, food requisitioning finished - sell any surplus
What happened in 1923?
Scissors crisis - low ind productivity, high prices and vice versa for agriculture - so industrial prices capped and replaced peasants quota with money tax
When were productivity levels of 1913 reached?
What did the civil servants do, and in turn, what happened to the civil service?
Refused to work with new govt bankers, wouldn’t give money unless threatened, civil service purged
Why were the Bolsheviks forced into signing the treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
Germans wouldn’t stop until peace signed, in 2 weeks before treaty - germans took 63k prisoners, 2.3k artillery guns, 5k machine guns & had advanced to Kiev
What did Russia lose from the treaty?
1/3 of population (55m people), 90% coal production and lots of good agricultural land
What did the Brest-Litovsk treaty do in terms of nationalities?
Had to recognise RADA and flee troops from Ukraine
How was Russia’s navy effected by the treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
Black sea fleet disarmed, lost all bases in baltic states bar Kronstadt
What was grain production like in 1921?
It was 20% of pre war levels
How many people had Cholera and Dysentery killed in 1920?
3+ million
What did Lenin do to prevent peasants holding on to grain in the 1923 scissors crisis?
Introduced a money tax
When did the SRs walk out of Sovnarkom?
The treaty of Brest-Litovsk
What happened to the Mensheviks?
Julius Martov left country, 5k arrested for counter-revolutionary activities
What happened to the SRs?
Had a show trial for attempt to kill Lenin - 34 found guilty, 11 executed, party outlawed
What triggered the red terror?
Lockhart plot - Sir Robert Lockhart (Chief of British diplomatic mission to Moscow) and Fernand Grenard (French Consol General) organised to use the Latvian rifles to kill Lenin and Trotsky
What happened in the Lockhart Plot and as a result of it?
Lenin wounded and badly shot Aug 30th, next day the head of Petrograd Cheka assassinated- Cheka knew about plot, 5k SRs sent to death, Dora Kaplan (believed shooter) was killed
What happened to the Bourgeoisie in the 1918 Constitution?
They couldn’t vote
How many people were killed in the red terror?
500k (from 1918 to 1920)
How much food was from rations, and where did the rest come from?
1/3, the black market