Legal issues Flashcards
What is a constructive dismissal? How employer avoid a constructive dismissal accusation?
= employer/team makes a change without employees consent that significantly impacts their job, conditions and is made without advance notice (could have been change/treatment in attempt to force them to quit, could be accidental)
avoid: give advance notice, or give big ol pile o money
What is just cause? how are terminations handled when do vs dont have just cause?
= actual wrong doing on part of employee (thet, insubordination, defamation, breach of contract, violence, impaied on job, etc.)
with JC: immediate termination, no severance or warning required
without JC: need provide advance notice or severance pay (enough to tide them over until find new job)
What helps determine severance pay/advance notice length?
- age (older = need more time to find work)
- length of service (longer = worth more $)
- state of economy and labour narket
- emplyoees position
- promise of employment security
- employee was induced to move to take the job (unfamiliar city = much harder to find new job without connections)
What is the employment standards code?
= sets minimum requirement for notice of termination
- it doesnt replace common law rights, so employer should be giving more
What happened in the Wallace v Growers case? What was this type of claim named as later (after another case I think..)?
ruled that cases of terminations where employer acted on bad faith/in a harsh manner = the court extends the notice period/amount of severance (if harm is proven - fals allegations, lying, firing employee to avoid paying pension, benefits, etc.)
now known as a ‘Honda claim’
What can you do to avoid a conclusion that employer was acting in bad faith?
- fire them in private meeting, in person if possible
- earlier in the week + day so they have more time to job search
- bring severance package /offer
- offer out placement help (counselor, referral letter, connections)
- Dont make unsubstantiated allegations
- Confirm the dismissal in writing, as well as paycheque, etc.
- investigate employee’s personal circumstances
- HR should be there
What is a wrongful hiring?
= a careless statement was made in hiring process (resulting in a misrepresentation of the position/company)
- might convince employee to take position
- felt it was reliable but really it wasnt
- turns out to be not true
- causes employee to suffer a loss
ex: you’ll for sure have a job for the next 3 years with this big project
What happened in the King case?
interviewer said the project would last at least 3 years and there would likely be more after that, but instead final approval for the project had not been granted when he was hired, then the project was cancelled. King began experiencing health problems following that as well (he was just given a couple make up projects) and organization wants to get rid of him
What is the solution for a wrongful hiring?
remedy of rescision!
- employee may repudiate (refuse to fulfill) the contract
- Employee can claim damages so as to restore them to where they would be had they not entered into the contract.
ex: compensation for lost salary (both from less work than promised, and from while unemployed), bonuses, benefits, moving expenses, sale of home etc.
How to avoid wrongful hiring?
1) Due diligence: know Job Description, Pay Scales, Policy Manuals.
2) If aware changes are coming, inform candidate.
3) If don’t know an answer to their Q, check first.
4) Provide realistic job previews
5) Put things in writing
and/or can do a contract clause: “this agreement constitutes the entire agreement b/t parties and supersedes all previous offers, negotiations, representations, agreements, and communications between parties, either oral or written”
Does an employee have to give notice f quitting?
common law says 2 weeks, but employer often wont sue unless they take shit when they leave
what is a duty of mitigation?
= dismissed employee has a duty to take reasonable steps to find alternate employment. If not compensation will be reduced
What are the two typical options for severance offers?
1) lump sum (best if have job lined up already cuz then def get the money)
2) salary / benefit continuance (best if not sure of job market or need benefits continued)
What situations does human rights code apply?
1) advertising and applications for jobs (cant ask if someone is married, cant do any of that ‘strong men wanted’ bullcrap)
2) employmet, termination, other employmenr conditions (benefits, pay, schedule, promotions)
3) equal pay for similar work, irrespective of gender
4) trade union membership
What are the prohibited grounds according to alberta human rights legislation?
1) Race
2) Gender Orientation
3) Ancestry
4) Place of Origin
5) Marital Status
6) Family Status Identity & Expression
7) Physical Disability
8) Mental Disability
9) Source of Income
10) Religious Beliefs
11) Sexual
12) Colour
13) Age (18+)
14) Gender
What is a BFOR? What are the criteria?
= bona fide occupational requirement –> something actually necessary for the job and proven to be so
1) Rationally connected to job performance
2) Set in good faith
3) Necessary for the safe or efficient accomplishment of the job
4) No alternative is possible
What is a duty to accommodate? What are some example situations?
Employers have a duty to make changes to help accommodate employees with varying situations, to the point of undue hardship
- no wheelchair ramp
- requiring saturday shifts (could be religious day)
- no womens washroom
What are some considerations for determining undue hardship?
1) financial cost (tougher on small biz usually)
2) disruption of any collective agreement
3) employee morale
4) interchangeability of workers (limited # employees with same skills)
5) magnitude of safety risks
6) size and resources of employer
7) disruption of operations
What was the Meiorin case?
Mrs M was employed as firefighter for 3 years, then they decided that a BFOR was to do this physical fitness test. Would be used to evaluate which employees would be on front line, and test was developed through identifying the essential components of firefighting. Mrs M failed multiple times and it was found that disproportionate amount of men were included in the tests/evaluation stuff
Doesnt meet requirements of BFOR bc not exactly necessary, and theres likely another test that can accomodate sex differences
What happened in Rennie v Peaches&Cream salon case? How does it relate to undue hardship?
employee returned from mat leave, had been working only 1 evening per week before having the baby. salon wanted to have her back asap at this level or more, she said no and got fired.
undue hardship possibly because there was evidence of lost clients, she was the only one with certain skills, coworkers morale was bad because she wasn’t there to help = employee need be reasonable to help, could be considered undue hardship
What is Wiens v Inco case?
Inco banned all women of childbearing age from an area where possible leaks of checmicals could damage fetus. Wiens did training for the unit bit didnt get in beacuse of this policy. BFOR?
there are def potential alternatives that are safe - informed consent, or only not allow people who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant
What is Ensign v Clearview school division case?
School implemented age limit on bus drivers of 65 because some solid evidence that skills, reaction time, etc decline at that age. Ensign fought it on grounds of age discrimination, and there quite possibly oculd be alternatives (regular testing, other devices to help) but court ruled in favour of school