Legal, moral & ethical responsibilities of patient care Flashcards
Define health literacy and patient education.
Health literacy - the individual’s cognitive and social skills that determine the ability to access, understand and use health information in a way that will promote their health.
Patient education - any set of planned educational activities/organised learning experiences that intend to improve (or enable change of) patient’s health behaviours and/or health status. This is to slow deterioration of a disease, or to maintain/improve health outcomes.
Articulate the rights of the patient to refuse interventions.
This is autonomy.
Give an example of a legal aspect/acts relating to care. (3)
Disability discrimination act 2005
Equality Act 2010
International development (gender inequality) Act 2014
What is stated in the Disability discrimination act 2005? (3)
It is unlawful to discriminate against a disabled person
It is unlawful to subject a disabled person to harassment
It is unlawful for a public authority to discriminate against a disabled person in carrying out its functions.
What do service providers have to do under the Equality Act 2010?
Make reasonable adjustments.
e.g. reduce the inequalities of outcome which result from socio-economic disadvantage
What do service providers have to do under the International development (gender inequality) Act 2014?
Duty to have regard to gender inequality
e. g. reducing inequality between persons of different gender
e. g. taking into account any gender-related differences in the needs of those affected by the disaster or emergency
What is the GMC?
What is its chief responsibility?
General medical council - official register of doctorswithin the United Kingdom.
‘To protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public’ by controlling entry to the register
What is the disciplinary responsibility of the GMC?
What about standards?
Suspending or removing members when necessary. Sets the standards for medical schools in the UK.
What other organisations are there for the legal responsibilities of care? (2)
Royal colleges
What did the Royal College of Physicians publish in 2016?
Keeping medicine brilliant 2016
Health and social care act 2012 - what themes are discussed in this? (9)
Financial control Quality and safety Primary care – patient access, expand GP workforce Seven day services Mental health & learning disabilities Public health funding cut Patient engagement Social care Leadership
How is healthcare regulated? (6)
Care Quality Commission Monitor Department of Health Healthwatch Health watch dogs Parliamentary ombudsman
What do the CQC do to regulate healthcare?
Carry out unannounced audits
What act are the moral aspects of patient care built on? What does this state?
Human Rights Act 1998
Treat with dignity and respect, not neglect or abuse patients
There is a direct link between erosion of human rights and…?
What is the strongest predictor of health status intrinsic quality of well-being?
How is literacy associated with health outcomes?
Lower levels of literacy associated with worse health outcomes
What is bioethics?
Applied ethics (medical ethics) The study of the moral, social and political problems that directly or indirectly affect human well-being.
What does normative ethics cover? (5)
Duties and obligations Rights Consequences Virtue Context and relationships i.e. the things you need to follow to provide excellent care for your patients.
What are the four principles of ethics?
What is meant by autonomy?
What does it underpin? (5)
Deliberated enabled self-rule – the right of a person to have an opinion, make choices, and take actions based on personal values. Respects the right of self-determination & non-interference.
Privacy Confidentiality Veracity Consent Capacity for deliberation
What is meant by non-maleficence?
Do no harm – practices & legislation relating to duty of care, negligence and malpractice are based on this. Requires us to justify actions that cause harm & failure to do so is considered negligent.
What is meant by beneficence?
Actions designed to positively benefit the well-being of others, imposes a moral obligation to provide clients with net benefit and minimal harm.
What is meant by justice?
Fair and equitable distribution of benefits, burdens and duties among and between members of society. Fair and equitable – fairness, comparative justice, distributive justice, & compensatory justice.
What are some of the ethical issues in medicine? (7)
Equity Access Care of self vs care for others Responsibility and privilege Autonomy and integrity Informed consent Risk management