Legal liability and sexual harassment Flashcards
What is Quid Pro Quo?
“This for that” Occurs when employment benefits are conditioned on submission to sexual demands or sexual favors.
What is a hostile work environment?
unwelcome, intimidating working environment, that alters and interferes with the employees ability to preform.
What type of discrimination is sexual harassment?
Is a form of gender discrimination.
What are the types of civil lawsuits that are results of sexual harassment?
Direct liability and vicarious liability?
What are the criminal bases
Ethnic intimidation
Sexual assault
Restraining order violations
What agency investigates claims of sexual harassment?
EEOC (equal employment opportunity commission)
What level of intent is needed for sexual harassment?
No level of intent
How can it occur?
Is it only one way? I.e., sub to sub or sub to sup?
It can be anyway around, it can go anyway
Workplace violence
Sometimes can be directed towards a specific group of people? Can be against a whole or one
Physical violence
Threatening disruptive behavior
Does sexual harassment have to occur while on the job?
No, can occur during off duty hours
Vicarious liability?
When your boss knows about it and does nothing about it.
What is retaliation theory?
Employee scared if they come forward that they will be retaliated against