Legal Personnel - Barristers, Solicitors & Legal Executives Flashcards
What is the role of barristers?
- Specialist advocacy, represent their clients in court
- ‘Full rights of audience’ - can be a barrister in any court
- Expert opinions on points of law
Describe the training process to qualify as a barrister?
Law degree, Bar professional training course, Join an inn of court, Called to the bar (qualified barrister), Pupillage, Tenancy
Who represents barristers and what do they do?
General council of the bar
- Promotes fair access to justice for all
- Promotes high standards of ethnics, equality and diversity across the profession
Who regulates barristers and what do they do?
- Bar standards board
- Sets training and entry standards and code of conduct which barristers must comply with
- Can impose sanctions (fine up to £50,000)
What is the role of a solicitor?
- Negotiate on their clients behalf
- Drafting legal contracts, leases or other legal documents
- Advocacy
What is the training process to qualifty as a solicitor?
Qualifying law degree, Lpc (legal practice course) 2 year training contract
Who is the governing body of solicitors and what do they do?
- The law society
- Supports, promotes and represents all solicitors
- Ensures no one is above the law
Who deals with complaints about solicitors and what do they do?
- Solicitor regulatory authority
- Can fine or reprimand a solicitor
- Deals with complaints about professional misconduct
Who works in the solicitors firm as assistants?
Legal executives
- Qualified lawyers who passed the insitute of legal executives professional qualification
What is the role of legal executives?
- Draft wills
- Advise people with matrimonial problems
- Advise clients accused of serious or petty crimes
What are all legal executives part of?
Chartered insitiute of legal executives
- Organisation provides education, training and skills for legal executives
- Publishes code of conduct/guidence to good practice
Who investigates legal executives?
- CILEx regulation board
- Can order legal executives to pay up to £3000
- Investigations take place
What is the legal ombudsman?
- Deals with complaints from all 3 standards
- Complaints such as; delay, excessive costs
- Can order an apology, reduction in legal fees