Leisure and consumption Flashcards
what do postmodernists believe about identity
they are fluid, changing and based on choice
we are in a pick ‘n’ mix society
leisure and consumption are more important to shape our identity
what are meta narratives
big overriding stories such as gender, class, age and ethnicity no longer shape our identity
what are the 6 factors that affect our leisure activities
gender, age, class, ethnicity, occupation and family life cycle
how does age influence your leisure choices
finance - young people have more disposable income so can take part in wide range of leisure activities
Ageist view- what is seen as acceptable for certain age groups may restrict people from doing certain activities
physical capabilities
age related law- drinking, driving
how does class influence your leisure choices
money- most leisure activities cost and most are only avaliable to those who are well off e.g golf
a persons habitus affect their choice - MC opera VS WC mass culture such as watching football
how does ethnicity influence your leisure choices
cultural expectations- e.g working more to afford to visit family will limit time for leisure
leisure can be restricted due to racism
how does gender influence your leisure choice
gender role socialisation- results in different leisure interests. girls bedrrom culture VS boys going out culture. boys may feel restricted to ‘macho’ looking activities in fear of of judgement of doing those traditionally associated with femininity
duel burden- women do part time paid work and expressive role in the home so less time for leisure
when women do have time for leisure it may be associated with childcare
patriarchy- fear of harrassment
how does occupation influence your leisure choice
Parkers study shows how leisure can be impacted by the typeof job you do
how does family life cycle influence your leisure activities
young couples with homes and children have less time for leisure
Mid life: children leave home and mortage is paid off - less restrictions
Elderly: ill health, reduced income with retirement pay
what is the functionalist perspective on leisure
it perforrms a function for society to run smoothly
eases stress of life
teaches values such as team work in sport activities
promotes intergration and social solidarity - sports events bring people together
what is the marxist perspective on leisure
it is shaped by capitalism
the ruling class encourage leisure in order to keep people healthy and able to work - benefit capitalism
leisure maintains false class consciousness - distracts people from exploitation
private business profit from leisure- advertisment
what is the feminist perspective on leisure
shaped by patriarchy - fear of harrassment may prevent women from certain activities eg clubbing
gender role socialisation - different expectation of what women and men should do for leisure (women- cooking vs men- sports)
duel burden - women do part time jobss and childcare - less time for leisure
lack of affordabale childcare stops women accessing leisure
men may expect women to choose home based activities
what is the pluralist perspective on leisure
there are many different factors affecting our leisure not just work or class
what was the liverpool study for pluralist perspective on leisure
found that there was little connection between work and leisure
what is consumption
the purchase and use of goods or service
do we live in a consumer culture
how do we live in a consumer culture
more products avaliable
online shopping
media bombards people with ads
what is the postmondernist perspective on consumption
Lyotard - metanarratives of class, gender and ethnicity no longer significant in forming identity
Rojek - the products we choose to consume , the leisure we choose, the lifestyles we follow far more significant in forming identity
what is the ‘I shop therefore I am’ theory
Taylor - society is transformed into something the resembling an endless shopping mall where people now have much greater choice about how they look, what they consume and what they believe in
what is the idea of the self as a reflexive project - Giddins
we no longer passively inhert predetermined role infofrming us of who we are
we actively shape on, monotor and refelect on who we are
we treat our identities as projects something we actively construct and are ultimately responsible for
what is conspicuous consumption
buying goods to gain status
according to bauman who are the seduced
attracted to consumerism
activbely take part in consumerism
financially stable
encourage to consume more than you need
according to bauman who are the repressed
attracted to consumerism but…
low income and lack of knowledge of consumer trends
limited ability to shop
may not feel accepted by others due to inability to afford products
how can we link consumption to cultural capital
consumption patterns reflect and serve as a cultural capital
having certain goods and experiences that relate to the typical standard or higher can open more opportunities
what is meant by intersection between leisure and consumption
from people engaging in leisure activities, they often become active consumers- individuals consume cultural meaning in leisure activities
summerise the 8 influences on leisure and consumption patterns
Socioeconomic status - depending on your economic status can limit choice for leisure and consumption
Cultural and social context - certain cultural or social expectations might influence poeple leisure and consumption
Structural inequalities - gender, race and class disparities can impact opportunities and expereinces. some groups may face barriers
Media influence - leisure and consusmption can be limited by pressures and media influence e.g ads shape our desires
Peer and social group - desire for social acceptance may impact extend individuals feel free to express authentic identity
Legal constraints -legal regulation can restrict certain activities
Gobalisation and cultural homogenization - globalisation =consumptiopn patterns = shared cultural
Environmental consideration - increase in environmental awareness = influence choice
what is globalisation
increasing interconnectedness of world
how has tourism changed
it is no longer just about holidays but about cultural experiences
what is the tourist gaze
tourists way of viewing a place is influenced by the tourist industry
Baudrillard - a simulation is copy of a real world process - not authentic