Lecture4 Flashcards
Electrical Synapses
throughout nervous system (retina, thalamus, hypothalamus), not as numerous as chemical, gap junctions, bidirectional flow of info, intracellular channels, very fast and efficient
Chemical Synapses
more numerous, unidirectional, facilitatory/excitatory synapses (move target closer to threshold-depolarizing), or inhibitory synapses (move threhold to target cell down-hyperpolarizing)
Types of Facilitatory Synapses
axodendritic, axosomatic, axoaxonal (most powerful)
Types of Inhibitory Synapses
axodendritic, axosomatic, axoaxonal (most powerful)
block or enhance certain channels in gap junctions
Nerve Terminal - Chemical Synapses
synaptic vescicles (package of neurotransmitters), mitochondria, lateral zone, active zone, synaptic cleft, receptors
Lateral Zone
AP reaching this area allows Ca++ in
Active Zone
where the neurotransmitter is released
Synaptic Cleft
space between cells, slows the transmission down
open channels and move closer to or further away from threshold based on ions
How could you disrupt the dopamine pathway?
lack of tyrosine, block tyrosine from converting to dopa, block dopamine from packaging into vescicles, block calcium from coming in, block ATP, block postsynaptic receptors, block enzymes
Structure of Postsynaptic Receptors
integral proteins-span the membrane, may be many proteins that make up one receptor, affinity for a neurotransmitter, conformational change after binding occurs allowing membrane potential change with ions entering or leaving
Function of Postsynaptic Receptors
voltage-gated, ion specific, cotransport systems
Post-Synaptic Na+ Channel
MI-MIV domains, 6 different proteins in each domain controlling the gate
Post-Synaptic Responses
muscular responses (end plate potential), excitatory CNS responses (EPSP), inhibitory CNS responses (IPSP), modulatory responses
Muscular Responses (EPP)
end plate potential, synapse between axon and muscle cell, acetylcholine as transmitter, non-specific ion receptor (any ion can enter)
Modulatory Responses
long-term potentiation, learning and memory, post tetanic potentiation
Acetylcholine (Ach)
nicotinic or muscarinic
Biogenic Amines
molecules that have very similar structure, same precursor and can be converted to others in same class, norepi (+), dopamine (+/-), serotonin (+/-), histamine (+/-)
Amino Acid
building blocks of proteins, can be excitatory/inhibitory (GABA - , Gly - , Glut + , Asp + )
y-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) (-)
potent inhibitory transmitter
Glutamate (Glut) (+)
potent excitatory transmitter, may have link to cells dying after stroke (“excited to death”)
Aspartate (Asp) (+)
resistant to breakdown and may build up inside neurons (don’t drink liquid aspartame aka soda_if still not convinced ask Mike about his “weekly cleaning” on Thursdays)
Neuroactive Peptides
about 150, cell signalers, many can act as hormones, have an general or specific effect on neurons
Hypothalamic Releasing Hormones
created in hypothalamus (diencephalon) and released into pituitary or general circulation (growth, male/female differentiation)
Neurohypophyseal Hormones
direct effects on brain
Substance P
transmitter for pain for first order sensory neurons
Rate-Limiting Step
Ca++ influx into cell
Modulation of Contractile Strength
how much neurotransmitter is sent out based on how much calcium, if more neurons fire–>more neurotransmitter–>more calcium–>more AP–>facilitated response (presynaptic facilitation)
Generator Potential
anything that causes change in the resting membrane potential (can be positive or negative), caused by external stimulus, can cause action potential
Muscle Tone
leakage of Ach causes low level, constant muscle contraction
Presynaptic Inhibition
inhibitory cell can fire and dump inhibiting neurotransmitters on the cell that is attempting to fire and cause contraction
Monosynaptic Reflex Arc
sensory receptor–>dorsal root ganglion cell–>alpha motor neuron–>muscle, basis for all spinal level reflexes and selected cranial level reflexes, resultant motor activity is involuntary
Interneuron Gating
basis for modulation of our muscle tone, inhibitory interneurons in the motor reflex arc are there to inhibit the motor neuron cell, prevent muscle from over activating, from higher and lower levels
Reciprocal Inhibtion
spinal cord “gating” mechanism to prevent co-contraction of agonist/antagonist pairs during volitional or reflex activity
Feed-Forward Inhibition
at cortical and spinal cord level, sends signal to muscle and also sends forward inihibitory to antagonist (PNF)
Feed-Back Inhibition
collateral branches feedback to inhibitory cells, helps with modulation
Divergent Neuronal Circuit
spread info from one cell to large number of cells, sensory systems (benefit is that if some cells get damaged, will still maintain some feeling)
Convergent Neuronal Circuit
many cells converging onto one cell, motor systems (benefit is if some cells are damaged, will still have movement but won’t be normal)