Lectures Flashcards
What is emotional contagion?
Tendency to converge emotionally w another person
What are the two types of social knowledge?
Declarative knowledge - knowing that
Procedural knowledge - knowing how
When do people remember something better?
People remember better when they form an impression rather than having to recall something, because impressions are linked to schemas
What are the determinants of activation?
Activation is the retrieval of an element of social knowledge from a long term memory
- Does the person have the schema?
- Applicability
- Accessibility
Chronic accessibility
Temporary accessibility - Spreading activation
What is the definition of spreading activation?
Activation spreads from one concept to other related concepts
What are some characteristics of automatic processing?
Difficult to control
Outside of awareness
What are some characteristics of controlled processing?
Explain the three characteristics of the theory of Lay Epistemics?
- Need for closure
- Want answer on topic
- Seizing + freezing -> first impressions + stereotypes - Desire for validity
- Motivation to be accurate
- More careful judgment – higher personal cost if wrong - Motivation for a specific conclusion
- Situational benefits from 1 belief vs another
- Cherished beliefs
- Various biased thinking
How was the rogue test conducted?
Chimpanzee in mirror – thought it was another ape then realized it was themselves Dot on forehead – know it was them? Counted nbr of times they touched face Can be repeated w young kids Used for testing awareness of self
What are the three types of self-awareness?
Subjective : self =/= environment
Objective: recognize the representation of self
Symbolic: abstract level
How is self-construal put in place?
= definition of self
Through internal and external observation, assimilation, differentiation, self-narrative of autobiographical memory and self-perception
When is an emotion a true emotion according to the 2-factor theory of emotion?
Physiological arousal X cognitive label = emotion
If one or other is missing – not true emotion – very disputed
What is an example of a study disputing the 2-factor theory of emotion?
Injection of hormone – effect or not?
Yes – increased euphoria
When known, hormone increased but not feeling
Arousal + Ø explanation => more emotion
What are three factors of self-processing?
Intersubjectivity - coordination + conflict
Symbolic interactionism - kiss, ring on finger
Self-presentation - attempt to control perception others have of us
What are 5 procedures of self-evaluation?
- Comparison w standards
- Contingencies of self-worth - ie academic validation
- Attribution
- Overgeneralization
- Social construction - what do others think of us
What is the sociometer theory?
Sociometer theory proposes that self-esteem is a psychological gauge of the degree to which people perceive that they are relationally valued and socially accepted by other people.
Which concept has the following definition?
degree to which a person is paying attention to their own thoughts, feelings, behaviours
What is an example of a study of self-evaluation?
Rating carpet samples, how do they make u feel?
Screen w image: own picture OR nothing OR cowboy video
Lowest evaluation when focus on urself
What elements constitute the chain of self-awareness and self-regulation?
Self focusing cue -> self awareness -> self evaluation -> discrepancies?
yes - negative effect -> escape self-awareness OR self-regulation
What are the three cultural frameworks/historical trends within our culture?
Romantic, modern, postmodern
which period was characterized by the assumption of a deep interior, character, integrity and passion?
The romantic period
How was the personhood during the romantic period?
o Relationships as a communion of souls
o One has a character/nature, w deep inner presence
o Treat each other as beings w deep inner presences
Who were notable psychologists in the 19th century?
Freud, Karl Jung – personality is not always necessarily accessible to consciousness – ppl find meaning coming from a deep place inside, in order to really understand urself you must spend years exploring the deeper aspects of yourself in therapy
What were the core ideas of the modern period?
Capacity for reasoned observation, the ability to reason define humans.
How was the art during the modern period?
o How do we understand what makes smt beautiful?
o Find the essence of beauty, create smt beautiful by focusing on simple ideas
o Architecture, building based almost on function in simplicity
How did people think of others during the modern period?
o Ppl in terms of reasoning – beliefs, attitudes, personality traits
o Relationships as reasoned choices – dating sites
Which psychologists were prominent during the modern period?
Skinner – behaviorism, try to understand why ppl do what they do to help them have a better life
Cognitive therapy – negative emotions based in how you’re thinking, think differently to change feelings
What are the core ideas of the postmodern period?
o Awareness of socially constructed reality
o Self-reflection
o Sampling bits and pieces from cultural reality
o Connection makes us more aware of how ppl think + are
o Barriers of time + space have been almost erased
What is a famous sentence that illustrates the perception of art during the postmodern phase?
“Ceci n’est pas une pipe”
What psychological aspects were explored during the postmodern time period?
Presentation of self in everyday life
The saturated self – sense of self is not fixed, u choose your identity and explore different aspects of it
Why are people influenced by their culture?
- Consider evaluations of others + of self
- Have always needed structure, nature of human + need to belong
- Self-regulation according to soc standards + norms
What are the core ideas of the existential approach?
Human being has certain cognitive abilities, mainly imagination and self-awareness.
The basic concerns are death and absurdity, concerns that we cope with in various ways
What are the two ways to deal with concerns according to the existential approach?
Direct way: beliefs in afterlife, drugs
Indirect way: immersing oneself into a socially constructed world
When is terror management used?
Terror management is used as a common, indirect way of coping with anxiety about death: to maintain a cultural worldview and defend the worldview from those who disagree.
What are the three general attachment styles?
Secure, avoidant and anxious-ambivalent
Self-fulfilling prophecy - definition and study?
False definition of a situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true
Students with rats: either said to be bright or dull
‘Bright’ rats performed better in labyrinths, but that’s because students were more enthusiastic and engaged
What is the definition of transference?
When a concept/schema found in someone is used in perception of a new person who resembles perso I just met
When our thinking is determined/shaped by our language, what concept is it?
Linguistic relativity