Legal Responsibilities Flashcards
Which phase of the lawsuit involves attorneys for both sides gathering facts and information about the case?
Which branch of law deals with licensing and regulation?
The type of law that forms the basis for our current law and is defined as the system of laws originated and developed in England and based on court decisions, on the doctrines implicit in those decisions, and on customs and usages rather than on codified written laws is called:
Common law
Which of the following might be a penalty for a criminal violation?
(1) Incarceration
(2) Monetary fines
(3) Community service
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What type of law would preside when one party commits an act, either voluntarily or involuntarily, that harms another?
The time limit in which a plaintiff may file a lawsuit against another is termed:
Statute of limitations
Restraining a patient during a myelogram, without his consent, might result in a(n) ______ tort claim of ________.
intentional; false imprisonment
A violation of confidentiality could be a claim for which type of tort?
Minor violations of laws are classified as:
Touching a person without consent defines:
Which of the following are criteria used for the legal use of patient restraints?
(1) Restraints may be used without consent if needed to protect members of the health care team.
(2) Restraints must be frequently assessed.
(3) Restraints should be applied in the least intrusive manner as possible.
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All of the following must occur to claim negligence except for:
Intent to injure
Which term is defined as “a private or civil wrong or injury, and not a breach of contract, for which the court provides a remedy for damages.”
As a patient is being assisted from the wheelchair to the imaging table, the patient trips on the footrest of the wheelchair, falls, and suffers a laceration to her eyebrow when her head hits the table. Which of the following might result from this situation?
Which legal doctrines are often applied in conjunction with each other when a clinician is negligent while under the supervision of a physician?
Respondeat superior and doctrine of borrowed servant
Your patient codes during a fluoroscopy procedure. As the radiologist performs CPR, she instructs you to start an IV line and administer epinephrine before the code team arrives. The state in which you practice prohibits radiographers from administering any medications, with the exception of contrast media. The doctor sees your hesitation, and says, “Just do as I say! You’re okay while under the direct supervision of a physician!” Which legal doctrine contradicts the radiologist’s reassurances?
The doctrine of personal liability
Which of the following legal doctrines holds the hospital as well as its employees liable in patient lawsuits?
(1) Doctrine of personal liability
(2) Doctrine of corporate responsibility
(3) Respondeat superior
2 and 3
Which of the following means “the thing speaks for itself?”
Res ipsa loquitur
HIPAA stands for:
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
The ethical principle or legal right that requires radiographers to hold secret all information relating to a patient, unless the patient gives consent permitting disclosure, defines:
Related to sensitive patient information, which of the following can only be released by the health information department of the facility?
(1) Test results or visit notes related to sexually transmitted diseases
(2) HIV test results
(3) Substance abuse treatment records
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T/F: Communicable diseases may be reported without patient consent
T/F: HIPAA provides for criminal and civil penalties for improper use or disclosure of private medical information.
It is an extremely busy day in the imaging department. Lashonda complains that she hardly has time to log her procedures into the computer properly. Her friend, Anita, who is a transporter for the department, says, “Give me your password and I’ll do the computer work for you.” Lashonda writes her password down for Anita and puts it in Anita’s lab coat pocket saying, “You’re a life saver!” Which of the following statements describes this scenario best?
Anita and Lashonda should both know that sharing passwords violates confidentiality guidelines regarding computer information.
T/F: When obtaining informed consent, the procedure must be explained in the appropriate and precise medical terms so that the physician and other members of the health care team understand to what consent is being given.
One of the ways to reduce legal liability when obtaining informed consent for an imaging procedure is to:
Document informed consent on the appropriate form and have the patient’s signature witnessed by a third party
Which of the following is often used in emergency situations to treat life-threatening injuries?
Implied consent
Which of the following informs the patients of their rights and responsibilities regarding their health care?
Patient Care Partnership
Which of the following imaging procedures would require implied consent rather than informed consent?
Emergency angiogram on an unconscious patient with a badly wounded limb
Which of the following would be included on the chart of a patient who had an excretory urogram procedure?
(1) Time of contrast administration
(2) Venipuncture site
(3) Amount of contrast administered
1, 2 and 3
Which of the following is/are useful in identifying a high-risk area in a health care facility?
Incident reports
Which of the following will help prevent malpractice claims?
Being courteous and a good communicator